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BYOD program guide for Port Salerno Elementary School students & parents. Learn benefits, responsibilities, & device usage rules, promoting a tech-integrated learning environment.
What is BYOD? • BYOD is an acronym for Bring Your Own Device. • For the purpose of this program, the word “device” will include: Wi-Fi enabled devices including but not limited to iPads, laptops, e-readers and Android tablets that are seven inches or larger.
Why BYOD? • Our students are digital natives and live in a world where information creation and consumption is constantly occurring. • We feel that access to the tools and resources of a world-wide network and understanding when and how these tools are appropriately and effectively used are imperative in each student’s education. • We envision a learning environment where technology is a part of us, not apart from us.
How will devices beused in the classroom? • Projects • Research • Response device for assessments • Collaboration • Presentations • Other instructional and school related purposes
Which mobile devices are allowed? • Internet enabled devices that can connect to the district’s wireless network •These devices may include: – iPad – laptops – netbook – e-Readers
How will my student access the internet? • Students will access the internet through the SBMC BYOD wireless network. • This network has the same filters that have always been in place for students accessing the internet on the district computers and devices. • Any and all access may be monitored for the purposes of network security and student safety.
Misuse of Technology If reasonable belief exists that a student has violated the terms of the district policy, the student's device may be inspected. Disciplinary action involving misuse of technology may extend to loss of technology privileges or further action as determined by the principal or the SBMC.
What are the responsibilities of a student? • Devices may only be used in certain approved areas of the school and at times designated by the teacher. Students may not use devices in parts of the school designated as no technology zones (playgrounds, bathrooms, cafeteria) or any other areas where devices are not permitted. • Use of the SBMC BYOD network is for instructional and school related purposes only. Students may not use any device or service for non-educational purposes during school hours,.
• The student is responsible for the condition of any personal device used for BYOD including updates, antivirus software and any repairs. • Personal devices should be brought to school fully charged and should be capable of lasting a full school day without recharging. • The student is fully responsible, at all times, for personal devices brought to school. SBMC is not liable for any loss, damage, or theft of personally owned devices.
• No device, personal or otherwise, may be used to record, store, or transmit any type of image, sound or video, except for approved projects and with the express permission of the teacher. • Teachers are working on protocols and procedures for effectively using the devices in the classrooms. This is a work in progress and we will be learning together.
Additionally, all devices: •Must be in silent mode while on school campuses and while riding school buses. •Students are not allowed to use any device to photograph or record (either in audio or video format) another person on school property at any time without that person’s permission. •Devices may not be used for any purpose that promotes academic dishonesty or creates a “substantial disruption to the educational process”.
What are myresponsibilities as a parent? • Carefully read and review the Responsible Use Guidelines/Agreement and indicate your agreement. • Be sure your child’s device is in proper working order and is fully charged daily. • Monitor your child’s usage of their devices.
•The school's network web filter will be applied to a device’s connection to the internet and any attempt to bypass the network filters is prohibited. •Students are prohibited from processing or accessing information by “hacking”, altering, or bypassing Martin County School District network security policies. •The District has the right to collect and examine any device if a student is suspected of violating the BYOD guidelines. •The charging of devices is the responsibility of the student and teachers may allow or disallow that privilege at their own discretion. •The District is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged personal technological devices. •The District is not responsible for maintenance or repair of any personal technology. •The District is not responsible for any costs incurred due to use of personal technology. •Printing from personal devices will not be supported at school. •Each school has the discretion to allow and regulate the use of personal devices in the classroom and on specific projects.
What if my child doesn’t have adevice to bring to school? • Not every child will have their own device. • The District will provide access to the internet via classroom computers and a limited number of mobile devices. • Students may collaborate with another student as appropriate. • No lesson will require a student to bring a device from home.
A few final things: • Be sure to write down the serial numbers of devices that you send to school. • Label devices with your child’s name. • Earbuds are suggested and can be purchased from the dollar store for $1. • Parents may want to research security/tracking apps that are available for your device. • If your child’s dismissal procedure is different you may want to consider keeping the device at home.
Please feel free to share any questions or concerns at any time. BYOD is a work in progress.
Thank you for supporting your child’s use of technology at Port Salerno Elementary School.