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DLR Contribution to CEOS SDCG-4 Meeting: TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X Coverage of FCT Sites

This document discusses the DLR's contribution to the CEOS SDCG-4 Meeting, focusing on the coverage of Forest Carbon Tracking (FCT) sites by TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X satellites. It provides an overview of the coverage and data availability, as well as the new modes and characteristics of the satellites. The document also highlights ongoing developments and opportunities for scientific research and data delivery.

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DLR Contribution to CEOS SDCG-4 Meeting: TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X Coverage of FCT Sites

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  1. > CEOS SDCG-4, Pasadena, 4-6 September 2013> Dr. Helmut Staudenrausch CEOS 4th SDCG Meeting DLR contribution Dr. Helmut Staudenrausch DLR Space Administration, Earth Observations helmut.staudenrausch@dlr.de

  2. Indonesia Africa South America Tasmania Central America TerraSAR-X Coverage of FCT Sites • 45 sites observed • Numerous data takes available in the DLR archive, and continued. StripMap Mode, dual polarized (HH/HV and VV/VH)

  3. TerraSAR-X: New Modi (available for science from now, commercially from end 2013)

  4. Staring Spotlight Mode Characteristics

  5. > Lecture > Author • Document > Date Examples Examples...

  6. Six Beam Wide ScanSAR Mode Product Characteristics

  7. Wide ScanSAR Visualization of different SwathWidths wide_001 wide_005

  8. Wide ScanSAR

  9. TanDEM-X: Mission status

  10. Status TanDEM-X • First and second full global coverages completed – 3rd/4th coverage expected to be completed by mid 2014

  11. Absolute Height Error – First & Second Coverage First Coverage Second Coverage

  12. Regions acquired from May 2013

  13. Current opportunities and developments • AO for Intermediate DEM in preparation. Will be published in coming weeks. Stay tuned on TD-X Science System. • AO for CoSSC data open during TDX Lifetime • 4thTanDEM-X Science Team Meeting 12-14 June 2013 • 105 registered participants + 35 oral presentation + 15 posters • Great potential for forest characterization and stratification revealed • Discussions on after DEM Phase planning for scientific TanDEM-X acquisitions: • Acquisition Mode (DRA, long baseline across/along InSAR) • Test site definition (e.g. super test sites) • Time schedule

  14. TanDEM-X Data Delivery • Since February 2012 EOWEB is open for TanDEM-X data delivery • 148 accounts are opened up to now • 1801 CoSSC products delivered

  15. Final DEM Preliminary Schedule Start of TanDEM-X DEM delivery Jan-2014 (non-difficult areas requiring only 2 acquisitions) ~50% of the global TanDEM-X DEM end 2014 ~90% of the global TanDEM-X DEM mid 2015 ~97% of the global TanDEM-X DEM early 2016

  16. Summary – DLR Data access for GFOI R&D • TerraSAR-X: DLR Science Service Seg.: http://sss.terrasar-x.dlr.de/ • TanDEM-X (DEM) data access: https://tandemx-science.dlr.de/ • RapidEye data available through RapidEye company directly, but scientific exploitation also through DLR RapidEye Science Archive: http://resaweb.dlr.de/ • Collaboration between international GFOI R&D groups and German researchers sought. Contacts can be made. • DLR ready for more coordinated approach with respect to GFOI R&D through CEOS

  17. TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X Summary Public Private Partnership between DLR and EADS Astrium Germany Both satellites – TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X – are in very good health Continue/optimize acquisition for validation sites, support scientific exploitation of data, continuity (Constellation with Paz, TerraSAR-X NG) planned • DLR • Project & Mission Management • G/S Development & Ops • System Engineering Support • Science Coordination/Exploitation • Astrium Geo-Information Services • Service Infrastructure • Information Products • Commercial Exploitation • ActualGFOI R&D (FCT) Contribution • FCT Validation sitesareestablishedasbackgroundmission • Data accessalong DLR procedures • Potential GFOI contribution • Bilateral demonstrationprojectsexisting/envisaged (Africa, LatinAmerica) • Framework neededfor „GFOI approach“

  18. > Lecture > Author • Document > Date Other relevant DLR activities • Funding development/improvement of relevant methods for REDD+ and GFOI, such as automated, large area monitoring of changes in forest cover and landuse, forest degradation, etc. • Focus on synergistic use of Sentinels and German missions • Coordination/collaboration with GFOI teams being sought • Examples: • SENSE-CARBON Project (started in May 2013, Humboldt-Uni Berlin, Uni Bonn, Study area in Amazonia) • Project with TerraSAR-X in Ecuador (Uni Freiburg) • More projects in preparation (encompassing bistatic TanDEM-X data) • Workshop with relevant German officials, providers, researchers and international partners (see www.d-geo.de/redd) • Support of literature study and database (see www.redd.uni-jena.de/index_en.html)

  19. German REDD+ development cooperation • Numerous bilateral activities, incl. Satellitedata, monitoringsystemsandrelatedcapacitybuilding • Ongoing MRV projects in SADC, Ghana, Indonesia, LatinAmerica) • From2013 on, investment of € 500 Mio/year for forestry and biodiversity • New “REDD Early Movers” program providing, among others, performance payments for quantified emission reductions • Key investor in the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) and other multilateral mechanisms • ICI financed “CD-REDD” Project in 18 countries additional to UN-REDD countries

  20. > Lecture > Author • Document > Date Mexico and adjacent countries (southwards) • Transfer of Mexican NFMS to Central America region, as a South2South Cooperation • Includes RapidEye wall2wall data • TSX-TDX Data (e.g. sample plots) also proposed to be included • Implementation proposed to German and Norwegian Government for funding

  21. > Lecture > Author • Document > Date Other countries • Indonesia (ForClimeproject) • Ghana • Southern African Development Community countries • …

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