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Explore advanced research on negative ions, chirality, nanostructures, and spectroscopy. Published works and ongoing projects at the University of Tennessee.
Chemical Physics Research in the Compton Group Bob ComptonDepartments of Physics and Chemistry The University of TennesseeKnoxville, TN 37996rcompton@utk.edu Physics 599
Basic Research Opportunities I. Negative Ions Electron Attachment Mulitply-Charged Negative Ions Dipole-Bound Negative Ions Quadrupole-Bound Negative Ions Spectroscopy* III. Chirality Linear and Non-Linear Optical Activity Parity Violating Weak Interaction III. NanoMaterials (STAIR IGERT Grant)
Science Review M. K. Scheller, R. N. Compton, and L. S. Cederbaum, Science, 270, 1160 (1995).
Electron Binding to a Polar Molecule: Dipole Bound Anions mmin=1.625 D for fixed or point dipole mmin2.4-2.5 D for real, rotating molecules
+ Rb + Rb+
IR-MPD Vibrational Spectroscopy of SF6- • Assignment of IR-MPD spectra provides foundation for further study: • Suggests Oh symmetry structure • Gives spectral region to look for SF6- atmospheric absorption feature • Starting point for theoretical treatment of electron capture dynamics
A schematic view of a linear electrospray ionization coupled to three quadrupole mass spectrometers. Q1 and Q2 are the first and second quadrupole mass spectrometers respectively. D1 and D1 are the electron multiplier detectors. CC is the collision cell containing a quadrupole ion guide q.
+ + + Relative intensity (arb. Units) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Collision Energy (com)
IR Spectroscopy of a gas phase dianion ! Theory and Experiment
Two plus one Resonance Enhanced Multiphoton Ionization, (2+1) REMPI, Spectroscopy of ( R )- 3-methylcyclopentanone
Colleagues: S. Hager, S. Ovchinnikov, J. Macek, W.R. Garrett, and R. J. Hinde (UT), C. Desfrancois and Jean-Pierre Schermann (U. Paris-Nord), Kit Bowen (Johns Hopkins), K. Jordan (Pittsburgh), L. Adamowitz (Arizona), Steen Nielsen et al.(Aarhus) Former Students: Watheq Al’Basheer ( University of Calgary), Andy Fischer (ORNL now Abbot Labs.), Nathan Hammer (Yale/U. Mass now U. Miss.), Nasrin Mirsaleh-Kohan (U. Sherbrooke), Shaun Ard (U. Georgia), Jeff Steill (Univ. of Utrech, FELIX), Maria Olivarus Present Students; Jason Lambert, Patrick Ward
EducationHonors B.S. in Chemistry (1998, University of Tennessee)Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry (2003, University of Tennessee)Postdoctoral Researcher (2003-2005, Yale University)Postdoctoral Fellow (2005-2007, University of Massachusetts) EducationHonors B.S. in Chemistry (1998, University of Tennessee)Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry (2003, University of Tennessee)Postdoctoral Researcher (2003-2005, Yale University)Postdoctoral Fellow (2005-2007, University of Massachusetts) Assistant Professor of Physical ChemistryDepartment of Chemistry & BiochemistryThe University of Mississippi Assistant Professor of Physical ChemistryDepartment of Chemistry & BiochemistryThe University of Mississippi • Nathan I. Hammer, PhDAssistant Professor of Physical ChemistryDepartment of Chemistry & BiochemistryThe University of Mississippi EducationHonors B.S. in Chemistry (1998, University of Tennessee)Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry (2003, University of Tennessee)Postdoctoral Researcher (2003-2005, Yale University)Postdoctoral Fellow (2005-2007, University of Massachusetts)