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Exploring Centripetal Force: Warm-Up Activities and Demonstrations

Dive into centripetal force concepts through interactive videos, experiments, and problem-solving scenarios. Learn about force properties, equations, and how to analyze data to understand centripetal motion thoroughly. Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills in this engaging exploration. Teacher notes provided for easy implementation.

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Exploring Centripetal Force: Warm-Up Activities and Demonstrations

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  1. Section 2: Centripetal Force

  2. Warm-up Video http://www.cleanvideosearch.com/media/action/yt/watch?videoId=2Plc--ufONM

  3. Force Review: • Define Force: 2) Define Acceleration: The acceleration is always in the direction of the ________ ________.

  4. Centripetal Force: Force required to keep an object in circular motion.

  5. Centripetal Acceleration: Acceleration that is due to the rate of change in direction and acts in the direction of the centripetal force.

  6. Centrifuge http://www.cleanvideosearch.com/media/action/yt/watch?videoId=TGHvFpNCrtQ

  7. Centripetal Force Discovery: • What direction is the centripetal force in? • What happens to the force as the angular speed increases? • What happens to the force as the Radius increase? • What happens to the force if the tangential velocity stays the same and radius decreases?

  8. Centripetal Force Properties: • Centripetal Force Direction: 2) If the Tangential Velocity increases the centripetal force will: 3) If the Angular Speed increases the centripetal force will: 4) If the radius decreases and the velocity stays constant the centripetal force will: Draw the force and acceleration on the ball:

  9. Reflection: Which will have the greatest centripetal force?

  10. Demo: Upside down water • For the water to stay in the bucket the _________ must be greater than_________.

  11. Technology Applications

  12. Centripetal Force Equation: For Centripetal Force “Fc” Fc = m·ac where ac – centripetal Acceleration ac = Vt2/r

  13. Sample Problem 1: An 8kg weight is spun at 3m/s at a radius of 1 meter before being thrown. Find the following. Centripetal Acceleration b) Centripetal Force

  14. Sample Problem 2: Find the centripetal acceleration at the following locations:

  15. Sample Problem 2 Advanced: Find the normal force on the road at the following two locations for the 100kg cart:

  16. Warm-up: A 4.0 kg ball is attached to 0.7 meter string and spun at 2.0 meters/sec. What is: a)the centripetal acceleration b)the centripetal force

  17. Warm up: A carnival ride has a radius of 5.2 meters and spins to keep people suspended on the side wall. If the average coefficient of friction between the people and the wall . 98, find the speed the ride must rotate to sustain suspension.

  18. Warm –up: Describe how this ride works.

  19. Warm-up Quiz (10pts): A 2000kg racecar rounds a curve 50 meters in radius at 25m/s. 1) Find the centripetal acceleration: 2) Find the centripetal force:

  20. Quiz: Three guys are running at 4m/s around a track. • Who has the greatest tangential velocity? • Who has the greatest angular speed? • Who will pass through the greatest angle in 4 seconds?

  21. Quiz 15pts: A 90kg biker round a 20 meter radius bend at 19 m/s. Find the following: • Draw the direction of both the centripetal acceleration and force. • Find his centripetal acceleration: • Find his centripetal force:

  22. Centripetal Force, Velocity, and Driving • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Up2UvuRLdTE • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5vsj-9JEcQ

  23. Centripetal Force Lab: Tangential Velocity Vs Centripetal Force Objective: Students will investigate how centripetal force is affected by tangential velocity. Procedure: Students will complete.

  24. Data:Mass of Washer:_________ Mass of Stopper:_________Radius:_______ Data range: Have the washer count range from 2 to 22 Radius: Use from 20 to 30 cm in radius. You decide. Angular speed: For best results use around 20 revolutions

  25. Analysis: • Must show one sample calculation with correct units for a trial of data. • Use an entire sheet of graph paper and graph centripetal force vs. tangential velocity. • Place a best fit trend line on the graph. • Based on the trend line, explain why how centripetal force is affected by tangential velocity. What mathematical relationship does this model • Is it dangerous to double your velocity while traveling around a bend and why?

  26. Teacher Notes 1) Do the first trial together

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