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Consultation meeting discussing services for students with disabilities in private schools, including funding allocation and provision of special education services. Learn about the Child Find process, proportionate share calculations, and service delivery methods.
Coweta CountySpecial Education Department Parentally-placed Private School Children with Disabilities and IDEA April 28th, 2015
Purpose of Meeting • To ensure timely and meaningful consultation, Coweta is consulting with private school representatives and parents of parentally placed private school students with disabilities to discuss: • The Child Find Process and how parentally placed private school SWD can participate equitably • How the annual count of the number of private school SWDs will be determined • The determination of the proportionate amount of federal funds to be expended by the local school system for such services and how this was determined • The consultation process between Coweta and private schools and parents regarding how this process will operate throughout the school year to ensure parentally placed private school SWD can meaningfully participate in special ed and related services. • How, where and by whom special ed and related services will be provided for parentally placed private school SWD – will be determined at this meeting. • The local school system’s responsibility for providing equitable services to students with disabilities who attend private schools or who are home schooled
Meaningful Consultation • Discussion Topics: • Child Find process • Determination of proportionate share • How, where, and by whom services will be provided • Appropriation of funds if insufficient to serve all students with disabilities • Disputes and appeals
IDEA 1997 • School districts are required to allocate a “proportionate share” of their Federal IDEA funds to provide private school students with disabilities (SWD) with “services” in special education offered by the district.
Private/Home Schools • In Georgia, all references to parentally placed private school children also includes children who are home schooled by parental choice. In this document, the term “private school” also refers to home schools. • IDEA 2004 requirements apply to students in private schools that are within the boundaries of that district.
1. Child Find Process • Child Find is the process of identifying children with disabilities. • How this is done in schools and community • Students withdrawn to private schools or home schools • Children and youth, ages 3 through 21, who are suspected of having a disability may be referred for a possible evaluation to determine if they are eligible for special education services. • Notification (newspaper, health department, websites, parent mentor, etc.)
2. Determination of Proportionate Share Calculations - Ages 3 – 21Funds • Calculations are based on: • the number of eligible private school students with disabilities ages 3-21 • divided by the total number of private and public school students with disabilities ages 3-21 • multiplied by the allocated federal funds
Proportionate Share Calculations- 3-5 Preschool Funds • Calculations are based on: • The number of eligible private school children with disabilities ages 3-5 • Divided by the total number of public and private school children with disabilities ages 3-5 • Multiplied by the allocated preschool funds
Proportionate Share Determination The number of eligible private school students without IEPs Divided by the number of students with IEPs plus the number of students without IEPs Multiplied by the federal allocation Example: Federal allocation - $2,000,000 1500 public school students + 5 private school students 1505 = Public and Private School Students 5 divided by 1505 x 2,000,000 = $6645.52 for Proportionate Share
3. How, Where, and When Services will be Provided • Will be provided by the local school system at no expense to the parent • May be provided at the private school or the public school • Will be determined through consultation between the local school system and private school representatives – discussed and determined today at the end of this meeting • If a student is placed in special education in public school, the services will be provided according to his/her Individualized Education Program (IEP). • No private school student with a disability has an individual right to receive some or all of the special education and related service he/she would receive if enrolled in the school system. • If a student is an eligible parentally-placed private school student, the services will be provided according to the service plan. Service Plan services that are offered are determined at the yearly proportionate share meeting (this meeting).
Identification of Private School Students • If a private school student is suspected of having a disability, the private school or parent may contact the Department of Psychological Services at 770-254-2800. • Further information about students with disabilities may be found at http://www.cowetaschools.org/specialed/index.htm
4. Appropriation of Funds • Once allocated funds have been expended, the local school system is not required to provide services for private school students. • If all of the funds have not been spent, the funds will be carried over to the next year.
5. Disputes and Appeals • If the local school system disagrees with the view of the private school officials on the determination of services, the local school system will provide the private school officials with a written explanation of the reasons why the system chose not to provide those services. • Private school officials have the right to submit a complaint to the state education agency if they feel that the school system did not engage in meaningful consultation or give due consideration to their views.
Georgia Department of Education • State Special Education Rules • http://www.gadoe.org/ci_exceptional.aspx • Private Schools • State Rules, Chapter 160-4-7-.13
Proportionate Share Service Determinations for 15-16 --Discussion with Private School Representatives • Services from 14-15– • Current 14-15 -Types, Amounts, Models, and Locations • Speech/language 30 minutes a week for ages 3 – 21 • Preschool SDD Consultative 1 hour a month for ages 3 – 5 • Preschool SDD Support Service – 30 minutes a week ages 3- 5 • Concerns or questions and discussion with private school representation • Decisions from meeting documented below • Affirmation form – signed by private schools in attendance • Next Year Proportionate Share Services Determined at Meeting 15-16 • School Age Students in Private/home school for ages 5 – 21 • Speech/language 30 minutes a week for ages 5 – 21 • 5-21 speech services will be separate class in service provider location • Preschool Students in Private school 3 – 5 • Speech/language 30 minutes a week for ages 3 – 5 • 3-5 preschool services can be collaborative service or separate class service at private school or service provider location • Preschool SDD Collaborative Special Ed Services 30 minutes a week ages 3 - 5