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Comprehensive plan enabling teachers to select objectives, measure student growth, and receive feedback for instructional improvement. Participating schools: Alleghany, Surry, Wilkes, Yadkin.
Local Option Plan for Analysis of Student Work (ASW) 2016-2017 Participating school systems: Alleghany, Surry, Wilkes and Yadkin
Rationale for Local ASW Plan • Standard 6 - been moved to Standards 1-5 • Building level principal - best grasp of the achievement and growth of an individual teacher • Local ASW Plan - allows for more specific feedback than state’s blind review process • Teachers select an objective each quarter and reflect on the use of data to guide instructional practice
Participating Teachers High school teachers whose classes are 60% in content areas: • Arts • Healthful Living • World Languages • Advancement Placement Elementary and Middle School Arts and Healthful Living teachers regardless of amount of time with students each week
Exemptions from ASW • Teachers approved for extended leave for 20 or more consecutive days in a year-long calendar or 10 or more consecutive days in a semester block • Teachers retiring at the end of the 2016-2017 school year that have signed appropriate paperwork with the human resources department
Student Growth Measurement Plan Clear Connection to the Content Standards • Teachers select 4 objectives from content area (from varying grade levels/courses/classes/section from different content standards over the course of the year) • Record objectives on the “Add Goal” portion of the PDP (located at the bottom of the PDP in NCEES)
2. Evidence Must Focus on Student Work • Focus on student work, not on teacher performance • Demonstrates achievement (a skill, product, performance) • Must have a pre-assessment/post-assessment to demonstrate growth between two points in time
3. Measuring Growth • Measured between 2 points in time - must be evident to the reviewer (principal) and explained by the teacher • Based on pre-assessment results • Select 3 students (developing, proficient, accomplished) • Collect growth data on those 3 students • Complete a data review that includes a plan for differentiating instruction for 3 students
Measuring Growth continued • Based on post-assessment results • Complete data reflection that describes how students have shown growth • Submit completed Timelapse Artifact Template to principal with evidence of student growth *Performing Arts teachers may choose to collect evidence on a whole class.
4. Rating Process • Principals meet with ASW teachers during the beginning of the year PDP meeting to set up process, identify standards, and verify classes • Principals use the Timelapse Artifact Quality Rubric to rate and evaluate the student growth evidence ( 3 students from point 1 to point 2) • When? Semester-End and Year-End as part of PDP Conference
Rating Process continued • Evidence and supporting documentation must support that the individual students or whole class have grown from point 1 to point 2 • Principals may elect to provide verbal feedback and/or written feedback to be recorded on the teacher’s year-end PDP review • Principals rate/review 2 objectives at end of first semester and the final 2 objectives at end of second semester • All evidence submitted and rated will be discussed between principal and teacher at the teacher’s year-end summative evaluation
Disclaimer If the principal does not feel they can offer effective feedback during the summative evaluation for the teacher and/or the teacher would like additional feedback, the teacher may elect to have a committee of at least three like-subject/content reviewers evaluate and rate the evidence submitted. Where reasonably possible, the reviewers will have blind knowledge of the teacher being evaluated. Small districts may request assistance from other districts in the ASW Plan Cohort to convene a three-member content committee if necessary.
District Accountability • Each district in the participating ASW Plan Cohort will select 10% of all ASW documentation for a blind audit • Principals will be notified to submit all documents for required teachers including the data review plans, data reflections, and student work samples by the last working day for teachers at the end of the year • All four participating districts will meet in mid-June to blind review the randomly selected teachers, evaluate the ASW process for effectiveness and make adjustments for next year
5. Results Sharing • Prescriptive feedback will be offered by principals and/or the review committee to the individual teacher and recorded/noted as part of their PDP review. *If programming is available in NCEES, principals will record growth rating for each individual teacher • Attach the Timelapse Artifact Template and the Timelapse Artifact Quality Rubric to the PDP at mid-and/or end-of year • Districts will share teacher growth results from our local option plan with NCDPI and the SBE as requested • A spreadsheet listing of all ASW teachers and their growth ratings will be kept by each district’s human resource department
Tiered ASW Process High School = 1 objective per quarter/4 different classes (different grades, sections, content strands) Middle School= 2 objectives per semester/2 different classes (different grades, sections, content strands) Elementary School = 2 objectives per semester/2 different classes (different grades, sections, content strands) All teachers will have a total of 4 objectives and 12 students at year-end.