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MEMORY, COGNITION, & LANGUAGE. CHAPTER SIX. MEMORY. PART 1. Memory. The process by which we encode, store,& retrieve information. Sensory Memory. The initial, momentary storage of information, lasting only an instant. Short-Term Memory. Memory that holds information for 15 to 25 seconds.

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  3. Memory • The process by which we encode, store,& retrieve information

  4. Sensory Memory • The initial, momentary storage of information, lasting only an instant

  5. Short-Term Memory • Memory that holds information for 15 to 25 seconds

  6. Long-Term Memory • Memory that stores information on a relatively permanent basis, although it may be difficult to retrieve

  7. Chunk • A meaningful grouping of stimuli that can be stored as a unit in short-term memory

  8. Rehearsal • The repetition of information that has entered short-term memory

  9. Declarative Memory • Memory for factual information: names, faces, dates, and the like.

  10. Procedural Memory • Memory for skills & habits, such as riding a bike or hitting a baseball

  11. Semantic Memory • Memory for general knowledge & facts about the world, as well as memory for the rules of logic that are used to deduce other facts

  12. Episodic Memory • Memory for events that occur in a particular time, place, or context


  14. Tip-of-the-Tongue Phenomenon • The inability to recall information that one realizes one knows. A result of the difficulty of retrieving information from long-term memory

  15. Recall • Memory task in which specific information must be retrieved.

  16. Recognition • Memory task in which individuals are presented with a stimulus & asked whether they have been exposed to it in the past or to identify it from a list of alternatives

  17. THINK? • Name the 7 dwarfs.

  18. Levels-of-Processing Theory • The theory of memory that emphasizes the degree to which new material is mentally analyzed

  19. Explicit Memory • Intentional or conscious recollection of information

  20. Implicit Memory • Memories of which people are not consciously aware, but which can affect subsequent performance & behavior

  21. Flashbulb Memories • Memories centered on a specific important, or surprising events that are so vivid it is as if they represented a snapshot of the event

  22. IF I SAID: • Kennedy Assassination • 9/11 • Bid Laden is Dead

  23. Constructive Processes • Processes in which memories are influenced by the meaning we give to events

  24. Autobiographical Memories • Our recollections of circumstances & episodes from our own lives

  25. Decay/Forgetting • The loss of information in memory through its nonuse

  26. Interference • The phenomenon by which information in memory disrupts the recall of other information

  27. Cue-Dependent Forgetting • Forgetting that occurs when there are insufficient retrieval cues to rekindle information that is in memory

  28. Proactive Interference • Interference in which information learned earlier disrupts the recall of newer material

  29. Retroactive Interference • Interference in which there is difficulty in the recall of information learned earlier because of later exposure to different material

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