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Get on with Science ‘Girls in Science’ . Professor Julie Williams Chief Scientific Adviser for Wales. Schools are sites where students spend a great deal of time not only learning, but also navigating gendered identities. Major Challenges. It’s Different for Girls.
Get on with Science ‘Girls in Science’ Professor Julie Williams Chief Scientific Adviser for Wales
Schools are sites where students spend a great deal of time not only learning, but also navigating gendered identities
It’s Different for Girls Girls and boys do equally well at GCSE-level physics and science/additional science (previously double-award science). However, the percentage of A-level physics students who are girls has stayed at around 20% for the past 20 years or more. Source: It’s Different for Girls: The Influence of Schools, Institute of Physics Report October 2012
It’s Different for Girls: Main Findings • 49% of maintained co-ed schools sent no girls on to take A-level physics in 2011. The figure for all secondary schools is 46%. • Girls were almost two and a half times more likely to go on to do A-level physics if they came from a girls’ school rather than a co-ed school (for all types of maintained schools in England).
It’s Different for Girls: Main Findings • Twice the percentage of girls who went on to do A-level physics came from schools with a sixth form, compared to schools that only teach up to age 16 (for co-ed maintained schools in England). • For maintained schools in England, the positive effect of single-sex education on girls’ choice of physics post-16 is not replicated in the other sciences.
Gender inequity • Pervades what is taught and how it is taught • Evident in learners interactions with curriculum, classroom and teachers. • Gender constructions of subject and occupation not only from the school but wider social, cultural and physiological matrix: • Family, peers, higher education, the labour market . . . . Even biology, genetics and neuroscience
Strategy • MORE interventions that build girls’ confidence, self-efficacy and esteem, sense of entitlement and ownership in STEM . . . • & their enjoyment and sense of fulfilment • That connect social with scientific lives • That focus on experiential learning • Learner-led, role-play • That build positive identities through co-operation with role models, parents, peers
Women into Science , Engineering and Construction (WISE) • Promoting female talent in science, engineering and technology from classroom to boardroom • WISE helps organisations to inspire women and girls to pursue science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) as pathways to exciting and fulfilling careers. • Mission is to push the presence of female employees from 13% to 30% by 2020, boosting the talent pool to drive economic growth • http://www.wisecampaign.org.uk/
STEMNET – inspire in STEM • Helping to identify and access Enhancement and Enrichment activities • Providing STEM ambassadors • Free resource to schools: to enthuse and inspire students within schools about STEM • Providing links with local businesses • Supporting STEM clubs
See Science: STEMNET • Development and delivery of education and public engagement projects • Supporting and enhancing science and technology education through the development of educational resources and (CPD) materials for use by teachers through the medium of Welsh and English • Professional event management, Facilitation of meetings, discussion events and consultations for external clients • http://www.see-science.co.uk/
National STEM Centre • The National STEM Centre houses the UK’s largest collection of STEM teaching and learning resources, in order to provide teachers of STEM subjects with the ability to access a wide range of high-quality support materials. • They work with business, industry, charitable organisations, professional bodies and others with an interest in STEM education to facilitate closer collaboration and more effective support for schools and colleges, and promotion of STEM careers awareness. • http://www.nationalstemcentre.org.uk/
British Science Association: CREST The British Science Association's range of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) enrichment activities aim to inspire and engage 5-19 year olds. This aim is achieved through their nationally recognised CREST Award schemes (CREST Star 5-11 / CREST Awards 12-19), the National Science + Engineering Competition, support for STEM Clubs and collaborative events such as the Big Bang: UK Young Scientists' and Engineers' Fair and the British Science Festival. http://www.britishscienceassociation.org/crest-awards
Technocamps • Technocamps :free workshops to young people on programming, robotics, game design, app development and much more…… • It is about getting young people (11-19 years) in Wales excited about Computer Science and STEM and challenging them to think about the world around them in a different way • http://www.technocamps.com/
The Royal Society • Vision for science and mathematics education • "The Vision Project aims to set out a vision for how the UK can develop an inspiring and high performing science and mathematics education system over the next 15—20 years.." • Dealing with, teaching professionals, curriculum and assessment, educational institutions and advances in science and technology • http://royalsociety.org/education/policy/vision/
Institute of Physics • Support for teachersIncluding the nationwide teacher network, the Stimulating Physics Network and information on the talkphysics.org community • Resources for the classroomTo support the teaching of physics to 11-18 year-olds • Extra-curricular resources and activitiesEvents, grants and resources to support physics activity outside of lessons • Professional development for teachersIncludes university-based Physics Update residential courses to support your continuing professional development as a physics teacher • Careers resources for studentsA series of resources to help you promote physics careers and qualifications to school or college students
The Royal Society of Chemistry • The RSC is the largest non-government supporter of chemistry education in the UK. • Activities encompass formal and informal education • Key areas: schools and colleges, higher education and continuing professional development. • http://www.rsc.org/education/
Committed to supporting and encouraging the study of biology at all levels. • They support and recognise excellence in biology teaching. • Championing of a biology curriculum that challenges students and encourages their passion for biology. • The support of young scientists in their studies throughout higher education.
National Science Academy & Hubs in Wales • The Centre for Alternative Technology (Machynlleth) • The National Botanic Garden of Wales (Carmarthen) • Techniquest (Cardiff) • TechniquestGlyndwyr (Wrexham) • Wales Institute for Mathematical and Computational Sciences (Swansea)
Other • The Targeted Initiative on Science and Mathematics Education (TISME) • http://tisme-scienceandmaths.org • The Association for Science Education • www.ase.org.uk
Russell group guide to post-16 subject choices (March 2012) This guide is aimed at all students considering A-level and equivalent options. It includes advice on the best subject combinations for a wide range of university courses and recommends studying at least two of the following A-levels: Maths/further maths Languages Physics English Chemistry History Biology Geography
Future Career Prospects with STEM • STEM graduates earn more than graduates of other subjects(5%) • 75,000 people are employed in science related jobs in Wales • The 275 firms operating in the Life Science sector represents an investment of over£600m (30% increase since 2005)
Julie.Williams-CSAW@wales.gsi.gov.uk Science for Wales • Science Policy for Wales • produced in 2006 • FM Rhodri Morgan “…Wales’ future lies in a knowledge economy [relying on] scientific, technological and engineering know-how…” Rhodri Morgan & Carwyn Jones
Julie.Williams-CSAW@wales.gsi.gov.uk Science for Wales …defined the role of the Chief Scientific Adviser for Wales (CSAW) “…to provide scientific advice to the First Minister and the Welsh Government, to promote science, technology, engineering and mathematics and the role of science within the wider knowledge economy…”
TSB KTP Academic Expertise for Business (A4B) £70M SMARTCymru £29.5M Welsh SBRI Innovation Catalyst Programme (£3M) Life Science Investment Fund £50M Life Science Hub Finance Wales Sêr Cymru £50M Research Chairs National Research Networks
Locally • National Waterfront Museum • www.museumwales.ac.uk/en/swansea • Techniquest • www.techniquest.org
Recommendations Pupils need to have the opportunity to understand the differences between the sciences at Key Stage 3 and 4, so that choices post-16 can be made on an accurate understanding of the different identities of the sciences. The triple science award at GCSE is one way of achieving this aim.
Recommendations Embed careers information into the teaching of the sciences and technology from primary school onwards and ensure that pupils and parents have access to accurate information about the demand for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) skills and qualifications and the commercial value of such qualifications.
STEM engagement & enrichment • Not just what goes on outside of schools but in schools. • Improve learners’ educational experiences of STEM: • Their opportunity to encounter the breadth of STEM • Their opportunity to imagine a career in STEM
Invisible inequality • Gendered inequality: naturalised and made invisible • Too widespread, ingrained and accepted • Female learners: an uncritical acceptance of their ineligibility across STEM • Loss of sense of entitlement in STEM • Inhibiting girl’s future imaginaries
An equity eye • Reveal the ubiquity of gender inequity • Explode gendered preconceptions • Promote the role and importance of women in STEM