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Intro to Role of the Coach What Do We Mean By “Coach” What Are Keys To Doing It Well? How Do We Share This Role?

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Intro to Role of the Coach What Do We Mean By “Coach” What Are Keys To Doing It Well? How Do We Share This Role?

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  1. <?xml version="1.0"?><AllQuestions /> <?xml version="1.0"?><AllResponses /> <?xml version="1.0"?><Settings><answerBulletFormat>Numeric</answerBulletFormat><answerNowAutoInsert>No</answerNowAutoInsert><answerNowStyle>Explosion</answerNowStyle><answerNowText>Answer Now</answerNowText><chartColors>Use PowerPoint Color Scheme</chartColors><chartType>Horizontal</chartType><correctAnswerIndicator>Checkmark</correctAnswerIndicator><countdownAutoInsert>No</countdownAutoInsert><countdownSeconds>10</countdownSeconds><countdownSound>TicToc.wav</countdownSound><countdownStyle>Box</countdownStyle><gridAutoInsert>No</gridAutoInsert><gridFillStyle>Answered</gridFillStyle><gridFillColor>255,255,0</gridFillColor><gridOpacity>50%</gridOpacity><gridTextStyle>Keypad #</gridTextStyle><inputSource>Response Devices</inputSource><multipleResponseDivisor># of Responses</multipleResponseDivisor><participantsLeaderBoard>5</participantsLeaderBoard><percentageDecimalPlaces>0</percentageDecimalPlaces><responseCounterAutoInsert>No</responseCounterAutoInsert><responseCounterStyle>Oval</responseCounterStyle><responseCounterDisplayValue># of Votes Received</responseCounterDisplayValue><insertObjectUsingColor>Red</insertObjectUsingColor><showResults>Yes</showResults><teamColors>Use PowerPoint Color Scheme</teamColors><teamIdentificationType>None</teamIdentificationType><teamScoringType>Voting pads only</teamScoringType><teamScoringDecimalPlaces>1</teamScoringDecimalPlaces><teamIdentificationItem></teamIdentificationItem><teamsLeaderBoard>5</teamsLeaderBoard><teamName1></teamName1><teamName2></teamName2><teamName3></teamName3><teamName4></teamName4><teamName5></teamName5><teamName6></teamName6><teamName7></teamName7><teamName8></teamName8><teamName9></teamName9><teamName10></teamName10><showControlBar>All Slides</showControlBar><defaultCorrectPointValue>0</defaultCorrectPointValue><defaultIncorrectPointValue>0</defaultIncorrectPointValue><chartColor1>187,224,227</chartColor1><chartColor2>51,51,153</chartColor2><chartColor3>0,153,153</chartColor3><chartColor4>153,204,0</chartColor4><chartColor5>128,128,128</chartColor5><chartColor6>0,0,0</chartColor6><chartColor7>0,102,204</chartColor7><chartColor8>204,204,255</chartColor8><chartColor9>255,0,0</chartColor9><chartColor10>255,255,0</chartColor10><teamColor1>187,224,227</teamColor1><teamColor2>51,51,153</teamColor2><teamColor3>0,153,153</teamColor3><teamColor4>153,204,0</teamColor4><teamColor5>128,128,128</teamColor5><teamColor6>0,0,0</teamColor6><teamColor7>0,102,204</teamColor7><teamColor8>204,204,255</teamColor8><teamColor9>255,0,0</teamColor9><teamColor10>255,255,0</teamColor10><displayAnswerImagesDuringVote>Yes</displayAnswerImagesDuringVote><displayAnswerImagesWithResponses>Yes</displayAnswerImagesWithResponses><displayAnswerTextDuringVote>Yes</displayAnswerTextDuringVote><displayAnswerTextWithResponses>Yes</displayAnswerTextWithResponses><questionSlideID></questionSlideID><controlBarState>Expanded</controlBarState><isGridColorKnownColor>True</isGridColorKnownColor><gridColorName>Yellow</gridColorName></Settings> <?xml version="1.0"?><AllAnswers /> • Intro to Role of the Coach • What Do We Mean By “Coach” • What Are Keys To Doing It Well? • How Do We Share This Role?


  3. Roles of Coaches Roles of Coach • Identify & recruit a cross-sectoral team (CHART) of community leaders to provide ongoing leadership for the effort •  Develop CHART into an effective team—shared vision, clear expectations and a high level of trust • Supply “facilitative leadership” throughout the process— ensure effective processes and structures maximize team engagement and contribution.

  4. Roles of Coaches (cont.) Roles of Coach (cont’d) • Help team develop a Community Action Plan (CAP)--actionable, prioritized focus areas • Help team(s) implement and influence strategies that lead to healthier communities • Ensure group plans for the sustainability—effective coalition and partnerships, additional resources • Be a model for effective learning and teaching

  5. How Does Coaching Work? How Does Coaching Work? A Coach creates conditionsthat allow team members to discover their best, then works from a position of the team members’ strengths. As opposed to always providing answers, the coach asks the right questions—questions team members may not have explored and that move them forward quickly. A coach helps establish structures and support thatensure follow through. Coaches help their team through the learning curve(s), until the goals are reached.

  6. Little Things…. Big Difference Little Things…Big Difference 1. Design & Guide Effective Meetings 2. Learn & Act Through Dialogue

  7. Running Effective Meetings… Running Effective Meetings 1. Clarify aims & develop thoughtful agendas 2. Establish roles: facilitator & recorder 3. Agree on & use Working Agreements 4. Plan next actions & next agenda: who will do what off- line & aims for next meeting 5. Evaluate the meeting: went well, could improve

  8. Facilitation Tips Facilitation Tips • Encourage the group to move in positive directions. • Keep sessions on time and create an environment that encourages authentic listening. • Seek agreement upon ground rules. • Encourage all to participate.

  9. Facilitation Tips Facilitation Tips • Emphasize strategies where there is consensus, rather than disagreement. • Utilize the strengths and assets of each team member. • Be flexible in choosing the process that meets the needs of your group. • Summarize dialogue after each meeting.

  10. Learning Through Dialogue Learning Through Dialogue

  11. Facilitative Leaders Facilitative Leaders Those leaders who master the simple art of asking Effective Questions and listening, unleash the energy and creativity of their people and focus it like a laser on what needs to be done to continually improve and get results…” Ed Oakley

  12. Effective Questions: Effective Questions: • What’s already working? • What makes it work? • What is the desired outcome? • What are the benefits of achieving this outcome? • What can we do to move closer to our desired outcome?

  13. Small Group Exercise Small Group Exercise • Name some qualities of what you think make an effective coach. 2. Describe a time when you experienced (or observed) effective coaching? • What made if effective? • How did it look and feel?

  14. Insights from Mentors Insights from Mentors • Judy Mattingly, Franklin County, KY • Deb Nichols, Salamanca, NY • Nancy Parker, Bloomington, IN • Paul Youmans, Longview WA

  15. Small Group Exercise Small Group Exercise Discuss your shared expectations on how you will approach the coaching role together

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