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Learn the fundamentals of strategic management from leading references like Pearce, Robinson, Wheelen, Hunger, and David. Explore company missions, components, primary goals, philosophy, and agency theory. Understand corporate social responsibility and business ethics.
Manajemen Strategis Referensi 1. Pearce and Robinsons, J 2. Fred David 3. Wheelen Hunger JoJj
Minggu ke 1 Manajemen Strategi (Strategic Management) Pearce and Robinsons, JR JoJj
Manajemen StrategisAdalah merupakan serangkaian keputusan dan tindakan yang menghasilkan perumusan dan implementasi rencana yang dirancang untuk mencapai tujuan perusahaan. ( Pearce. Robinson )Manajemen StrategisAdalah serangkaian keputusan dan tindakan majajerial yang menentukan kinerja jangka panjang (wheelen dan Hunger)Manajemen StrategisAdalah seni dan ilmu untuk memformulasikan, mengimplementasikan dan mengevaluasi keputusan lintas fungsi yang memungkinkan organisasi mencapai tujuan dimasa akan datang ( Freed r, david) Managemen strategi meliputi- pengamatan lingkungan - perumusan strategi ( jangka panjang ) - implementasi strategi - evaluasi dan pengendalian
Manajemen StrategiKenapa perlu mempelajari manajemen strategi ?Dihadapkan pada suatu perubahan lingkungan organisasiApa tidak cukup belajar konsep-konsep manajemen saja?Strategi diartikan sebagai suatu proses penentuan rencana para pemimpin puncak yang terfokus pada tujuan jangka panjang
Apa Strategi? • Large-scale, future-oriented plan • Used to interact within competitive environment to achieve company goals • Provides a framework for managerial decisions • Reflects a company’s awareness of the main elements of competition
Company Mission External Analysis Long-Term Objectives Short-Term Objectives Policies Empowering Action Strategic Control & Continuous Improvement Internal Analysis Strategic Analysis & Choice Generic & Grand Strategies Functional Tactics Restructuring, Reengineering & Refocusing Model Komponen Manajemen Strategis
Manajemen strategi menekankan pada pengamatan dan evaluasi peluang dan ancaman lingkungan dan melihat kekuatan dan kelemahan perusahaan
Minggu ke 2 Misi Perusahaan (Company Mission)
Obyek yang Dipelajari • Describe a company mission and explain its values • Explain why the mission statement should include the company’s basic product or service, its primary markets, and its principal technology • Explain which goal of a company is most important: survival, profitability, or growth • Discuss the importance of company philosophy, public image, and company self-concept to stockholders • Give examples of the newest trends in mission statement components: customer emphasis, quality, and company vision • Describe the role of a company’s board of directors • Explain agency theory and its value
Apa Misi Perusahaan ? • Company Mission: A broadly framed but enduring statement of a firm’s intent. It is the unique purpose that sets a company apart from others of its type and identifies the scope of its operations in product, market, and technology terms.
Formulasi dari Misi • The typical business begins with the beliefs, desires, and aspirations of a single entrepreneur • These beliefs are usually the basis for the company’s mission • As the business grows or is forced to alter its product, market, or technology, redefining the company mission may be necessary
Komponen Statemen dari Misi(Mission Statement Components) • Customer-market • Product-service • Geographic Domain • Technology • Concern for Survival • Philosophy • Self-concept • Concern for Public Image
Tujuan Utama Perusahaan(Primary Company Goals): • Survival – A firm that is unable to survive will be incapable of satisfying the aims of any of its stakeholders. • Profitability – A firm’s profitability is the mainstay goal of a business. • Growth – A firm’s growth is tied inextricably to its survival and profitability. Growth in this sense must be broadly defined.
Filosofis Perusahaan(Company Philosophy) • Company philosophy is often called company creed. • Usually accompanies or appears within the mission statement • Reflects the basic beliefs, values, aspirations, and philosophical priorities to which strategic decision makers are committed in managing the company
Teori Agensai(Agency Theory) Agency theory is a set of ideas on organizational control based on the belief that the separation of the ownership from management creates the potential for the wishes of owners to be ignored.
Minggu ke 3 Tanggung Jawab Perusahaan pada Sosial dan Etika Bisnis (Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics)
Obyek yang Dipelajari(Learning Objectives) • Understand importance of stakeholder approach • Explain the continuum of social responsibility • Describe a social audit • Discuss the effect of Sarbanes-Oxley, 2002 • Compare advantages of collaborative social initiatives • Explain the 5 principles of collaborate social initiatives • Compare the merits of different approaches to business ethics • Explain relevance of business management practice • Ethics to strategic
Pihak- pihak yang Bertanggung Jawab(Stakeholder Approach) According to Stakeholder Approach: • In defining or redefining the company mission, strategic managers must recognize the legitimate rights of the firm’s claimants. • These include outside stakeholders affected by the firm’s actions.
Tahap yang berkepentingan dengan Perusahaan(Steps to Incorporate Stakeholders): • Identification of stakeholders • Understanding stakeholders’ specific claims vis-à-vis the firm • Reconciliation of these claims and assignment of priorities • Coordination of the claims with other elements of the company mission
Masukan untuk Pengembangan Misi Perusahaan(Inputs to the Development of Company Mission)
Bentuk Pertanggungjawan Sosial(Types of Social Responsibility) • Economic – the duty of managers, as agents of the company owners, to maximize stockholder wealth • Legal – the firm’s obligations to comply with the laws that regulate business activities • Ethical – the company’s notion of right and proper business behavior. • Discretionary – voluntarily assumed by a business organization.
CSR & Profitability • Corporate social responsibility (CSR), is the idea that business has a duty to serve society in general as well as the financial interests of stockholders. • The dynamic between CSR and success (profit) is complex. They are not mutually exclusive, and they are not prerequisites of each other.
CSR Today • Priority of American businesses • Resurgence of Environmentalism • Increasing Buying Power among Consumers • Globalization of Business
New Corporate Governance Structure • Restructuring governance structure in American corporations • Heightened role of corporate internal auditors • Auditors now routinely deal directly with top corporate officials • CEO information provided directly by the company’s chief compliance and chief accounting officers
CSR’s Effect on Mission Statement • The mission statement embodies what company believes • Managers must identify all stakeholder groups and weigh their relative rights and abilities to affect the firm’s success
Audit Sosial(Social Audit) • A social audit is an attempt to measure a company’s actual social performance against its social objectives. • The social audit may be used for more than simply monitoring and evaluating firm social performance.
Etika Manajemen(Management Ethics) The Nature of Ethics in Business: • Belief that managers will behave in an ethical manner is central to CSR • Ethics – the moral principles that reflect society’s beliefs about the actions of an individual or a group that are right and wrong • Ethical standards reflect the end product of a process of defining and clarifying the nature and content of human interaction
Minggu ke 4 Lingkungan Eksternal (The External Environment)
Lingkungan Eksternal Perusahaan (The Firm’s External Environment) Comprised of following Components: • Remote environment • Industry environment • Operating environment
Lingkungan Eksternal Perusahaan(Firm’s External Environment)
Pemantauan Lingkungan(Remote Environment) • Economic Factors • Social Factors • Political Factors • Technological Factors • Ecological Factors
Faktor Ekonomi(Economic Factors) • Prime interest rates • Inflation rates • Trends in the growth of the gross national product • Unemployment rates • Globalization of the economy • Outsourcing
Faktor Sosial(Social Factors) Present in the external environment: • Beliefs & Values • Attitudes & Opinions • Lifestyles Developed from: • Cultural conditioning • Ecological conditioning • Demographic makeup • Religion • Education • Ethnic conditioning.
Faktor Politik(Political Factors) Political constraints on firms: • Fair-trade Decisions • Antitrust Laws • Tax Programs • Minimum Wage Legislation • Pollution and Pricing Policies • Administrative jawboning
Faktor Terknologi(Technological Factors) • Technological forecasting helps protect and improve the profitability of firms in growing industries. • It alerts strategic managers to impending challenges and promising opportunities. • The key to beneficial forecasting of technological advancement lies in accurately predicting future technological capabilities and their probable impacts.
Faktor Ekologi(Ecological Factors) • Ecology refers to the relationships among human beings and other living things and the air, soil, and water that supports them. • Threats to our life-supporting ecology caused principally by human activities in an industrial society are commonly referred to as pollution • Loss of habitat and biodiversity • Environmental legislation • Eco-efficiency
Lingkungan Internasional(International Environment) • Monitoring the international environment involves assessing each non-domestic market on the same factors that are used in a domestic assessment. • While the importance of factors will differ, the same set of considerations can be used for each country. • Economic, political, legal, and social factors are used to assess international environments. • One complication to this process is that the interplay among international markets must be considered.
Contending Forces • Threat of Entry • Economies of Scale • Product Differentiation • Capital Requirements • Cost Disadvantages Independent of Size • Access to Distribution Channels • Government Policy
Powerful Suppliers A supplier group is powerful if: • It is dominated by a few companies and is more concentrated than the industry it sells to • Its product is unique or at least differentiated, or if it has built-up switching costs • It is not obliged to contend with other products for sale to the industry • It poses a credible threat of integrating forward into the industry’s business • The industry is not an important customer of the supplier group
Powerful Buyers A buyer group is powerful if: • It is concentrated or purchases in large volumes • The products it purchases from the industry are standard • The products it purchases from the industry form a component of its product and represent a significant fraction of its cost • It earns low profits • The industry’s product is unimportant to the quality of the buyers’ products or services • The industry’s product does not save the buyer money • The buyers pose a credible threat of integrating backward
Substitute Products • By placing a ceiling on the prices it can charge, substitute products or services limit the potential of an industry • Substitutes not only limit profits in normal times but also reduce the bonanza an industry can reap in boom times • Substitute products that deserve the most attention strategically are those that are • subject to trends improving their price-performance trade-off with the industry’s product or • produced by industries earning high profits
Jockeying for Position Intense rivalry occurs when: • Competitors are numerous or are roughly equal • Industry growth is slow, precipitating fights for market share that involve expansion • The product or service lacks differentiation or switching costs • Fixed costs are high or the product is perishable, creating strong temptation to cut prices • Capacity normally is augmented in large increments • Exit barriers are high • Rivals are diverse in strategy, origin, and personality
Industry Analysis & Competitive Analysis • An industry is a collection of firms that offer similar products or services. • Structural attributes are the enduring characteristics that give an industry its distinctive character. • Concentration refers to the extent to which industry sales are dominated by only a few firms. • Barriers to entry are the obstacles that a firm must overcome to enter an industry.
Operating Environment • Also called competitive or task environment • Includes competitor positions and customer profiling based on the following factors: • Geographic • Demographic • Psychographic • Buyer Behavior • Also includes suppliers & creditors and HRM
HR: Nature of the Labor Market Access to personnel is affected by 4 factors: • Firm’s reputation as an employer • Local employment rates • Availability of people with the needed skills • Its relationship with labor unions.