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Unit A: Health Care Terminology

Unit A: Health Care Terminology. Pronunciation:. Ch is sometimes pronounced like a k example: chronic Ps is pronounced like s example: psychiatry Pn is pronounced with only the n sound example: pneumonia C and g are given the soft sound of s and j examples: cell, genetics.

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Unit A: Health Care Terminology

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Unit A: Health Care Terminology

  2. Pronunciation: • Ch is sometimes pronounced like a k example: chronic • Ps is pronounced like s example: psychiatry • Pn is pronounced with only the n sound example: pneumonia • C and g are given the soft sound of s and j examples: cell, genetics

  3. Pronunciation • Ae and oe are pronounced ee examples: fasciae, coelom • I at the end of a word is pronounced eye examples: alveoli, glomeruli • Es when forming the final letters of a word, is often pronounced as a separate syllable example: nares (nah’reez)

  4. Prefix • Beginning part of a word before the word root • Often indicates location, time, or number -peri means around -post means after -brady means slow

  5. Root • Central part and determines the meaning of a word -cardi- root for heart -carcin- root for cancer - lingua- root for tongue - mamm- root for breast

  6. Suffix • Last part of the word that changes its meaning - itis means inflammation -plasty means surgical repair - sclerosis means hardening

  7. Combining Form • A root with an added vowel for easier pronunciation -rhin + o = rhino • The combining vowel is not used when the suffix begins with a vowel. (neuritis) • The combining vowel is used when the suffix begins with a consonant. (neuroplasty)

  8. Bradycardia Brady = slow Cardia = heart Bradycardia = slow heart rate

  9. Hysterectomy Hyster = uterus Ectomy = surgical removal Hysterectomy = surgical removal or the uterus

  10. Hepatomegaly Hepato = liver Megaly = enlargement Hepatomegaly = enlarged liver

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