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Water Efficiency

Water Efficiency. LEED® Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. Water Efficiency. Goals : Reduce the quantity of the water needed for the building. Reduce municipal water supply and treatment burden. Water Efficiency Credits. WE Prerequisite 1 Water Use Reduction. NC: REQ

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Water Efficiency

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  1. Water Efficiency LEED® Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

  2. Water Efficiency • Goals: • Reduce the quantity of the water needed for the building. • Reduce municipal water supply and treatment burden.

  3. Water Efficiency Credits

  4. WE Prerequisite 1 Water Use Reduction NC: REQ SCHOOLS: REQ CS: REQ Intent To increase water efficiency within buildings to reduce the burden on municipal water supply and wastewater systems.

  5. WE Prerequisite 1 Water Use Reduction NC: REQ SCHOOLS: REQ CS: REQ Requirements NC, SCHOOLS & CS Reduce building potable water use from the baseline.

  6. WE Prerequisite 1 Water Use Reduction NC: REQ SCHOOLS: REQ CS: REQ

  7. WE Prerequisite 1 Water Use Reduction NC: REQ SCHOOLS: REQ CS: REQ • Requirements • The following fixtures, fittings and appliances are outside the scope of the water use reduction calculation: • Commercial Steam Cookers • Commercial Dishwashers • Automatic Commercial Ice Makers • Commercial (family-sized) Clothes Washers • Residential Clothes Washers • Standard and Compact Residential Dishwashers

  8. WE Prerequisite 1 Water Use Reduction NC: REQ SCHOOLS: REQ CS: REQ • Implementation • Install flow restrictors and/or reduced flow aerators • Install and maintain automatic faucet sensors and metering controls • Install low-flow and low-flush fixtures • Install non-water fixtures • Harvest / Collect rainwater

  9. WE Prerequisite 1 Water Use Reduction NC: REQ SCHOOLS: REQ CS: REQ Referenced Standards The Energy Policy Act (EPAct) of 1992 (and as amended) The Energy Policy Act (EPAct) of 2005 Flush Rate for Fixtures: Conventional Water Closet 1.6 GPF Conventional Urinal 1.0 GPF

  10. WE Prerequisite 1 Water Use Reduction NC: REQ SCHOOLS: REQ CS: REQ Timeline and Team Predesign Design Architect / Mechanical Engineer Construction Occupancy

  11. WE Credit 1 Water Efficient Landscaping NC: 2-4 pts SCHOOLS: 2-4 pts CS: 2-4 pts Intent To limit or eliminate the use of potable water or other natural surface or subsurface water resources available on or near the project site for landscape irrigation.

  12. WE Credit 1 Water Efficient Landscaping NC: 2-4 pts SCHOOLS: 2-4 pts CS: 2-4 pts Requirements NC, SCHOOLS & CS OPTION 1 Reduce potable water consumption for irrigation by 50% from a calculated midsummer baseline case.

  13. WE Credit 1 Water Efficient Landscaping NC: 2-4 pts SCHOOLS: 2-4 pts CS: 2-4 pts • Requirements • Reductions shall be attributed to any combination of the following items: • Plant species factor • Irrigation efficiency • Use of captured rainwater • Use of recycled wastewater • Use of water treated and conveyed by a public agency specifically for non-potable uses

  14. WE Credit 1 Water Efficient Landscaping NC: 2-4 pts SCHOOLS: 2-4 pts CS: 2-4 pts Requirements NC, SCHOOLS & CS OPTION 2 Do not use potable water for irrigation AND PATH 1 Use only captured rainwater, recycled wastewater, recycled graywater or water treated and conveyed by a public agency specifically for nonpotable uses for irrigation. OR PATH 2 Install landscaping that does not require permanent irrigation systems. Temporary irrigation systems used for plant establishment are allowed only if removed within 1 year of installation

  15. WE Credit 1 Water Efficient Landscaping NC: 2-4 pts SCHOOLS: 2-4 pts CS: 2-4 pts Implementation Use native and drought-tolerant plants that can survive on natural rainfall. Climate Tolerate Plants Minimize Turf Utilize Techniques such as: Mulching Alternative Mowing Composting

  16. WE Credit 1 Water Efficient Landscaping NC: 2-4 pts SCHOOLS: 2-4 pts CS: 2-4 pts Implementation Capture rainwater on-site for irrigation purposes. Consider using for Irrigation:  Stormwater  Graywater  Condensate Water Minimize the amount of turf and use only where needed for recreational or pedestrian use. Turf typically requires irrigation and creates a monoculture that does not encourage biodiversity.

  17. WE Credit 1 Water Efficient Landscaping NC: 2-4 pts SCHOOLS: 2-4 pts CS: 2-4 pts Implementation Specify high-efficiency irrigation systems, such as, drip irrigation which delivers water to plant roots so less water is lost to evaporation.

  18. WE Credit 1 Water Efficient Landscaping NC: 2-4 pts SCHOOLS: 2-4 pts CS: 2-4 pts Implementation Regularly monitor irrigation systems to ensure that they are watering on desired schedules. Do not irrigate plants during winter months. Mulch landscaped areas to assist with water retention.

  19. WE Credit 1 Water Efficient Landscaping NC: 2-4 pts SCHOOLS: 2-4 pts CS: 2-4 pts Implementation Good Approaches: High-Efficiency Irrigation Strategies Micro-irrigation systems Moisture sensors Rain shut-offs Weather-based evapotranspiration controllers Drip systems – use 30% - 50% less water than sprinklers

  20. WE Credit 1 Water Efficient Landscaping NC: 2-4 pts SCHOOLS: 2-4 pts CS: 2-4 pts Implementation Good Approaches: Rainwater Collection Cisterns Underground Tanks Ponds Rain Barrels

  21. WE Credit 1 Water Efficient Landscaping NC: 2-4 pts SCHOOLS: 2-4 pts CS: 2-4 pts Implementation Good Approaches: Rainwater Collection Roofs Plazas Paved Areas

  22. WE Credit 1 Water Efficient Landscaping NC: 2-4 pts SCHOOLS: 2-4 pts CS: 2-4 pts Implementation Good Approaches: Wastewater Recovery On-site Municipal On-Site: Graywater Wastewater Treatment

  23. WE Credit 1 Water Efficient Landscaping NC: 2-4 pts SCHOOLS: 2-4 pts CS: 2-4 pts Implementation Good Approaches: Wastewater Recovery On-site Municipal On-Site: Graywater Wastewater Treatment Graywater: Wastewater from: Sinks Showers Washing Machines Cooling Tower Condensation from AC Systems

  24. WE Credit 1 Water Efficient Landscaping NC: 2-4 pts SCHOOLS: 2-4 pts CS: 2-4 pts Implementation Good Approaches: Wastewater Recovery On-site Municipal On-Site: Graywater Wastewater Treatment Graywater: Wastewater from: Sinks Showers Washing Machines Cooling Tower Condensation from AC Systems No Human Waste or Food Processing

  25. WE Credit 1 Water Efficient Landscaping NC: 2-4 pts SCHOOLS: 2-4 pts CS: 2-4 pts Calculations Perform calculations of the baseline and design case to show the percentage reduction in water demand, and report what portion of irrigation will come from each nonpotable source (if any). Prepare a landscape plan showing a planting schedule and irrigation system.

  26. WE Credit 1 Water Efficient Landscaping NC: 2-4 pts SCHOOLS: 2-4 pts CS: 2-4 pts Documentation and Calculations Baseline Case vs Design Case For each Landscape Area: Calculate KL KL = Ks x Kd x Kmc Determine ET0 for your region (July) Calculate ETL  ETL [in] = ET0 x KL KL – Landscape Coefficient Ks – Species Factor Kd – Density Factor Kmc – Microclimate Factor

  27. WE Credit 1 Water Efficient Landscaping NC: 2-4 pts SCHOOLS: 2-4 pts CS: 2-4 pts KL = Ks x Kd x Kmc ETL = ET0 X KL BLDG KL = Ks x Kd x Kmc ETL = ET0 X KL Which two variables remain constant when calculating the design and baseline cases?

  28. WE Credit 1 Water Efficient Landscaping NC: 2-4 pts SCHOOLS: 2-4 pts CS: 2-4 pts KL = Ks x Kd x Kmc ETL = ET0 X KL BLDG KL = Ks x Kd x Kmc ETL = ET0 X KL Which two variables remain constant when calculating the design and baseline cases? Kmc & ET0

  29. WE Credit 1 Water Efficient Landscaping NC: 2-4 pts SCHOOLS: 2-4 pts CS: 2-4 pts Baseline Case TWA [gal] Design Case TWA [gal] Percent Reduction of Potable Water % Reduction Baseline H20 Design H20 % Reduction = 100 x [1 – Design H20 /Baseline H20]

  30. WE Credit 1 Water Efficient Landscaping NC: 2-4 pts SCHOOLS: 2-4 pts CS: 2-4 pts Timeline and Team Predesign DesignArchitect / Mechanical Engineer / Civil Engineer Construction Occupancy

  31. WE Credit 2 Innovative Wastewater Technologies NC: 2 points SCHOOLS: 2 points CS: 2 points Intent To reduce wastewater generation and potable water demand while increasing the local aquifer recharge.

  32. WE Credit 2 Innovative Wastewater Technologies NC: 2 points SCHOOLS: 2 points CS: 2 points Requirements OPTION 1 Reduce potable water use for sewage conveyance by 50% through water conserving fixtures (water closets, urinals) or non-potable water (captured rainwater, recycled graywater, and on-site or municipally treated wastewater). OR OPTION 2 Treat 50% of wastewater on-site to tertiary standards. Treated water must be used on-site or infiltrated.

  33. WE Credit 2 Innovative Wastewater Technologies NC: 2 points SCHOOLS: 2 points CS: 2 points Implementation Specify: High Efficiency Fixtures low flow dual flush Dry Fixtures composting toilets non-water urinals

  34. WE Credit 2 Innovative Wastewater Technologies NC: 2 points SCHOOLS: 2 points CS: 2 points Implementation Reuse for sewage conveyance: Stormwater Graywater

  35. WE Credit 2 Innovative Wastewater Technologies NC: 2 points SCHOOLS: 2 points CS: 2 points Implementation Consider: On-site wastewater treatment

  36. WE Credit 2 Innovative Wastewater Technologies NC: 2 points SCHOOLS: 2 points CS: 2 points Implementation Consider: Constructed Wetlands

  37. WE Credit 2 Innovative Wastewater Technologies NC: 2 points SCHOOLS: 2 points CS: 2 points Implementation Consider: High-efficiency Filtration Systems

  38. WE Credit 2 Innovative Wastewater Technologies NC: 2 points SCHOOLS: 2 points CS: 2 points Calculations Option 1: Using the WE Prerequisite 1 calculations, determine the baseline and design case of only the flush fixtures, to determine whether potable water consumption is reduced by 50%. Option 2: Determine the amount of wastewater compared with the capacity of the wastewater treatment system available. Compile information about system schematics and the capacity of any rainwater of graywater systems.

  39. WE Credit 2 Innovative Wastewater Technologies NC: 2 points SCHOOLS: 2 points CS: 2 points Documentation and Calculations OPTION 1 Full Time Equivalent - FTE Transient Building Occupants – daily average Baseline Case Use Energy Policy Act of 1992 for Fixture Flush Rates Design Case Actual WC & Urinals Specified

  40. WE Credit 2 Innovative Wastewater Technologies NC: 2 points SCHOOLS: 2 points CS: 2 points Documentation and Calculations Assumptions 50% males & 50% females Daily Uses: Males WC 1 use Urinal 2 uses Females WC 3 uses

  41. WE Credit 2 Innovative Wastewater Technologies NC: 2 points SCHOOLS: 2 points CS: 2 points Documentation and Calculations Energy Policy Act of 1992 Flush Rate for Fixtures: Conventional Water Closet 1.6 GPF Conventional Urinal 1.0 GPF

  42. WE Credit 2 Innovative Wastewater Technologies NC: 2 points SCHOOLS: 2 points CS: 2 points Documentation and Calculations Commercial Building - 14 FTE Baseline WC, Women 3 x 1.6 GPF x 7 = 33.6 gal WC, Men 1 x 1.6 GPF x 7 = 11.2 gal Urinal, Men 2 x 1.0 GPF x 7 = 14.0 gal TPW daily = 58.8 gal Design WC, Women 3 x 1.1 GPF x 7 = 23.1 gal WC, Men 1 x 1.1 GPF x 7 = 7.7 gal Urinal, Men 2 x 0.0 GPF x 7 = 0.0 gal TPW daily = 30.8 gal

  43. WE Credit 2 Innovative Wastewater Technologies NC: 2 points SCHOOLS: 2 points CS: 2 points Documentation and Calculations Commercial Building - 14 FTE Baseline WC, Women 3 x 1.6 GPF x 7 = 33.6 gal WC, Men 1 x 1.6 GPF x 7 = 11.2 gal Urinal, Men 2 x 1.0 GPF x 7 = 14.0 gal TPW daily = 58.8 gal Design WC, Women 3 x 1.1 GPF x 7 = 23.1 gal WC, Men 1 x 1.1 GPF x 7 = 7.7 gal Urinal, Men 2 x 0.0 GPF x 7 = 0.0 gal TPW daily = 30.8 gal % Reduction = 100 x (1 – 30.8/58.8) = 47.6%

  44. WE Credit 2 Innovative Wastewater Technologies NC: 2 points SCHOOLS: 2 points CS: 2 points Timeline and Team Predesign DesignArchitect /Mechanical Engineer / Civil Engineer Construction Occupancy

  45. WE Credit 2 Innovative Wastewater Technologies NC: 2 points SCHOOLS: 2 points CS: 2 points Referenced Standards The Energy Policy Act (EPAct) of 1992 (and as amended) The Energy Policy Act (EPAct) of 2005 The 2006 editions of the Uniform Plumbing Code or International Plumbing Code

  46. WE Credit 2 Innovative Wastewater Technologies NC: 2 points SCHOOLS: 2 points CS: 2 points Exemplary Performance 100% reduction in potable water use for sewage conveyance OR On-site treatment and re-use/infiltration of 100% of generated wastewater

  47. WE Credit 3 Water Use Reduction NC: 2-4 SCHOOLS: 2-4 CS: 2-4 Intent To increase water efficiency within buildings to reduce the burden on municipal water supply and wastewater systems.

  48. WE Credit 3 Water Use Reduction NC: 2-4 SCHOOLS: 2-4 CS: 2-4 Requirements NC, SCHOOLS & CS Reduce building potable water use from the baseline.

  49. WE Credit 3 Water Use Reduction NC: 2-4 SCHOOLS: 2-4 CS: 2-4

  50. WE Credit 3 Water Use Reduction NC: 2-4 SCHOOLS: 2-4 CS: 2-4 Assume a 1-to-1 gender ratio Exemplary Performance = 45% or greater

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