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LABORATORY EXERCISE Nr. 1. PROTOCOLS. VEDENÍ PROTOKOLU. Date : Name : Name of experiment Aim of the study : Experimental subject : Instruments : Equipment : Results : Conclusions : evaluation of results discussion Graph (if needed).
PROTOCOLS VEDENÍ PROTOKOLU Date : Name : Name of experiment Aim of the study : Experimental subject : Instruments : Equipment : Results : Conclusions : evaluation of results discussion Graph (if needed)
Laboratory report No 1 9.10.2006 Luis Figo Skin resistance measurment Aim : finding of skin resistance against a) direct current b) alternate current Subject : student Eqipment : digital multimeter, transformer, 4,5 V battery, electrodes, PowerLab. water Procedure : Count skin resistence against direct rurrent in dry and wet skin Counting of current, which is going through the skin after alternate current from the transformer.(8 V) - in dry and wet skin. Counting of resistance according to Ohm : R= U / I
Results: direct current alternate current R dry 123 I dry 123 -> R 8/123 R wet 123 l wet 123 -> R 8/123 Conclusion : Count skin resistence against direct current is greater then against alternate current. Skin is acting as isolator, cellular membrane as condensator which is not permeable for direct current. In dry skin the resistance is greater then in wet skin because water is a conductor.
Laboratory report No 2 16.10. 2006 Luis Figo Operace Aim : operation of the stomach fistula. Subject : rabbit Anesteziolge: Operator : Assistant : Equipment : laboratory animal, anaesthetic, surgical instruments, veils (towels), disinfection Procedure : measuring the weight of the rabbit, calculation of anaesthetic dose, application of anaesthetic Pentobarbital 50 mg/kg Dilution …….. 50 mg/ml 50 mg………….1 kg 50 mg ……………. 1 ml x …………. 2,3 kg 115 mg ……………. x . x : 50 = 2,3 : 1 x : 1 = 115 : 50 x = 2,3 . 50 x = 115 mg x = 2,3 ml
Verification of the depth of anaesthesia - reflxes, preparation of surgical area, fixaton of animal, placing towels, disinfection. Opening of the belly cavity, elevation of the stomach, tabacco suture, opening of the stomach, introduction of the canyla. Reposition of the stomach. Sewing of belly in layers. During operation prolongation of anesthesia (after ½ h) and continuous weting of viscera with saline. Veils and instruments OK ………………… signature Conclusion: Operation without complications. Animal killed by air embolisation.
LABORATORY ANIMALS Ethical principles of using animals for research : law for the protection of animals (1992). Alternative methods : tissue and cell cultures experiments in vitro mathematical models Why are laboratory animals important : complexity and regulatory mechanisms of the whole organism study of physiological processes study of ethiopathogenesis of diseases study of effects of medicaments testing new surgical methods creating biological models progress of veterinary medicine Sources of animals : special breeding Kinds of animals : conventional (unknown saprophytic microbes) specific pathogen free (SPF) (precisely defined microbes) gnotobiotic (bred in isolators, germ free,) . Vertebrtates used in experiments : monkey rabbit rat dog guinea pig mouse cat frog Manipulation of laboratory animals : general principles