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Points of Interaction between Body Systems

Points of Interaction between Body Systems. SIMPLE. Cells. Tissues. Organs. Organ Systems. COMPLEX. Organism. Things your Cell needs to get daily. From your respiratory system: Oxygen . From your digestive system: Nutrients Minerals Lipids Carbohydrates Protiens

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Points of Interaction between Body Systems

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  1. Points of Interaction between Body Systems

  2. SIMPLE Cells Tissues Organs Organ Systems COMPLEX Organism

  3. Things your Cell needs to get daily From your respiratory system: Oxygen From your digestive system: Nutrients Minerals Lipids Carbohydrates Protiens Water Enzymes: are proteins that help speed up chemical reactions and help your body get these things.

  4. Cellular Respiration Chemical reaction that occurs in the cells once the cell gets nutrients, water, enzymes (proteins) and oxygen causing energy to be released. Chemical Reaction- Nutrients + oxygen -- energy + water + CO2

  5. Then the Cell needs to get rid of… C02 using the respiratory system. Extra water, minerals, and other cellular waste though the excretory system. This process is called EXCRETION.

  6. Kidneys Part of the urinary system that removes excess water. Nephrons are the filtering parts of the kidney.

  7. Points of Interaction Food leaves the digestive system and enters the circulatory system in the small intestine at points called villi. Process called absorption.

  8. Points of Interaction • Alveoli- exchange CO2 and oxygen from the bloodstream back into the respiratory system

  9. Homeostasis • Homeostasis- Process by which the body maintains a stable internal environment

  10. How do you return to homeostasis?

  11. Negative Feedback • when a change in the normal state occurs a negative feedback mechanism causes the body to return to the normal state. Most common way for the body to return to homeostasis. Examples: • You get overheated, so your body starts to sweat, and you cool back off

  12. Negative Feedback • Blood pressure gets too high, so your heart beats slower, and blood pressure returns to normal.

  13. More examples • Your glucose (sugar) levels in your blood get to high, so the pancreases secretes insulin, causing your body’s cells to store the glucose, until levels return to a normal level.

  14. Positive Feedback Positive Feedback- when a change in the normal state occurs the positive feedback mechanism causes an even greater change. -rare in normal healthy bodies. .

  15. Positive Feedback A blood vessel is cut, chemicals are released. Platelets begin to stick to the walls. This causes MORE chemicals to be released and MORE platelets to stick until the cut is sealed

  16. Positive Feedback The uterus starts contacting causing the baby to enter the birth canal. When the brain notices this change it causes the uterus to contract MORE until the baby is pushed out.

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