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You Should Take Online Quran Lessons
You Should Take Online Quran Lessons One very important aspect of Islam is knowledge. Everything about the religion of peace is guided by knowledge. Every aspect of a Muslim’s life is guided by knowledge. There is a guideline for everything we do as Muslims. There is a guideline for eating, there is a guideline for sleeping, there is a guideline for the type of hairstyles we wear, and there is a guideline for pretty much everything you can think of. When it comes to acquiring knowledge in Islam, nobody is left out. The young, the old, the poor, the rich, male, and female, we are all enjoined to seek knowledge. We are all guided by the same knowledge. This differs from what is obtainable in matters of the world. For instance, a poor person will likely have no money to buy stocks in the stock market. For such a person, the knowledge of the stock market is not necessary. In another instance, no man needs to know about female hygiene but if they do that is fine. The essence of pointing out these instances is to reiterate that while the knowledge of the matters of the world is selectively important, Islamic knowledge is important to all Muslims. Where should we get knowledge from? So, as Muslims, where should we get our knowledge from? Where should we get the lessons that guide our lifestyle? There are many sources for you as a Muslim to learn from. But the prime source is the Quran. Quran lessons are one of the most important things in a Muslim’s quest for knowledge. Contained in the Quran are the words of Allah, the lessons from Allah. We know Allah is Al-alim and that there is no better place to learn than from his words. This fact emphasizes the importance of learning the Quran. No one is born with the knowledge of the Quran, we all have to learn from it. Even the prophet had to learn the Quran through revelations from Allah. But how do you learn the Quran? The commonest way of learning the Quran is by going to a class and learning from a Mu’allim (Ustadh). The traditional platform for learning is through physical classes. However, we are in an age where people can take classes virtually even Quran classes. A platform for virtual Quran Lessons The advantages of Online Quran Lessons are enjoyed by people who have very tight schedules, people who live far from physical classes, and people with disabilities. Going to physical classes would be a hassle for such people. If the discomfort gets too much,it could even discourage them from takinglessons. For these reasons, platforms like tarteelequran.comcreated a virtual space for everyone, a space that offers online Quran lessons for kids and Adults. This service is available in some nations across 3 continents. It is available in the United States (USA), the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada. Quran lessons will you learn on tarteelequran.com This platform offers a broad range of lessons. On it, you will get a sufficient pack of online Quran lessons for kids and Adults. You get to learn how to recite the Quran with perfection, you learn about the morals of the Quran, and you memorize the Quran.Narrating what is offer this way does not give the full picture. On tarteelequran.com, there are 10 courses on offer for you. These lessons areQaida, Noorani Qaida, Read the Quran with tajweed, Hifz, Quran for Beginners, Islamic Studies for Kids, Ijazah Course, 10 Qirat, Belief System Course, and Duain course. Qaida andNoorani Qaida
The Qaida and Noorani Qaida classes are the basic classes when you want to learn to recite the Quran. These 2 classes offer Quran lessons with Tajweed but there is a difference. For the Qaida class, you learn to recite the Quran with tajweed and learn the basic rules of tajweed. On the other hand, Noorani Qaida class only teaches you how to recite the Quran with tajweed. The rules of tajweed are not taught in this class. The instructional material used for the Noorani Qaida class is the Noorani Qaida book by Moolvi Noor Muhammad. Read the Quran with Tajweed This class is a continuation of the Qaida class. In this class, you learn about the advanced rules of tajweed. The classes offered are scheduled and charged at different rates. A free trial is available if you wish to test-run before you commit to it. Online Quran Memorization (Hifz) In the Hifz class, you memorize the Quran until you can recite the whole Quran by heart. The memorization lessons start as a 30-minute class. Then after you memorize your first 2 juz, the classes become 1 hour long. It would take you about 3 years to completely memorize the Quran but it could be shorter. Quran for Beginners If your schedule is extremely tight, you may find the Quran for Beginners' course as fitting for you. In this class, you are given classwork. When you turn the classwork in, the instructors grade them and assess your progress. Islamic Studies for Kids This class is specifically for kids and it is divided into 9 sub-classes. One of the sub-classes teaches the kids dua. In the other classes, the kids are taught to recite the Quran, memorize the Quran, and they are also taught the rules of tajweed. Asides the knowledge of the Quran lessons, they are also taught seerah and authentic hadiths. Ijazah Course The Ijazah course is for those who want to become teachers of the Quran. In this course, you are tutored by a qualified ustadh. At the end of the course, you are given a certificate. Ten Qirat Online There are 10 verified methods of reciting the Quran. These methods have been transmitted for decades and they are called the 10 Qirat. On the aforementioned platform, you will learn the recitation methods of the 10 Qaris. Pillars of Islam and Belief System In this class, you learn about the pillars of Islam: Iman, Solah, Zakat, Sawm, and Hajj. You also learn about the Islamic belief system, about Tawheed, which is the basis of the oneness of Allah. Daily Islamic Supplications (Duain) In the Duain class, you learn how to pray to Allah. www.TarteeleQuran.Com Asides solah, some of us do not know what to say when we pray to Allah. But this class helps with that.
The knowledge of the Quran is what defines how well one can be a Muslim. This knowledge cannot magically jump into our heads, we need Quran lessons to know them. There is no way to worship Allah perfectly without learning the Quran.