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European Project VS/2013/001/0407 „Promoting social dialogue in the sector of Agriculture in the new member states toward developing a Sectoral Social Scheme in terms of combating precarious work places, poverty and social exclusion of the agricultural workers“.
European Project VS/2013/001/0407„Promoting social dialogue in the sector of Agriculture in the new member states toward developing a Sectoral Social Scheme in terms of combating precarious work places, poverty and social exclusion of the agricultural workers“ First Steering Committee Project Meeting 24 – 25 February 2014, Sofia This project is realized with the financial support of European Union
Social security issues in the Sector – still needs responsible answer • Introduction of the main thesis along the project goal • Svetla Vasileva – FNSZ President • Bruno Vanoni – EFFAT President • Hristina Mitreva – KNSB expert • Reseau Projectives • Discussion with all the participants – national and organizational interpretation of the subject – questions discovered – expectations and intends • Sum-up the discussion
The Partnership • Federation of Independent Unions in Agriculture (FNSZ) • Bulgarian Association of Agricultural Producers (BAAP) • Agrosindikat, Macedonia • 3F, Denmark • Agrostar, Romania • IG BAU, Germany • KZI, Slovenia • FGA-CFDT, France • ALPA -Association of Small Farmers, Italy • OSZPV – ASO -Czech Republic • European Federation of Food Agriculture and Tourism (EFFAT)
Objectives • To enhance the sectoral social dialogue focusing on the social security systems in the new member states and candidate-countries • To rise awareness and contribute to the public debate on the commitment to social solidarity and challenges faced, and developing specific social security schemes in Agriculture • To contribute to improvement of the workers security in terms of economic crisis and inclusive labor market and fostering information and consultation between the all key partners - social partners and government - in the matter and its respect to it
The Project Aims • To increase the capacity of trade unions and employers • To promote consultation procedures betweens the key players aiming to initiate discussion on the social security schemes/funds establishment • To encourage the active public debate and to inform the social partners on possible solutions/measures taken at European level
Expected Results and Outcomes • Analytical Study/Peer Analysis on the situation of social security systems in European Union with focus on Agriculture • National inputs by each partner-country and National Action plans for concerted actions of the social partners • Transnational Brochure on possible good solutions for developing efficient SSSS in Agriculture • Increased capacity of the social partners in the sector upon social security issues and rights • Improvement of efficiency of the social dialogue and impetus for the process in the NMS and Candidate countries • Strengthening the transnational solidarity and cooperation • Massive information and media campaign for exploring and shaping the public opinion on the hot social issues in Agriculture
How do we work on? - 2 strategic lines • High level actions to initiate a policy making process for developing specific social security schemes in the Agriculture • Real experience exchange and awareness rising and mobilization of the national social partners • Methodology: • Data gathering and surveys • Face-to-face meetings and distance work among the partnership and network, created by key players and concerned at both levels – National and European • Envisaged external experts, engaged in all phases and concerned to the related topics will support and guide the process of framing optional solutions and proposals for improving the legislative framework
The meeting aims • To introduce the partnership and the project concept - Common understanding of the tasks and activities of the project • To establish the project Steering Committee • To work on the division of tasks, time schedule, communication procedure amongst partnership • To reach a joint agreement on the project work
What we do on this meeting? • Outline the activities throughout the project cycle and distribution of tasks, timing, communication procedure, methodology • Work on Focus groups & Defining the participants at Regional Workshops • Organization and planning the project Media & Dissemination strategy and Evaluation strategy
Formation of the Focus groups 3 Regional Focus groups at national and regional level are created. They are formatted on the principle “Old member states – new member states” and are constructed by 10 representatives of the key players at national level – trade unions and employers’ organizations in the sector of agriculture, responsible persons from the state - and work in dialogue on studying opportunities and drafting the Sectoral social schemes at national level.
Regional Workshop Meetings The 3 regional working meetings are followed by press conferences in front of the local media. It will bring a publicity of the project goals and objectives and will give an emphasis on the potential of the sector and make pressure on the politicians, for taking adequate solutions toward identified limitations.
IV month - RWM1 is implemented in Sofia. The participants are the focus groups from partners’ organizations in Bulgaria, Macedonia, Denmark and Italy. Special role here has the partner 3F and the external experts, who will bring the good practice examples in the old member states, thus will inspire the partners to generate new solutions and undertake concrete measures. • V month – RWM2 is implemented in Bucharest. The participants are the Focus groups from partners’ organizations in Romania, Check republic and Germany. The logic and performance of the session follows the above mentioned methodology. • V month - RWM3 is implemented in Ljubljana, where the Focus groups of the partners from Slovenia and France will held the session under the above mentioned logic and methodology. The key role of the old members partners and external experts is important as the work of the national partners, such as action plan, recommendations, etc.
Communication during the project • English is the project language, but other partners’ languages will be used for the internal communication in the partnership. • During the formal meetings interpretation into 3-5 languages will be used. • The translation from the partners’ language to English and vice versa of the written materials will be made in the country of edition and sent to the coordinator. • Communication - at distance via internet, emails, telephone and face-to-face during the formal meetings and conferences
Media Campaign & Dissemination strategy • 4 Press conferences: • after each regional working meeting and • after the Conference • Interviews in media and press-releases – regional and national • Publications into the partners’ websites and • Disclaimer!The 3 regional working meetings are followed by press conferences in front of the local media. It will bring a publicity of the project goals and objectives and will give an emphasis on the potential of the sector and make pressure on the politicians, for taking adequate solutions toward identified limitations
Evaluation Strategy - Indicators for Evaluation • Approval of Analytical Study • Approval of the Transnational Brochure • The number of good practices • National Action plans agreed with concerted measures • Agreements, Declarations, Opinions • The number of participants (politicians, opinion makers, journalists, etc.) • Gender equality • Publications at partner’s websites • Ultimate target groups touched • ………………
At the end: Management Plan for the Project Will help in any case