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Afternoon Session – Day 1

Towards Full Accessibility in LMS. Afternoon Session – Day 1. OpenACS/.LRN Fall Confenrece 2006. Objectives of the Session. On-going developments and research works on accessibility compliance in LMS

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Afternoon Session – Day 1

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  1. Towards Full Accessibility in LMS Afternoon Session – Day 1 OpenACS/.LRN Fall Confenrece 2006

  2. Objectives of the Session • On-going developments and research works on accessibility compliance in LMS • Analyze the accessibility status of .LRN/OpenACS and discuss the existing main problems and the way to solve them. • Educate .LRN community in the importance of developing with accessibility requirements in mind • Define some guidelines to help .LRN developments reach the accessibility requirements OpenACS/.LRN Fall Conference – Nov. 1-4, 2006 – Boston

  3. Accessibility Requirements in dotLRN Day 1 - Afternoon Session Towards Full Accessibility in LMS • Olga C. Santos • R&D Technical Manager of aDeNu Research Group • UNED (Spain) OpenACS/.LRN Fall Conference 2006 • Artificial Intelligence Dpt.

  4. Overview • Introduction to Accessiblity • Objectives • WAI guidelines: WCAG 1.0 & 2.0 • Accessibility in .LRN • Previous efforts • Current status • Reported bugs • Practical Guidelines • AJAX and accessibility • Validation OpenACS/.LRN Fall Conference – Nov. 1-4, 2006 – Boston

  5. Introduction to Accessibility

  6. Objectives • To allow different strategies for web access • To facilitate the integration of technical aids Remove accessibility barriers and Guarantee access for all OpenACS/.LRN Fall Conference – Nov. 1-4, 2006 – Boston

  7. Checkpoints for WCAG 1.0 http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10/full-checklist.html OpenACS/.LRN Fall Conference – Nov. 1-4, 2006 – Boston

  8. WCAG 2.0 • Still a DRAFT version!!! • http://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/wcag20 • WCAG 2.0 Quick Reference • http://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG20/quickref/ • Several changes • http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/conformance.html • Success Criteria and Conformance Levels • Instead of Checkpoints and Priorities • Baseline concept: technologies with accessibility support • Does not prohibit the use of any specific technology • As long as they are supported by accessible user agents, including assistive technologies. • Comparison: WCAG 1.0 checkpoints to WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria • http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/appendixD.html OpenACS/.LRN Fall Conference – Nov. 1-4, 2006 – Boston

  9. Accessibility in .LRN

  10. Accessibility Status in .LRN • http://openacs.org/xowiki/en/Accessibility • Previous efforts: • Tristan Kalnins-Cole's under Dorian Peter's supervision • 2.1.3 was ‘unofficially’ WCAG 1.0 level A compliant • Selva theme: • Designed to improve navigation and usability and based on CSS • Current version: .LRN 2.2.0 • Tried to comply with WCAG 1.0 level A • Analysis based on the checkpoints from WCAG 1.0 • http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10/full-checklist.html • Problems reported to the Bug tracker OpenACS/.LRN Fall Conference – Nov. 1-4, 2006 – Boston

  11. Requirements for accessibility in .LRN 2.2.0 • Selva Theme • Accessible forms (instead of standard.adp) • openacs-4/packages/acs-templating/resources/forms/accessible-forms.adp • Minor changes in some files (some already in CVS) • openacs-4/www/blank-master.adp • openacs-4/packages/acs-subsite/lib/login.tcl • openacs-4/packages/acs-templating/tcl/widget-procs.tcl • openacs-4/packages/dotlrn/www/admin/term-new.tcl OpenACS/.LRN Fall Conference – Nov. 1-4, 2006 – Boston

  12. Bug Tracker: open accessibility bugs • WCAG 1.0 level A: 6 open bugs • #3024: WCAG - Checkpoint 5.2 • #2940: LORS frames need a title • #2939: LORS requires Javascript • #2931: Specify language with lang attribute • #2822: alt and title description in Calendar images • #2816: alt description in dotLRN logo is not sufficient • WCAG 1.0 level AA: 9 open bugs • #2841: WCAG - Checkpoint 3.6 • #2840: WCAG - Checkpoint 3.5 • #2839: WCAG - Checkpoint 3.2 • #2837: WCAG - Checkpoint 13.3 • #2836: WCAG - Checkpoint 13.2 • #2835: WCAG - Checkpoint 13.1 • #2834: WCAG - Checkpoint 12.4 • #2833: WCAG - Checkpoint 5.3 • #2832: WCAG - Checkpoint 3.3 • WCAG 1.0 level AAA: 2 open bugs • #3022: WCAG - Checkpoint 2.2 • #3021: WCAG - Checkpoint 13.5 OpenACS/.LRN Fall Conference – Nov. 1-4, 2006 – Boston

  13. Main reported problems (1/3) • Skip menu missing (select where to go from top of the page) • Site map or table of contents missing • Colour combinations used are not optimal • Foreground and background of top menus (white vs. greenish/bluish) • Critical problems in Calendar, Forums • Default size of the text used in some pages is too small • Folder names, learning material, assessment, learning units, … • Specify language with lang attribute • Proper descriptions in ALT and TITLE tags • Explicitly associate the form controls and their labels with the LABEL element • Forums, Assessment OpenACS/.LRN Fall Conference – Nov. 1-4, 2006 – Boston

  14. Main reported problems (2/3) • Forums • An iframe is used and does not have a title • Alt text for expanding the thread (upside down orange triangle) is "+“ • Table should have a table header (TH), summary and caption for the table, while layout should be controlled by css • E.g. table under "members” does not • Frames • Need to be avoided, or properly commented • TITLE attributes for the frames are empty • Reconsidering the way LORS and IMS-LD packages are displayed • Applets • Used in LORS • Metadata to give semantics • keywords, author, date, ... OpenACS/.LRN Fall Conference – Nov. 1-4, 2006 – Boston

  15. Main reported problems (3/3) • Mark up lists and list items properly. • UL elements can only include LI elements, but not P, BR or B, which are format elements and should be applied from the CSS. • Use header elements to convey document structure • h1 and h2 tags are used to give format to the titles!!! • Documents have to validate to published formal grammars • The same ID attribute is used several times in many pages • ABSMIDDLE or BASELINE are not valid values for the attribute align. • Attributes that do not exist are used: e.g. REMEMBER • Deprecated attributes are used: e.g. BORDER • Style element can only be used in the head, not in the body. • in the forums: div style="clear: both;“ • Use style sheets to control layout and presentation OpenACS/.LRN Fall Conference – Nov. 1-4, 2006 – Boston

  16. Practical Guidelines

  17. Guidelines • Guidelines for accessible and usable web sites: “Observing Users Who Work With Screen Readers” - Theofanos and Redish (2003) • http://redish.net/content/papers/interactions.html • Usability testing with people with disabilities • Understand the relationship between accessibility and usability • Understand how blind and low-vision users work with Web sites • Develop research-based guidelines for accessibility and usability • Assess the usability of specific Web sites for blind and low-vision users • 32 guidelines grouped by: • Using a Screen Reader • Navigating through Web Sites • Filling Out Forms OpenACS/.LRN Fall Conference – Nov. 1-4, 2006 – Boston

  18. Other references • Books, Sites, and Guidelines on Accessible Web Design • http://www.wac.ohio-state.edu/resources/sites.html • Books aimed at developers who already have some experience coding web pages and project managers and administrators who need to be informed about accessibility, solid usability principles, and web standards. • Web Accessibility Center at Ohio State University OpenACS/.LRN Fall Conference – Nov. 1-4, 2006 – Boston

  19. AJAX

  20. Ajax • Asynchronous Javascript and XML • mix of old technologies and new ideas • incremental update of portions of a Web page without reloading the entire page. • On the fly reloading of pages • speeds up the Web, avoiding the need to reload the page • how users and assisstive technologies identify slight page changes? • Screen readers have to read the page from the beginning • Partially sighted work on subpges • If javascript is off, do it in ‘the old way’ OpenACS/.LRN Fall Conference – Nov. 1-4, 2006 – Boston

  21. 10 "Must Read" articles on AJAX, Accessibility and Web 2 technology http://soap.stanford.edu/show.php?contentid=65 • AJAX Accessibility Overview • http://www-306.ibm.com/able/resources/ajaxaccessibility.html • Accessibility of AJAX Applications • http://webaim.org/techniques/ajax/ • AJAX and Screenreaders: When Can it Work? • http://www.sitepoint.com/article/ajax-screenreaders-work • Accessible Javascript guidelines • http://cookiecrook.com/AIR/2003/train/jsguidelines.php • Why Ajax Sucks (Most of the Time) • http://www.usabilityviews.com/ajaxsucks.html • Making AJAX work with screen readers • http://juicystudio.com/article/making-ajax-work-with-screen-readers.php OpenACS/.LRN Fall Conference – Nov. 1-4, 2006 – Boston

  22. Some recommendations from standards-schmandards.com • http://www.standards-schmandards.com/2005/ajax-and-accessibility • Inform the user that the page is updated dynamically • screen reader users can decide when to trigger a re-read of the page • Send alerts when information is updated • alert boxes are read by screen readers and usually displayed with a sound • Highlight recently updated areas for a short period of time • Don’t let the user fill in forms that cannot submit • Inform the user at the top or detect javascript automatically and warn OpenACS/.LRN Fall Conference – Nov. 1-4, 2006 – Boston

  23. Validation

  24. Validation • Technical guidelines can be automatically managed and validated • But others require the manual (human) involvement • The ALT and TITLE tags are filled, but the content is good? • Accessibility content guidelines • Structuring the contents: key idea paragraphs, main point at the beginning, … • Terminology: standard names, pronunciation by screen readers, • Additional information about the contents: descriptions, acronyms, headings, … OpenACS/.LRN Fall Conference – Nov. 1-4, 2006 – Boston

  25. Validation Meeting just the accessibility guidelines defined by the WAI standards (or the national implementations such as the American Section 508, the UK SENDA, the Italian Stanca, or the German BITV) does not necessarily mean that the contents are accessible for all But it is a BIG step forward OpenACS/.LRN Fall Conference – Nov. 1-4, 2006 – Boston

  26. Validation • End-user evaluations are needed • User evaluation (real users using assitive devices) • Expert evaluation • Important feedback for .LRN will be gathered by aDeNu Group from the following projects: • FAA (Open and Flexible Training) • EU4ALL (European Unified Approach for Accessible Life Long Learning) • ALPE (Accessible Learning Platform for Europe) OpenACS/.LRN Fall Conference – Nov. 1-4, 2006 – Boston

  27. Thanks for your attention Any Questions?

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