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One45 for P e d i a t r i c s

One45 for P e d i a t r i c s. Objectives. One45 will provide multiple vital solutions for the program that includes: Scheduling platform (master-rotation) Evaluation tool (trainees, rotations, faculties)

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One45 for P e d i a t r i c s

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Presentation Transcript

  1. One45 for Pediatrics

  2. Objectives • One45 will provide multiple vital solutions for the program that includes: • Scheduling platform (master-rotation) • Evaluation tool (trainees, rotations, faculties) • E-portfolios (trainees tractable logs e.g. procedures, skills, universal and core specialty topics, simulation, research..etc)

  3. Rotations (blocks) distribution: 13/year

  4. Administrators and Super-administrators Secretary General Head of Education One45 Staff Chairman of Scientific Council One 45 SCFHS supervisor SCFHS IT Central Scientific Council Coordinator Chairman of regional training Committee Regional scientific council Coordinator RTP Faculty Secretary of the RTC Resident

  5. Promotion: Grades distribution for SaudiPediatrics Residency Program Graduates – junior (R1) level

  6. Promotion: Grades distribution for SaudiPediatrics Residency Program Graduates – junior (R2) level

  7. Promotion: Grades distribution for SaudiPediatrics Residency Program Graduates – Senior (R3) level

  8. Promotion: Grades distribution for SaudiPediatrics Residency Program Graduates – Senior (R4) level

  9. Promotion: Grades distribution for SaudiPediatrics Residency Program Graduates General Notes: *If candidate failed <3 rotations he can be promoted to next level but candidate will be required to repeat failed rotations before graduation, if candidate failed >3 rotations then candidate will be required to repeat same level again. **If passed 70% of OSCE stations: score 14, 80% of stations: score 16, 90% of stations: score 18, 100% of stations: score 20, If failed >30% of OSCE stations: score zero.

  10. Entry & Authentication of data

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