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Explore the collaborative efforts in salmon restoration and management in the Okanagan-Okanogan region dating back to 1994. Learn valuable lessons from these endeavors and delve into the challenges posed by human development on ecosystem integrity and aquatic habitats. Discover restoration initiatives, habitat diversification plans, and the importance of prudent water management for the region's sustainability.
Management to Sustain Salmon Bearing Ecosystems and Human Systems in the Okanagan Valley Kim Hyatt1, Richard Bussanich2, Casey Baldwin3,Tom Kahler4, Jeremy Cram5 1. Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 2. Okanagan Nation Alliance, 3. Colville Confederated Tribes, 4. Douglas County Public Utility , 5. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Okanagan Water Science Forum, Osoyoos, B.C., Oct, 2015.
Introductory talk on behalf of the panel • Part 1: Thumbnail sketch of Okanagan aquatic and human systems over the past 10-12 thousand years. • Part 2: Collaborative restoration of Okanagan-Okanogan salmon in Canada and the U.S.,1994-2015. • Part 3: Lessons learned about salmon restoration and management. • Part 4: Comments from the panel and questions for the panel.
Okanagan Watershed and Restoration Sites (BC southern interior, transboundary watershed, sub-basin of the Columbia R, wild Sockeye, Chinook and ESA listed Steelhead return to Osoyoos L.-Okanagan R. but not Skaha or Okanagan Lake due to dams).
3. Salmon restoration & management 2. Natural systems maintenance 4. Water management systems 1. Human systems maintenance
Postglacial Evolution of Okanagan Ecosystems Ten to12 thousand years ago, a breach in the glacial dam at MacIntyre Bluff created a riverine corridor for northward invasions of biota from a rich unglaciated reservoir of species to the south.
Okanagan aquatic ecosystems formed in a rich complex of lakes, streams, wetlands & riparian corridors Natural and human systems developed gradually over millenia until the mid-1800s when agricultural and industrial development accelerated rapidly with a wave of human population immigration and settlement from eastern North America. Ok River floodplain in Oliver area circa 1930
“Disturbance regimes” imposed by development of human systems increasingly dominate both terrestrial and especially aquatic ecosystems in the Okanagan and Columbia River basins. Fragmented river meander Flood control channel Irrigation and flood control dams block migration routes of aquatic biota. Channelization has reduced 50% of the Okanagan R. length plus most of its wetlands & flood-plain. Penticton Dam CHANNELIZED: 30 km
Human “systems” growth continues to threaten water quality, quantity and ecosystem integrity in the Okanagan-Okanogan ! 1. Groundwater supplies 2. Nutrients in effluents 3-4. Contaminants (PCB’s, PBB’s, DDT, heavy metals, etc.) 5. Surface water supplies 6. Invisible barriers: temp, O2, NH3 7. Landfills & waste 8. Climate change impacts on water. 9. Storm runoff and sediments from urban and agricultural development Okanagan aquatic ecosystems are subjected to “disturbance regimes” induced by discharge of nutrients, toxins, introduction of invasive species, dams, channelization & ongoing development of irrigation, flood control & engineered systems where water management represents a common interface for interactions between aquatic and human systems. Prudent water management in this arid landscape is key to the sustainability of both natural ecosystems (biodiversity in lakes, rivers, wetlands, riparian habitat) and human systems (agro-ecosystems, urban ecosystems etc...).
Given a century of development, virtually all portions of valley-bottom aquatic ecosystems are moderately to severely degraded relative to a reference condition. Multiple threats to aquatic systems suggests a holistic ecosystem based management approach is essential on both sides of the Canada-U.S. border Understanding complex biophysical mechanisms controlling ecosystem structure and key processes is essential.
Trends in Adult Returns of Columbia and Okanagan River Sockeye Salmon 1890s to 1990s • Status as of late 1990s: • Depressed and fluctuating • with time-weighted average • for decline. • Last anadromous Sockeye • Salmon stock of dozens that • formerly returned to Canada • through Columbia R. • ESA listed Steelhead Salmon • migrate to hold in Osoyoos L • and then spawn and rear in • streams in both Canada and • the U.S. • Upper Columbia Chinook largely extirpated in Canada and subject to hatchery supplementation in U.S. < 5000 adults spawning in 3 of 5 yrs from 1994-2000
The 5-H’s of Okanagan-Okanogan Salmon Restoration • Habitat • Hydrology • Hatcheries • Harvest • Humanity
H1: Salmon Habitat Restoration Initiatives: ONA and Partners • 1- HABITAT LOSS • 84% River = channelized • 50% River length = lost • 90% Riparian vegetation = lost Rough Cost = $1 million per km for habitat supporting < 5000 spawners but habitat diversification aids several species Meander restoration plan (ONA - ORRI project) Dike removal and meander connection complete NATURAL: 3 km CHANNELIZED: 30 km
H2: Hatchery: Re-introduction Sockeye Salmon to Skaha Lake: ONA and Partners Skaha hatchery program has added as many as 10-20 thousand sockeye per year to the Okanagan run in the most recent years.
H2: Chief Joseph Hatchery- a state of the art facility opened in 2013 and operated by CCT .
Balance competing interests to achieve fish friendly water management (FWMT Project - DFO and Partners) Flood Protection Water Use Demands Recreation / Tourism Environmental Values
RIVER FLOW (CMS) RIVER FLOW (CMS) OBA preferred flow range Observed flow range RIVER FLOW (CMS) PREFERRED RANGE New “tools” to improve compliance with Okanagan Basin Agreement flows for fish (a) migration (b) spawning (c) incubation From 1982-1997 river discharge exceeded OBA fishery flows in: (a) 13 of 16 yrs for adult migration (b) 7 of 16 yrs for spawning and (c) 7 of 16 yrs for egg incubation & fry migration
3 7 1 6 5 4 2 smolt production H3: FWMT Decision Support System (Hyatt et al, CWRJ 2015) Climate and Hydrology Sub-model Okanagan Water Mgt. “Rules” Sub-model Climate and Water Temperature Sub-model Kokanee egg to fry emergence sub-model Sockeye sub-model alevin emergence & fry recruit egg-incubation sub-model SAR Historic Data: Retrospective Analysis fry lake rearing Current Data: Real-time Analysis The FWMT System is a coupled set of biophysical models of key relationships (among climate, water, fish & property) used to predict the consequences of water mgt. decisions for fish & other water users. FWMT may be used to explore water management decision impacts in an operational mode employing real-time data, a prospective-mode going forward or in a retrospective-mode looking back on historic water supply, climate & fish years.
H3: Juvenile bypass facilities at Columbia River hydroelectric dams
Okanagan Sockeye abundance at Wells Dam 1961-2014 serves as one example of restoration success Restoration projects 1st ONA Workshop
H4: Cooperative harvest plans exist among U.S. entities and are under discussion by Canada and U.S. agencies
H5: Factors contributing to salmon restoration successes to date Strong leadership and champion(s) are keys to success (all displayed at times by ONA, DFO, CCT, BC-FLNRO, U.S. PUD, WDFW participants ). Identification of a common cause (e.g. salmon restoration) that unites rather than divides. Systematic, science-based analysis of limiting factors saves time and money if initiated at the outset to identify worthy projects (hydrologic, habitat, and hatchery initiatives all rely on a firm analytical foundation). Success depends as much on sociology (“right personal chemistry”) as on biophysical science i.e. optimism, energy, persistence and strong bonds of trust among a core group of participants are critical ingredients. Contrast and “experiments” to create it within an adaptive management context are your friends. Salmon are far more resilient than we give them credit for and will continue to surprise.
Like at the opera, the story of Okanagan salmon restoration is full of birth and death, work and play, agony and ecstasy plus some lessons learned. Conclusion: In spite of the catastrophic events of 2015, in the multi-year salmon opera, it’s not over until the fat-lady sings!
Some Parting Questions • How resilient will water resources, agriculture, human and biological communities be to future pressures from interacting factors such as population growth and climate change in the Okanagan and Columbia basins ? • How should water quantity and quality be regulated in future and does this differ markedly from the situation today ? • What is an appropriate “balance” between human population growth, increasing economic activity & fundamental issues such as maintenance of water quality, native biota & ecosystem services ? • What is an appropriate balance between wild fish restoration and hatchery supplementation to support fisheries? • Do continued actions to restore salmon and associated fisheries make sense from ecological, economic or cultural perspectives and, if so, what steps are needed to achieve success (e.g. new knowledge, new management systems, governance and wealth distribution issues) ?
Questions for the Panel ? Fisheries and Oceans Pêches et Océans Canada Canada Canada