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Reusable Learning Objects. Christinger Tomer University of Pittsburgh October 19, 2013 Library 2.013. Today’s Agenda. Definitions and Basic Concepts Current Constraints Tools & Workflows Opportunities.
Reusable Learning Objects Christinger Tomer University of Pittsburgh October 19, 2013 Library 2.013
Today’s Agenda • Definitions and Basic Concepts • Current Constraints • Tools & Workflows • Opportunities The literature on reusable learning objects often assumes that a main purpose of the RLO is sharing; hence, there has been a considerable emphasis on standardization of metadata and related profiles. In this presentation, however, the concerns are ultimately more prosaic, inasmuch as it focuses mainly on issues related to creating learning objects capable of supporting ongoing use within a limited pedagogical setting.
Definition of Learning Objects A learning object is "a collection of content items, practice items, and assessment items that are combined based on a single learning objective". In the modern context, it is a digital, self-contained and reusable entity, with a clear educational purpose, with at least three internal and editable components: content, learning activities and elements of context. The learning objects must have an external structure of information to facilitate their identification, storage and retrieval: the metadata." • From Andres Chiappe, et al., (2007), "Toward an instructional design model based on learning objects", in Boston, Springer, Educational Technology Research and Development, Boston: Springer, pp. 671–681.
Learning Objects, Part 2 Learning objects have the following key characteristics: • Learning objects are much smaller units of learning, typically ranging from 2-15 minutes; • Are self-contained – each learning object can be taken independently; • Are reusable – a single learning object may be used in multiple contexts for multiple purposes; • Can be aggregated into larger collections of content, including traditional course structures; and • Are tagged with metadata – descriptive information allowing it to be easily found by a search
Reusable Learning Objects RLO-CETL in the U.K. defines "reusable learning objects" as "web-based interactive chunks of e-learning designed to explain a stand-alone learning objective,” whereas Rehak and Mason define it somewhat more simply as "a digitized entity which can be used, reused or referenced during technology supported learning.” (See Daniel Rehak and Robin Mason, (2003), "Engaging with the Learning Object Economy", in Littlejohn, Allison, Reusing Online Resources: A Sustainable Approach to E-Learning, London: Kogan Page, pp. 22–30.)
Generative Learning Objects (GLOs) A generative learning object (GLO) may be defined as “An articulated and executable learning design that produces a class of learning objects.” The representation in a GLO is articulated in two distinct ways: • The first form relates to human understanding. A GLO articulates and renders explicit (the often implicit) decisions involved in design for learning, using a form of representation borrowed and adapted from generative linguistics. • The second form of articulation is rendering explicit these decisions in a way that can be executed by computer software to produce learning objects based on the design. In practice, the pedagogical designs are represented as ‘plug-in’ patterns that can be used to create specific learning objects based on the chosen pattern. Learning objects developed in this way can be re-purposed by local tutors or learners and adapted to local needs and preferences. There are three major requirements for developing GLOs: • The elicitation of reusable designs for learning • Representing these patterns in a form that can be embedded in an authoring tool • Incorporating the pattern in the tool in a way that is accessible and attractive to users.
GLO Maker Uses Adobe Air as the basis of the application and Flash as the primary form of output.
Shareable Content Object Reference Model Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) is a set of standards and specifications for Web-based e-learning. SCORM defines XML-based communications between client side content and a run-time environment on host system, which is presumably a learning management system. SCORM also defines how content may be packaged into a transferable ZIP file called "Package Interchange Format.” SCORM was developed by the U.S. Dept. of Defense’s Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative. SCORM 2004 uses sequencing, which is in this instance a set of rules that specify the order in which a learner experiences content objects. Sequencing limits a learner to a fixed set of paths through the material at issue in order to ensure continuity and putatively higher test scores.
Example of a GLO Maker Project Although they are not SCORM-compliant, generative learning objects are similarly based to a significant extent on the idea of sequencing.
Value of Reusable Learning Objects • Utilization in other pedagogical settings • Continuing use in the setting for which the object was designed and/or other settings In each instance, a key factor in the reuse of the learning object is the ability to modify the object for the purposes of adapting it to a specific setting and/or updating. • Evidence that RLOs increase learning effectiveness See Richard J. Windle, et al. The characteristics of reusable learning objects that enhance learning. British Journal of Educational Technology 42 (2011): 811-823.
Why Are RLOs Underutilized? • Absence of Appropriate Tools: Most instructors do not and/or have not been trained to use the appropriate tools • Efforts to standardize the presentation of learning content have been of limited effectiveness and generally aimed at creating metadata at the course and/or modular levels • Lack of Infrastructure: Learning management systems do not offer adequate support • Most instructors pursue efficiencies in design and delivery on an ad hoc basis and/or are able to tolerate gross inefficiencies owing to the support of graduate/teaching assistants
Applying Principles of Object-Oriented Programming to the Creation of Learning Objects • Inheritanceis a way to establish an “Is-a” relationships between objects. In classical inheritance where objects are defined by classes, classes can inherit attributes and behavior from pre-existing classes called parent classes. • Associationdefines a structural relationship between classes of objects that allows one object instance to cause another to perform an action on its behalf. • Abstraction is the process by which data and programs are defined with a representation similar in form to its meaning, while hiding implementation details, so that the programmer can focus on a few concepts at a time. • Polymorphism is the provision of a single interface to entities of different types
The Tools You Need • Utility Generating Polymorphic Templates for Multimedia Presentations • HTML/CSS Editor • Image Capture Utility/Editor • Audio Recorder/Editor • Screencast Recorder/Editor
Multimedia Presentations Creating reusable learning objects depends on access to and an ability to use effectively a presentation tools that supports the sequential presentation of instructional materials in various formats and combinations. In the instance of GLO Maker, the designers have opted for Adobe Air as the basis for a custom application, and while that choice has some virtues, it also has many limitations, including what is most likely to be the declining role of Flash as a multimedia technology. Much better choices are to be found in a class of utilities that were originally developed in order to support the creation, distribution, and maintenance of computer documentation.
The primary market for Screensteps is the production of online documentation, but it is also well suited to the creation of learning objects with varying degrees of granularity and interconnectedness. Looking to the future, ScreenSteps is slated to become a Web-based, subscription service, with its current standalone functionality to be assumed by an application known as Clarify. Screensteps (and Similar Tools)
ScreenSteps Applications ScreenSteps may be used as a basis for the development of multimedia instruction that can be delivered in several different formats, including HTML, PDF, and WordPress, and while it is typically easier to manipulate content through the default interface, it is not difficult to edit exported versions of ScreenSteps lessons and manuals, nor is it hard to amend lessons and/or manuals through the insertion of third-party materials.
ScreenSteps Manual The ability to build manuals within ScreenSteps allows a designer to take a series of lessons and incorporate them into a larger and ordered presentation, which may also include links to other, external resources, such as Web sites, quizzes, readings, etc. In this example, the manual incorporated lessons that had been developed in support of a course on information technology required of students in a graduate program in library and information science.
Image Capture and Annotation There are a wide variety of image capture tools available, but SnagIt, which is depicted here, is particularly well suited to general use and reuse.
Recording and Editing Audio There are many audio recorders and editors, but in most instances what is needed is an editor that supports precise editing and simple modulation of sounds and/or whole recordings. Audacity, which is free, and Fission, which costs about $30, are two excellent options. For users with more sophisticated requirements and access to Adobe Creative Cloud, there is Adobe Audition.
Dreamweaver and Other HTML Editors Dreamweaver is clearly the best general purpose tool for creating and/or managing HTML and CSS files. However, the new subscription system put in place by Adobe presents a formidable barrier to entry for instructors whose parent institution does not procure a site license for Adobe Creative Cloud.
Aptana Studio 3 There are many other excellent HTML editors, and many of them are relatively inexpensive. However, one of the best is Aptana Studio, which is available free of charge, and provides a highly effective development environment for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and Ruby on Rails.
Adapting PowerPoint Presentations for Use as RLOs • Adobe Captivate • Adobe Presenter • Articulate Studio 13 • Google Slides • Libre Office Presentation • Prezi Are PowerPoint presentations a blessing or a curse? Whatever the viewpoint, presentation software is still widely used because it is a familiar and relatively format. More to the point, there are a growing number of applications that support the creation of slide presentations and/or their enhancement. Some of them are designed to support the facile integration and editing of audio and/or video components, which makes them suitable for use in the making of reusable learning objects.
Prezi Prezi now supports audio annotations in standardized audio formats, which makes Prezi and Bunkr, a cloud-based service from France, competitive with PowerPoint, Keynote, and Libre Office Presentation.
Google Slides Google Slides offers a wide range of capabilities, but interestingly does not yet support the inclusion of audio commentary. It does allow for the inclusion of YouTube videos, so it is possible to incorporate audio commentary by that means, but it’s cumbersome. More to the point, it’s not clear if or when Slides will offer direct support for the inclusion of audio files.
Summing Up • Employ production tools that support open formats in the import and export of documents and/or other media • Use formats that enable alteration at a high level of granularity • Chunk video into short segments – 5 minutes or less • Plan carefully – separate transitory administrative content from learning content • Back up everything A bibliography related to this presentation is available at http://basie.exp.sis.pitt.edu/~christomer/learning_objects_bibliography.html.
Select Resources ScreenSteps -- http://www.screensteps.com/ MacSnapper -- http://www.kedisoft.com/macsnapper/ Aptana Studio 3 -- http://www.aptana.com/ SnagIt -- http://www.techsmith.com/snagit.html Camtasia -- http://www.techsmith.com/camtasia.html Fission -- http://www.rogueamoeba.com/fission/ Audacity -- http://audacity.sourceforge.net/