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Enhancing Intercultural Teaching and Learning

Explore the foundational aspects of intercultural education by learning to adapt and choose varied teaching methods according to the situation, encompassing key principles like adult education, cultural competence, and active learning.

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Enhancing Intercultural Teaching and Learning

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  1. An Indian popular fairy tale tells about two human beings who see a pig for the first time. At first, they were amazed, but then one of them claimed self-consciously this would be a rat that had eaten to much. Another contradicted and claimed just as self-conscious this would be an elephant that had shrunk because he went without food. None of them was willing to give up his categories and admit that this was a new experience. Introductory

  2. Aspects of InterCultural Teaching and Learning by Dipl.-Soz. Monika Rummler

  3. of teachers, professors, trainers, consultants is the ability to choose between different possibilities of acting in teaching and learning, to use and perhaps modify them flexible and adequate according to the situation includes general known principles of adult education: emancipation, learning by experience, oriented to activity and participants InterCultural Competence

  4. Basic Components of ICTaL Awareness Knowledge Behaviour resp. Acting Skills

  5. 1. Denial 2. Defense 3. Minimization 4. Acceptance 5. Adaptation 6. Integration Different Phases of Intercultural Learning

  6. Training Methods active Active culture-general active culture-specific culture- general culture- specific passive culture-general passive culture-specific passive Dimensions: learning contents and teaching method

  7. „An education that is multicultural is not just the way of teaching; it is also a way of believing and seeing the world“ Rebecca Powell

  8. Increased complexity caused by different expectations and goal settings Conflicts caused by complicated group dynamic processes More difficult agreement-making Communication problems and misunderstandings Decrease of achievement potentials Barriers/Hindrances

  9. Teacher expectation „ideal student“ and corresponding students‘ reactions Monocultural curriculum Cultural and learning styles inconsistent with dominant institutional style Marginalization of minorities Practice of tracking Students‘ sight of learn effects Factors for Educational Failure

  10. Mutual compensation of deficites by using culture specific strengths New creativity and achievement potentials Increase of activity alternatives Higher quality of team achievements Unlimited experiences and expanded thinking Diverse perspectives, shared inquiry Chances and Enrichments

  11. Awareness - Knowledge - Behaviour Importance of learning (results) for society Providing assistance Teach to become independent learners Counteracting certain behaviours Teaching strategies towards active learning, providing more choices Detracking: a broader array of learning styles Solutions/Tools

  12. Central Lesson Each student is worth the education institution‘ s best effort at a suitable and challenging education and each student in turn has an obligation to put forth his best effort to succeed.

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