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2 Thessalonians. Reminders to the Church. Recap. Written by Paul, probably in response to something that happened to lead the congregation astray 2 nd letter repeats many of the same themes, but with further explanation… Different outcomes for believers and non-believers
2Thessalonians Reminders to the Church
Recap • Written by Paul, probably in response to something that happened to lead the congregation astray • 2nd letter repeats many of the same themes, but with further explanation… • Different outcomes for believers and non-believers • Praise for perseverance through troubles • Warnings not to be idle or lazy in spreading the gospel and working in general • Requesting prayers on his own behalf • Day of the Lord is immanent
Assurance • Paul points out that the Thessalonians need not be worried about their spiritual condition…which of the two results awaits them. • End of verse 10 • He wants them to rest assured so that instead of being worried about it, they will continue on with their business of doing the Lord’s work and growing in relationship to Him.
A different view on the Day of the Lord • 1st Thessalonians focuses on the nearness of the coming of the Lord • In order to encourage in the face of adversity • In order to spur on action in light of the time being short • In order to highlight the importance of spreading the Gospel while it is still possible Chapter 5 of 1 Thessalonians involves being alert and hardworking because the Day of the Lord could come at any moment
Different outlook on that day • Apparently, the Thessalonians seemed to think that they had missed it already. • This may have been the nature of the forgery mentioned in Chapter 2 • The Eschatology focus in 2 Thessalonians involves proof that they did not miss it, and a slightly different focus… • Paul is not necessarily saying that the church is definitely going to miss the tribulation, or a portion of it. • Instead, he seems to be saying, “look…if you had missed it, you would be seeing all these other things, and you aren’t…so you didn’t miss it.” Keep working at it…don’t let anyone discourage you…it is not so near that your work is done!
Chapter 2 • 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2 • Day of the Lord a little more in depth • The Man of Lawlessness • What Paul says will come prior to the Day of the Lord
Chapter 2 • Verses 1-2 • Now we request you, brethren, with regard to thecoming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, that you not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or amessage or a letter as if from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come.
Chapter 2 • Verses 1-2 • Don’t be alarmed or come unglued or let your faith be shaken by: • A sense or spirit of worry over missing it • The persuasive words of others • A letter or forgery that implies Paul thinks it is so • Instead, hold onto what I already told you! • Verse 5 • For us, it is already written for us in Scripture, so that is what we must hold to • It may seem like a no brainer…but if we hold onto the truth of Scripture, we couldn’t have missed Christ’s return, because He would have come for us…
Chapter 2 • So is Paul’s focus even on the specific events that will unfold during those times…or simply on the assurance of salvation?
Chapter 2 • In between the “don’t listen to nonsense” and “don’t you remember what I told you” verses of 1-2, and 5…there is quite a bit of stuff to work through. • Verse 3 • Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless theapostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed…
Before the Day of the Lord • Apostasy • “falling away” from the faith takes place first • Perhaps referring to a massive rebellion inside the church • Possibly a worldwide rebellion against God • Man of Lawlessness Involved and included in this apostasy…not a completely different thing He is the son of destruction Exalts himself above every named god In opposition to every god or object of worship Places himself upon the throne where only God Himself belongs Receives worship that is due to God alone
Man of Lawlessness cont. • Man of Lawlessness His coming is empowered by Satan Power Signs False Wonders Deception and wickedness for the unbeliever Already somehow at work Verse 6-7 Something is opposing this power so that it is not completely unchecked and in charge until God’s appointed time
God will send… • A spirit of delusion upon the unbeliever • Not so that they could have never believed • Because they already chose not to believe the light of truth • They chose pleasure in wickedness over delight in the truth
Chain of events • Falling away from the faith • Antichrist revealed • Whatever restraint is going on in verse 7 is removed • Antichrist destroyed by the coming of the Lord, on the Day of the Lord