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European ECOSTARS Consortium Meeting 5: Ostrava, CZ 18th September 2013. City of Ostrava - intentions for 2014 +. Problem Areas. environment. employability. transport. education. Quality of Life. social inclusion. s ustainable economic growth and innovation.
European ECOSTARS Consortium Meeting 5: Ostrava, CZ18th September 2013 City of Ostrava - intentions for 2014+
ProblemAreas • environment • employability • transport • education QualityofLife • socialinclusion • sustainableeconomic growth and innovation
The term "quality of life" covers a range of areas, and in the case of a complex representation can ensure the satisfaction of the population in the city. Here we perceive the quality of life as a separate subject in relation to the relaxation and recreation of the population and as a topic of framing all activity ITI safety Education, Education purity of health care culture environment right Political and economic stability leisure job security The rate of GDP - material satisfaction, etc.
Current and futurerisks • air quality • Future high unemployment • low competitiveness • social balance
Quality of life in Ostrava in relation to relaxation and recreation residents and visitors Absence of interactive elements in parks, especially for elderly people (trainers, etc.) The lack of space for leisure adolescents The lack of attractive activities for all ages and all social groups Lack of rest and interactive areas for families with children Lack of tourist attractions and low touristrate Poor quality housing in many parts of the city Long-term lowattractivenessof Residents of rides for attractions outside Ostrava / region Low interest of investors (including FDI) on the business activities in Growingjuveniledelinquency Long-term netmigration
Životní prostředí EmissionsfromPoland Industrialproduction localheating Oldenvironmentalburdens Poor air quality Deterioration of the health status of the population Migration Unsustainable prosperity and development of the region
Proposedmeasures • greening of transport - clean buses, trolley buses, cars diversion from the city center, parking outside the center, bike trails • remediation of old environmental burdens - brownfield regeneration • support responsible businesses and residents relation to the environment - compliance with limits incentives for SMEs, promoting low-carbon strategies • restructuring of heavy industry in the eco industry - ecological production, innovation - "clean technologies", • incentives for eco-oriented company with TX. value-added • eco culture - planting trees and plants, recycling, sports infrastructure, culture in the streets • creation Medical School - Research in the area of respiratory diseases, improve the health of the population - health monitoring • systematic monitoring of substances most harmful to human health - agent identification of resources, the proportion of pollution, publication of results, sanctions • Cooperation projects on both sides of Silesia
The opportunity for the city? Research in the field of environment Reducing environmental performance of external insulation Promoting the use of waste Environment Green City Localheating Bike paths in Ostrava Greeningof transport
Employability Lackofemploymentopportunities Smalldiversificationofindustry Nižší poptávka po produkci Theeconomiccrisis Lowsalary Pressure management of the ecological production Badenvironmentquality Unenployment Migration The growing dependence on heavy industry The decline in the attractiveness of Ostrava Less revenue in the budget of City increase in crime
Proposedmeasures • Support diversification of industry, continued support of investors coming with an emphasis on employment - should be urgently • Investment incentives for companies with high added value • Investment in education (from kindergarten to lifelong) and re- • Investments in the environment and improving the competitiveness of Ostrava • Revitalization of brownfields for subsequent use • Search for and promotion of new forms method utilizing the workforce
Applicationsforprojectsof city outsourcing Industrialzones Zaměstnatelnost regenerationbrownfields incubatorcrafts
Education Lowereducational performance population A further increase in outflow of educated People from Ostrava and MSK Tax loss of Ostrava and related lower support educational activities Lack of integration curricula and labor market requirements The low cultural quality of life - reading, culture, interest in information
Proposedmeasures • The possibility of attracting educated foreigners mainly from Eastern Europe • Enhancing the attractiveness of the city for students • Further development of cooperation between universities and technical fields • Merging Technical University and the University of Ostrava - mutual cooperation? • Improving wages and working conditions for teachers at kindergartens and primary schools, reduce class sizes, improve the quality of teaching • Entice scientists and renowned teachers in Ostrava universities • Support for school modernization projects and to educate. system at all levels • The emphasis on the emergence of lifelong learning programs, their strong promotion and other efforts to promote education among the population of
Aplikace na projekty města Life Science Centre Development and sustainability of university education and employment Science and students Language learning at all educational levels Support disciplines in the field of environment university Campus Support equipment for schools at all levels
Socialissues • The high concentration of socially excluded localities problem with unemployment, crime and education in these areas • A high proportion of pupils in special schools • A large number of people on welfare • The tension in the coexistence of minorities with the majority • Social stress and frustration • Low quality of education
Proposedmeasures • Prevent further occurrence of excluded sites • Integration of marginalized groups by creating suitable conditions • Prevention of juvenile delinquency - building better conditions for leisure-skate parks, playgrounds, interactive parks, promotion of culture and sport • Investing in the most backward parts of the city, • Improving living conditions for underprivileged citizens • Improving the quality of public space
Applicationsforprojectsof City InfrastructureLeisure Link to Education and Employment socialinclusion Regeneration projects in social housing estates. weak areas
Transport • Undersized airport and its backwardness for competition (Brno, Katowice) • Underdevelopment transport infrastructure mainly in connection expressways in Slovakia • High-quality connections between densely populated areas in the region • (a regional problem) • Insufficient parking capacity • Increased emissions in the atmosphere as a result of the increase of au. transport • The quality of roads and roadside safety • Safety at crossings
Proposedmeasures completion of R47 The greening of transport, CNG transport Drawing financial resources from the Structural Funds for the reconstruction and construction of new transport networks The development of rail transport in the transport corridors P + R system, residential parking - the system of the city, transport - transfer terminals Intelligent Transport Systems
Applicationsforprojectsof City Modernizationof tram bridge greeningof transport Transport transportationTerminals SystemP+R bikes Integrated transport system
Sustainable economic growth and innovation • Persistent negative structural trends and processes • Loss of resource outflow of skilled / educated workforce • The worst and least efficient business environment in the Czech Republic • The region is heading towards greater economic efficiency, not because of the heavy industry sector, but a gradual restructuring • Unilaterally oriented industry and poor representation services - the promise of sustainability • The problem of duality "environment versus economic environment" • Low innovative activity • The low number of researchers and underrepresented sector R & D • Small cooperation between universities, companies, research. organizations and between regions • The great barrier restructuring and transformation of the region could be a tendency to re-open coal mining in Frenstat!!
Proposedmeasures • Focusing on information and communication technology (Anselm), Materials Engineering (tradition - the use of existing industries), Precision Engineering (tradition - the use of existing industries), indicating specific industries products to improve the environment (conditions for verification) and Tourism • The presence of "advanced producer services" - banking, marketing, legal and accounting services determines the position in the hierarchy of cities (Sassen, 1994) • Support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) the same incentives as the major foreign investors • organizations that entrepreneurs provide legal, financial and administrative support - their media presentation • Building the image of Ostrava as a center of culture and education
Thank you for your attention Jiří Hudec Odbor ekonomického rozvoje Magistrát města Ostravy Statutární město Ostrava jhudec@ostrava.cz