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Mountain Lion By Matthew Cusatis 3 rd grade

Mountain Lion By Matthew Cusatis 3 rd grade. Introduction.

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Mountain Lion By Matthew Cusatis 3 rd grade

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  1. Mountain Lion By Matthew Cusatis 3rd grade

  2. Introduction • Mountain lions have many different names like puma, cougar and panther. This cat is known by more names then any other mammal! But no matter what name you use it is still the same cat. Mostly because it has such a large range and people from different countries have called it different things.

  3. Habitat Mountain lions use steep canyons, rock outcroppings and boulders, or vegetation, such as dense brush and forests, to remain hidden while hunting. They live throughout North America but are mostly gone from the Eastern U.S.

  4. Diet • Their favorite prey is deer. These excellent hunters can feed on a wide variety of animals from grass hoppers to elk. If a mountain lion is very hungry they can eat pet food or garbage .

  5. Behavioral Characteristics • Mountain lions eat 1 deer in 7 to ten days. They can hunt animals 7 times their size. They stalk and ambush their pray.

  6. Physical Characteristics • Mountain Lions weigh between 75-250 pounds, rivaling the jaguar in size. Mountain Lions are 3-6 feet long. They are typically large cats with buff colored throats chests and bellies.

  7. Interesting facts Mountain lions are muscular and great jumpers. Male mountain lions will fight other males who come in to their territory.

  8. Bibliography "Animals: Birds, Insects, Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians | San Diego Zoo - Kids." Animals: Birds, Insects, Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians | San Diego Zoo - Kids. San Diego Zoo, 2013. Web. 13 Feb. 2014. Best Fun Facts Is Your Source for Random Facts, Little Known Facts, Fun Trivia, Fun Facts for Kids, Funny Fun Facts, and All the Did You Know Facts You Would like to Know!" Bestfunfacts. Bestfunfacts.com, 2009. Web. 13 Feb. 2014.

  9. Bibliography "Characteristics of Cougars." Cougars(Mountain Lions) Living with Wildlife. N.p., 2013. Web. 13 Feb. 2014. Living with Wildlife." Washington Dept. Of Fish and Wildlife. N.p., 2013. Web. 13 Feb. 2014.

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