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. Pennsylvania Agriculture. Our Role :The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture encourages, protects and promotes agriculture and related industries throughout the commonwealth while providing consumer protection through inspection services that impact the health and financial security of Pennsylvania's citizens.
Bureau of Food Safety & Laboratory
Food Program Manager
Sheri Morris
3. Pennsylvania Agriculture Our Role :
The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture encourages, protects and promotes agriculture and related industries throughout the commonwealth while providing consumer protection through inspection services that impact the health and financial security of Pennsylvania's citizens.
4. Pennsylvania Agriculture
In total, production agriculture and agribusiness contributes nearly $45 billion to Pennsylvania’s economy and provides 400,000 jobs.
5. Pennsylvania Agriculture Pennsylvania is known as the "Snack Food Capital of the World." with major producers of pretzels, potato chips, confectioneries, and chocolate.
When it comes to food processing, Pennsylvania's 3,200 food-processing companies are number one among the 50 United States in the value of shipments of canned fruit and vegetable specialty products, chocolate and cocoa products, potato chips and pretzels.
Pennsylvania leads the United States in mushroom production, with an annual production of more than 425 million pounds, valuing more than $330.7 million per year.
The dairy industry in Pennsylvania produces in three main categories and is one of the fastest growing food sectors in the Commonwealth:
ice cream and frozen desserts
butter and cheese
and fluid milk products
Pennsylvania's meat, poultry, and fish products generate more than $4.3 billion in sales annually.
Pennsylvania's cattle serve as prime breeding stock for several countries.
As third largest egg producing state, Pennsylvania has taken the lead in egg safety through the Pennsylvania Egg Quality Assurance Program (PEQAP) which USDA modeled for national regulations.
Pennsylvania is also the international headquarters for Hershey Foods Corporation and H. J. Heinz.
6. Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Bureau of Food Safety & Laboratories:
Bureau Programs:
Certificates of Free Sale
Eggs, Fruits and Vegetables
Fair and/or Temporary Food Concessions
Food Employee Certification
Frozen Dessert
Maple Products Program
Milk Sanitation Program
PEQAP - PA Egg Quality Assurance Program
Restaurant / Retail Food Facilities
Seafood Program
Shellfish, Intra and Interstate
Wholesale / Manufacturing / Processing Food Establishments
Food Safety Laboratory Division
Food Safety Inspection Results
Farm Labor Camps
7. BUREAU OF FOOD SAFETY & LABORATORY SERVICES 28,000 retail food facilities
3,200 food processors
2,200 warehouses
400 dairy processing facilities
2,800 schools
400 organized camps
300 summer food service sites for children
Federal/State Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Good Handling Practices (GHP) Audit Verification Programs for fresh fruits and vegetables.
8. BUREAU OF FOOD SAFETY & LABORATORY SERVICES Retail Food Facility & Food Establishment Inspections:
Our inspectors use a web based, real time inspection report system. The field-based inspectors have the ability to enter inspection reports to the department and the public can view the actual retail inspection reports on the PDA website:
PDA completed 38,411 Retail Food Facility Inspections in 2008
PDA completed 3038 Wholesale Food Establishment Inspection in 2008.
Contracted with the FDA for completing wholesale food inspections.
Contracted with the USDA to complete COOL (Country of Origin Labeling) audits at retail
9. BUREAU OF FOOD SAFETY & LABORATORY SERVICES Continued integration of a statewide database for retail food facilities, uniform inspection and public inspection result posting of retail food facility inspections, by incorporating local and county health departments into the statewide Digital Health Department program.
Currently we have 45 of the 175 local health departments and 2 of the 6 county health departments who are actively inspecting in the state system, with 6 locals awaiting training , and 13 locals and 1 county pursuing signed agreements with their governing jurisdictional authorities.
12. RISK BASED INSPECTIONS Inspection report – Items 1-27 are highest risk. 28-54 are Good Retail Practices
Inspection Report can be found at: http://www.foodprotect.org/guides/
13. MOST COMMON VIOLATIONS Person in Charge is not knowledgeable.
Eating / Drinking (open cups) in food prep areas
No Handwashing when required
Bare Hand Contact with ready to eat food
Cooling and Reheating temperatures
Hot Holding Temperature
Dirty Ice machines
Improper Sanitizing of food equipment
14. BUREAU OF FOOD SAFETY & LABORATORY SERVICES Newest Issues for retail food facilities
New Legislation
Resultant changes in regulations
Changes to Food Employee Certification
Upcoming Food Code Changes
Large Number of Recalls
Emergency Preparedness
15. New Food Safety Legislation House Bill 174
Creates Chapter 57
Subchapter A – Retail Food Facility Act
Subchapter B – Food Safety Act
Amends Chapter 65 – Food Employee Certification
Can find Bill at www.legis.state.pa.us
Search for Bill enter # - HB174
16. New Food Safety Legislation Highlights
Creates distinction between retail & wholesale.
Establishes minimum regulations even with local & county
Allows licensing periods based on risk
Establishes reinspection fees
Eliminates DJ penalties and allows civil penalties
Mandate to model regulations after the FDA Food Code
Locals / Counties must report inspection results
FEC exemptions remain, but FEC is tied to Food Code Person in Charge.
FEC program is the ANSI-CFP accredited programs and the stae certificated is abolished.
All persons in charge are certified (not one per facility) unless exempt.
17. FOOD CODE New FDA 2009 Food Code will be published in July.
Changes expected
Keeping PHF / TCS for one more Code version – education materials published
Time in Lieu of Temperature for 6 hours if kept less than 70 degrees F
Cut Leafy Greens as Potentially Hazardous Food
Requirements for partial cooking of foods
No undercooked ground beef on children’s menus
Three tiers of violations. Priority, Priority Foundation, Core
20. PDA INVOLVEMENT IN RECALLS Hallmark/Westland Beef:
Tracked down more than 529,000 pounds of meat
Identified 260 school districts/schools with the meat in question
Confirmed 78,000 pounds of the product had been consumed
Secured and destroyed more than 450,000 pounds of the product still in schools
Peanut Corporation Of America:
Sent the State inspectors into facilities to immediate check for recalled product
Completed 3 recall audits with the FDA
Setton Corporation Pistachios
Locally: 1000’s of products related to the above recalls
Phillips Mushrooms Inc, Enoki Mushrooms
And Now Sprouts……..
Notifications sent to all Commonwealth food facilities for which email addresses are available, through the Digital Health Department
21. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Prevent, Protect, Respond, Recover
No two food safety threats are the same
“Normal” Emergencies, Fire, Flood, Food Vehicle Accidents
Foodborne Illnesses
Food Recalls
Food Tampering
In the past two years there have been a variety of food safety threats
Sprout Recall; Pistacchio Recall; Peanut Recall
Hallmark/Westland Beef took us into schools and food pantries
Pills in frozen fish product created an FBI/PSP connection
Response to threats connect the agriculture, food, health and emergency response communities at all levels (local, state, federal)
By working together before, during and after outbreaks/threats, all involved can review the lessons learned from each threat and continue to streamline the process
This evaluation of response efforts enables all of us to better protect and defend our food supply
Extensive work at tabletop exercises, conferences and related emergency response events enhance PDA’s ability to keep Pennsylvania growing
22. Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture
SAFE Initiative
The Pennsylvania department of Agriculture is working with their sister agencies and industry to implement the Strategy for Agriculture and Food Excellence or S.A.F.E. Governor has formed a Council, chaired by the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of Health, to recommend and prioritize issues for the SAFE initiative.
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