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Main trends and prospects of aquaculture development in the Republic of Bashkortostan

Main trends and prospects of aquaculture development in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Svetlana K . , I lgız A., U ral G . Bashkir State Agrarian University February 23-26, 2012.

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Main trends and prospects of aquaculture development in the Republic of Bashkortostan

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  1. Main trends and prospects of aquaculture development in the Republic of Bashkortostan SvetlanaK., Ilgız A., UralG. Bashkir State Agrarian University February 23-26, 2012 1st Winter Summit at the Anatolian Summit (WISAS): Collaborative Projects on Tourism, Sports, Bio-Diversity and Global Changes

  2. Fundoffisherywaters in republic 27.5 thousand kmof rivers 11 % 47 % 24,8 thousand hectares of reservoirs 42% 20.8 thousand hectaresoflakes Nowadays 1.5 thousand hectaresofpondsareusedforfishrearing 6.8 thousand hectares of ponds

  3. the Republic of Bashkortostan Area of ​​the republic is 14.3 million hectares Provisionoffishery waters in republic is 0.015 hectaresperman Russian federation Bashkortostan

  4. Cageandbasinfishfarmsoperate intherepublic. Thetotalareain 2011 is 15 thousand squarekilometers.

  5. TheobjectsofartificialbreedinginfreshwateroftherepublicaretherepresentativesTheobjectsofartificialbreedinginfreshwateroftherepublicaretherepresentatives • of8-10 speciesoffishand1speciesofcrustaceans. • 20 species, typesand crossesarereared, aswellas 10 domesticatedformsofcarp, salmon, sturgeon, whitefish, cichlidfishes. Theleadingpositionin aquaculture occupiedbycyprinidfishes, theirannualproductionisupto 70% offarmedfish. Broodstockofbreedingfishesofdifferentspecies (≈7000goal.) arerearedintwofishfarms.

  6. Modern aquaculture intheRepublicofBashkortostanisdevelopedinthefollowingareas: thefishproductivityin 2011 wasabout 600 kg / ha pondpisciculture in 2011 about 1000 tonsofmarketablefishesweregrown industrial pisciculture recreational aquaculture extensive fish farming

  7. The aquaculture isrepresentedbyfourfishfarmsintherepublic «Karmanov»fishfarm Itannuallyproduces 600-800 tonsofmarketablefishesand 100-150 tonsofseedingmaterial. Thepedigreefishfarm«Balyk» 100-120 tonsofmarketablefishesand 20-30 tonsofseedingmaterial. Thepubliccorporation "Bashkirrybhoz" Theexperimentalfarm "Birsk" -20-25 tonsofmarketablefishesandupto 15 tonsofseedingmaterial. -50-70 tonsofmarketableproductsandupto 20 tonsofseedingmaterial

  8. An example of the industrial aquaculture is raising fish in the warm waters of the «Kormanov» power plant coolers.

  9. LLC «Karmanov» fishfarmgrowing marketablecarp sturgeon catfish trout blackcaviar Productionofsturgeoninrecentyearshasreached 80 tons, andtrout - 60 tons.

  10. Intherepublictaskedtoincreasetheproductionofmarketablefishes 200 tons 2020 500 tons 4200 tons 2015 Itisplannedtogrow 3920 thousandpiecesoffingerlings and 85,000 thousandlarvaeofrearedfishes 2,000 tons ininlandwaters In agriculturalfarms harvesting of fishes

  11. To obtain maximum fish production, conductedcarefulselectionoffishpolycultureallowsbetteruseofallbiologicalnichesofnaturalpotentialofwater reservoirs. Currently, besidesthetraditionalobjectsofpolyculture (carpandherbivorousfishes) thecompositionincludeshigh-valuespeciesofsturgeonandsalmon, aswellasnon-traditionalspeciesoffish (tench, catfish, ide, vendace, whitefish, zander, rudd, bream, sabrefish, etc.).

  12. As an object of breeding, developed fish farms of the republic, additionally include crayfish. Organizationofproductionwaterfowl, fur-bearinganimals, sportfishingandrecreationalactivitiesimprovestheeconomicperformanceofthefishfarm.

  13. Previousyearshaveshownthatsmallbodiesofwaterareveryprofitable, youcanorganizerecreationalactivitiesandsportfishing. Suchfarmsareinalmostallareasoftherepublic, andtheybringcertaininflowoffinanceinthebudgetoftherepublic.

  14. Developmentoffishbreedingindustry, statesupportforaquacultureenabletoincreaseitsroleinensuringthepopulation'sdietoffishfromlocalwaters. Therepublichas a hugewaterfund, whichprovidesgreatopportunitiesforaquaculturedevelopment.

  15. Thank you for your attention!

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