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PROTOTYPING. “The first or primary of anything created”. Prototype takes a long time to create Multiple production models are built Usually costs more than the production models. Prototype takes a short time to create Single production model is built (then copied)
PROTOTYPING “The first or primary of anything created”
Prototype takes a long time to create Multiple production models are built Usually costs more than the production models Prototype takes a short time to create Single production model is built (then copied) Usually costs less than the production model PRODUCT VS SOFTWARE PROTOTYPE
Generic Systems Development Life Cycle Design Survey Construction Study Implementation Define Evolution
Survey SDLC w/PROTOTYPING Study Define P R O T O T Y P I N G Final Construction Design Implementation Construction Evolution
Trial-and-Error Approach Evolutionary Development Iterative Development Adaptive Design Hueristic Development Rapid Prototyping Rapid Application Development (RAD) PROTOTYPING SYNONYMS
PROTOTYPING BENEFITS & RISKS Benefits • Shorter development times • Improved information system quality • Economics - lower cost • Too little Requirements Determination (Analysis) Risk
ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES FOR PROTOTYPING • On-Line Access for Developers • DBMS/4GL - Relational or Object • Query Language - SQL or QBE • CASE With Reverse Engineering Support • Simulation Capability • Testing Facilities
PROTOTYPING CASE STUDIES* • A total of 39 case studies were evaluated • When a bar does not add up to 39 it means that one or more studies did not address that factor or attribute • Series 2 (grey) items represent the opposite of the Series 1 (white) items Example: white = Improved; then grey = not improved * Based on Figures 1 and 2 in: Gordon, V. Scott and Bieman, James M., "Rapid Prototyping: Lessons Learned", IEEE Software, Vol. 12, No. 1, January 1995, pp. 85-95
PROTOTYPING CASE STUDIES RESULTS H U M A N & F A C T 0 R S Less/More S T A F F Increased Better/Worse Decreased Easier Better A T T R I B U T E S S O F T W A R E P R O D U C T Better/Worse Increased/Decreased Better matched Improved