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The Unified Theory of Pseudorandomness

The Unified Theory of Pseudorandomness. Salil Vadhan Harvard University See also monograph-in-progress Pseudorandomness http://seas.harvard.edu/~salil/pseudorandomness. Pseudorandomness. Theory of efficiently generating objects that “look random” despite being constructed

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The Unified Theory of Pseudorandomness

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  1. The Unified Theory ofPseudorandomness Salil VadhanHarvard University See also monograph-in-progress Pseudorandomnesshttp://seas.harvard.edu/~salil/pseudorandomness

  2. Pseudorandomness Theory of efficiently generating objects that “look random” despite being constructed with little or no randomness.

  3. Motivation Computer Science • Derandomization: converting randomized algorithms into deterministic algorithms. • Cryptography: generating lots of unpredictable bits (e.g. for encryption) from a short key • Useful “Pseudorandom Objects” (e.g. error-correcting codes). Mathematics • Explicit Constructions matching Probabilistic Method (e.g. Ramsey graphs) • Analyzing mathematical structures: e.g. the primes are dense in a “pseudorandom” set of integers [Green-Tao04]

  4. “Pseudorandom Objects” • Error-correcting codes: make data resilient to corruption • Expander graphs: highly connected but sparse graphs • Samplers: estimate avg with few samples & random bits • Randomness extractors: convert biased & correlated bits to almost-uniform random bits. • Hardness amplifiers: convert worst-case hard functions into average-case hard ones. • Pseudorandom generators: stretch short seed to many bits that “look random” to efficient algorithms. For each, randomly chosen object achieves very good parameters. Goal is explicit constructions – ones that are efficient & deterministic.

  5. “Pseudorandom Objects” • Error-correcting codes: make data resilient to corruption • Expander graphs: highly connected but sparse graphs • Samplers: estimate avg with few samples & random bits • Randomness extractors: convert biased & correlated bits to almost-uniform random bits. • Hardness amplifiers: convert worst-case hard functions into average-case hard ones. • Pseudorandom generators: stretch short seed to many bits that “look random” to efficient algorithms. For each, randomly chosen object achieves very good parameters. Goal is explicit constructions – ones that are efficient & deterministic.

  6. A Unified Theory Through work of many researchers over 2 decades: • All of these objects are essentially the same when viewed appropriately. • Much progress by exploiting connections to translate constructions and ideas from one object to another. This talk: • Single “list-decoding” framework that captures all the objects. • Highlights similarities and differences.

  7. An Incomplete List of References • D. Zuckerman “Randomness-optimal oblivious sampling”, 1996. • L. Trevisan “Extractors and Pseudorandom Generators”, 1999. • M. Sudan, L. Trevisan, S. Vadhan “Pseudorandom Generators without the XOR Lemma”, 1999. • A. Ta-Shma, D. Zuckerman “Extractor codes”, 2001. • V. Guruswami, C. Umans, S. Vadhan “Unbalanced Expanders and Randomness Extractors from Parvaresh-Vardy Codes”, 2007. • See proceedings & monograph for more.

  8. The Framework Syntactic form of object: : [N]x[D][M] For T [M], let LIST(T,)={x[N] : Pry[(x,y)T] > } Semantic property: For all TC, |LIST (T,)| K Notes/conventions: • Sometimes require “constructing” LIST(T,) to be “efficient” • LIST(T,1)={x[N] : Pry[(x,y)T] = 1} • A=2a, B=2b,...,  : {0,1}n {0,1}d {0,1}m

  9. List-Decodable Codes

  10. Error-Correcting Codes Goal: encode data s.t. can recover from errors. D q-ary symbols n bits encoding message m codeword Enc(m) corrupt < frac. decoding received word r • Example: Reed-Solomon code Enc(f)=(f(1),…,f(D)), fFq[x]

  11. List-Decodable Codes Q: What if noise too high (=1-1/q-) for unique decoding? D q-ary symbols n bits encoding message m codeword Enc(m)  corrupt < 1-1/q-frac. message m1 decoding received word r message m2 • Def: Enc : [N] [q]D is (K,) list-decodableif r [q]D, there are  K messages m s.t. Enc(m) agrees with r in more than 1/q+ positions. message mK

  12. List-Decodable Codes • Def: Enc : [N] [q]D is (K,) list-decodableif r [q]D, there are  K messages m s.t. Enc(m) agrees with r in more than 1/q+ positions. • Goals • Minimize D (e.g.Dlog q=O(n)). • Minimize  (e.g. small constant independent of n). • Minimize q (e.g. q=O(1) or q=poly(n)). • Minimize K (e.g. K=poly(n)).

  13. List-Decodable Codes in the Framework Given Enc : [N] [q]D, define  : [N] [D] [D][q] via (x,y)=(y,Enc(x)y). Proposition: Enc (K,) list-decodable  r [q]D |LIST(Tr,1/q+)|  K, where Tr = {(y,ry) : y [D]} Proof:x LIST(Tr,1/q+) Pry[(x,y)Tr]>1/q+ Pry[Enc(x)y=ry]>1/q+.

  14. Comparison •  : [N][D] [M] • N=2n,D=2d,… • T  [M] • LIST(T,)={x[N] : Pry[(x,y)T] > }


  16. Sampling • Goal: given “oracle access” to a function f : [M] {0,1}, estimate (f) := Ez[f(z)] by making few queries to f. • Natural approach: choose random points z1,…,zD[M], and output (1/D)if(zi). • For D=O((1/2)log(1/)), correct within  with probability  1-. • Don’t need full independence; “pseudorandom” samples suffice, such as: • pairwise independence (e.g. zi=ai+b, for a,bFM) • random walks on expander graphs.

  17. Averaging Samplers Def: Samp : [N] [M]D is a (,) averaging sampler if for every f : [M] {0,1}, we have Pr(z1,…,zD) Samp(U[N])[(1/D)if(zi) > (f)+]  Goals: • Minimize D (ideally D=O((1/2)log(1/)). • Maximize m=log M. • Minimize n=log N (ideally n=m+log(1/)). • Minimize ,  (often  constant, but =o(1)).

  18. Samplers in the Framework Def: Samp : [N] [M]D is a (,) averaging sampler if for every f : [M] {0,1}, we have Pr(z1,…,zD) Samp(U[N])[(1/D)if(zi) > (f)+]  Given Samp, define  : [N][D] [M] via (x,y)=Samp(x)y. Proposition: Samp (,) averaging samplerT [M] |LIST(T,(T)+)|N

  19. Comparison •  : [N][D] [M] • N=2n,D=2d,… • T  [M] • LIST(T,)={x[N] : Pry[(x,y)T] > }

  20. Expander Graphs

  21. S, |S| K D (Bipartite) Expander Graphs N Goals: • Minimize D • Maximize A • Maximize K • [Minimize M] M “(K,A) expander” |Nbrs(S)|  A¢|S| • Example: • [N]=[M]=Fp • Nbrs(x)={x+1,x-1,x-1} • Classic Params: • M=N • D, A > 1 constants. • K= N /2

  22. S, |S| K D List-Decoding View of Expanders N • Given G, let (x,y) = y’th neighbor of x. • Prop: G is a (K,A) expander iffTµ[M] of size < AK, we have |LIST(T,1)| < |T|/A. M “(K,A) expander” |(S)|  A¢ K

  23. Comparison •  : [N][D] [M] • N=2n,D=2d,… • T  [M] • LIST(T,)={x[N] : Pry[(x,y)T] > }


  25. Pseudorandom Generators • looks random: for every “computationally feasible” test T : {0,1}m{0,1}, |Pry[T(G(y))=1]-Prz[T(z)=1]| . • computationally feasible: computable by a circuit of size t, or, equivalently, a time t algorithm with t bits of advice. • useful for cryptography, derandomizing probabilistic algorithms G m bits that “look random” d-bit seed

  26. PRG Constructions • Q: Do efficiently computable PRGs exist? Open! Requires proving NP  P, or at least EXPBPP. • Instead show: if there are sufficiently hard functions (say in EXP), then efficient PRGs exist.

  27. Black-box PRG Constructions construction Def: G is a (t,k,) black-box PRG construction if  R s.t. •  f  T s.t. Pry[T(Gf(y))=1] > Prz[T(z)=1] +  w {0,1}ks.t. RwT computes f everywhere. • R is computable in time t with oracle access to T. Gf : {0,1}d {0,1}m f : {0,1}l {0,1} reduction RwT : {0,1}l {0,1} test T : {0,1}m {0,1} w/ k-bit advice w Prop: if f can’t be computed by circuits of size s, then Gf is -pseudorandom vs. circuits of size  s/t

  28. Black-box PRG Constructions construction Def: G is a (t,k,) black-box PRG construction if  R s.t. •  f  T s.t. Pry[T(Gf(y))=1] > Prz[T(z)=1] +  w {0,1}ks.t. RwT computes f everywhere. • R is computable in time t with oracle access to T. Gf : {0,1}d {0,1}m f : {0,1}l {0,1} reduction RwT : {0,1}l {0,1} test T : {0,1}m {0,1} w/ k-bit advice w • Common parameters: • t=k=m=1/[c, 2/c] for arbitrarily large constant c, d=O().

  29. PRGs in the Framework construction Take n=2l and define (f,y) = Gf(y) Proposition: G an (,k,) PRG const.  T [M] |LIST(T,(T)+)|K. Proof: fLIST(T,(T)+) Pry[T(Gf(y))=1]>Prz[T(z)=1]+  K such f’s they can be named with k bits of advice Gf : {0,1}d {0,1}m f : {0,1}l {0,1} reduction RwT : {0,1}l {0,1} test T : {0,1}m {0,1} w/ k-bit advice w

  30. PRGs in the Framework construction Q: What about efficient reductions? A: Analogous to efficient “local list decoding”: compute each bit of the “message” f using few queries to “received word” T. Gf : {0,1}d {0,1}m f : {0,1}l {0,1} reduction RwT : {0,1}l {0,1} test T : {0,1}m {0,1} w/ k-bit advice w

  31. Comparison •  : [N][D] [M] • N=2n,D=2d,… • T  [M] • LIST(T,)={x[N] : Pry[(x,y)T] > }

  32. Comparison

  33. Conclusions • Many pseudorandom objects are almost equivalent. • Each brings different intuition, techniques, parameters. • Open: single construction  : [N] [D] [M] optimal for all? • For every T [M],  [0,1], |LIST(T,)|  f(|T|,) for f as small as possible. • (x,y) = (y,) •  poly-time computable • Efficient local list-decoding • For more information, see proceedings and http://seas.harvard.edu/~salil/pseudorandomness

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