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How to be Unhealthy;. A Guide for Better Living. Healthy VS Unhealthy.
How to be Unhealthy; A Guide for Better Living.
Healthy people have constant mood swings due to dietary restrictions; usually opting for colorfull and flavorless foods such as raw vegetables, water, whole wheat bread, the so called ‘power bars’, and a handfull of supplements.
While unhealthy people are constantly happy because they can eat anything!!!
Healthy people are always exausted, in pain and suffer injuries due to extensive exercise, not to mention the risks of Knotedmuscletitis and Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.
Knotedmuscletitis; an extreme tension of the muscles caused by exercise, making them bulge and knot in an unattractive manner.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; Enlarged heart; an abnormal increase in thickness of heart muscle, causing disturbance in heart rhythm and would later on cause heart attack. Athletes are prone to developed enlarged heart because it is the way of the heart to cope with the intense workout and training the athletes undergo, and it may be undetected.
Unhealthy people knowing the risks of exercise, avoid the excess of activity at all costs.
Now, it is common knowledge that successful people wear suits, right? Well, when was the last time you saw a man in a suit at the gym, of playing football?That’s because successful people don’t exercise, they sit.
Therefore, big people are wealthyer and more successful than small, healthy people.
So here are a few tips on how to keep the health-bug at bay.
Sit as much as possible; it relaxes the body and mind, not only relieving stress, but promoting wealth and happiness.
Eating habits; *eat foods high in sugar, sodium, oil, fat, caffeine and carbs.*eat only what is cooked and covered with something. (sugar, gravy, etc.)*always carry a supply of sweets in order to avoid a ‘sugar-crash’.
Eating habits; what not to do!*never ever use the ‘d’ word*avoid anything with lean, light, fit, healthy or smart in it’s tittle.*fruit; in deserts only! (pies, ice-cream, jams, margaritas, etc).*never limit your intake of food.
Magazines making impossible promises, such as ‘flat abs in 6 minutes’, and threats such as ‘get ripped in 35 days’…
But just remember… Who are the ones who live miserable lives, and die of heart failure with an unattractive bulging knoted body by the age of 35?The healthy.
So please, share this message with your friends and family, so that we may regain control of this fitness epidemic, and protect our children from this horrible desease.