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Page: 1 Section: Cover Subject:. Headline: City of Dublin Sub Headline: Energy Action Plan Sub Headline 2: Creating A Ribbon of Innovation. Text: Images : DSC_0657 (reverse w flags flying other direction) DSC_0686 FAN2011951.JPG USA2006032_0105_Panels_DCH.tif Graphics:
Page: 1Section: CoverSubject: • Headline: City of Dublin • Sub Headline: Energy Action Plan • Sub Headline 2: Creating A Ribbon of Innovation Text: Images: DSC_0657 (reverse w flags flying other direction) DSC_0686 • FAN2011951.JPG • USA2006032_0105_Panels_DCH.tif Graphics: Layout Example: collage examples, please add dublin logo Table of Contents / Tabs Program Overview Baseline Research Innovation By Site Savings and Rebates Financial Options Implementation Scenario
Page: 2 (inside cover w/ roll out map)Section: mapSubject: map • Page: 3Section:Subject: Headline: Sub Headline: Headline: Sub Headline: Text: Images: Graphics: Layout Example: Text: Images: Graphics: Layout Example:
Page: 4Section: Program Overview- Section Divider Page Left • Page: 5Section: Program Overview- Section Divider Page Right Headline: Weaving a Ribbon of Innovation in Dublin Sub Headline: Connecting People, Places and History to the 21st Century Text: Text: Loremipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturadipiscingelit. Etiam ac gravidatellus. Aliquam sit ametdapibustortor. Vestibulumnislsem, dictum euvulputate sit amet, ullamcorper id quam. Pellentesque habitant morbitristiquesenectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpisegestas. Donec sit ametjustorisus. Images: DSC_0706 DSC-0709
Headline: NA Sub Headline: NA Headline: Sub Headline: Graphics: Use PPT graphic below, just add in the new tiles you created for the media and leanring/school parts. Turn arrow into ribbon similar to what I pasted on slide but elongated across it. Images: • Text: Loremipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturadipiscingelit. Etiam ac gravidatellus. Aliquam sit ametdapibustortor. Vestibulumnislsem, dictum euvulputate sit amet, ullamcorper id quam. Pellentesque habitant morbitristiquesenectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpisegestas. Donec sit ametjustorisus. Suspendissetristiquemalesuada dui veleleifend. Integer in adipiscingipsum. Aliquameratvolutpat. Vestibulumconvallissapienegetliberoportapellentesque. Donecegestasligulajusto, non laciniavelit. Aliquamvehiculapretiumliberolaoreetdignissim. Doneccongueligula vitae tellusultricies at malesuadaleoviverra. Aeneanrhoncuslaciniadapibus. Fuscecondimentumauctorcommodo. Praesenteuismod nisi et leoluctuseupulvinar lacus ullamcorper. • Nullaiaculislectusutnullaplacerat at variusmetussollicitudin. Nunc sit ametmetusurna, et dapibus diam. Aliquam vitae nislarcu. Crasutpurusuturnapulvinarscelerisque at egetfelis. Utleopurus, vehiculautblanditvel, imperdietquisurna. Sed id placerat quam. Suspendisse magna neque, dictum neccondimentum ac, sagittisut est. Integer molestienuncpretiummetusrutrumsedrutrumrisusauctor. Quisquesollicitudinmaurisutmassapellentesqueegestas. Maurisquiserosaugue, necviverra sem. In eleifendlibero in urnacondimentummollisquis vitae nisi.
Headline: Innovation Impact Analysis Sub Headline: Energy Conservation Measures Headline: na Sub Headline: na
Headline: Conservation Measures Opportunity Summary Sub Headline: Headline: Sub Headline:
Page: Section: Subject: • Page: Section: Subject: Headline: Summary: Chevron Energy Solutions — A Name to Trust Sub Headline: • Text: • As a wholly owned subsidiary of Chevron U.S.A. Inc., Chevron Energy Solutions (Chevron ES) brings to its projects the skills and resources of a world leader in energy. Chevron (NYSE: CVX), one of the world’s largest integrated energy companies, is involved in every aspect of the energy industry, including power generation and energy conservation services. With more than $100 billion in assets and more than 65,000 employees worldwide, Chevron is the second-largest U.S.-based energy company and the third largest publicly traded integrated oil and gas company in the world, based on market capitalization. The company maintains credit ratings of “AA” from Moody’s and “A-1+” from Standard and Poor’s. • Through its years of experience in the energy services industry, Chevron ES has honed a technical and financial approach that takes our customers through the process of capturing energy savings and leveraging them for facility improvements. It is this kind of technical competence that Chevron ES brings to the city of Dublin. Chevron ES looks forward to implementing this environmentally and economically beneficial project. Images: DSC_0693 • construcitonUSA2009039_0213_volunte.jpg • people USA2010002_0612_managers.jpg
Page: 14Section: Baseline Research - Section Divider Page Left • Page: 15Section: • - Section Divider Page right Headline: Baseline Research Sub Headline: Headline: Sub Headline: • Text: • This section serves to document and discuss the use of electricity and natural gas in the City of Dublin (City) and provides historical electricity and natural gas usage and cost information • The exercise is used in order to establish baseline usage to gauge the success of potential energy conservation measures. Further details pertaining to the existing City energy utility infrastructure and rates can be found within the Comprehensive Energy Analysis Report • Images: • DSC_0700 • DSC_0701 (include only if you do not use the first image for the full page. Although I think it could be nice to use the full image for the whole page in each divider page section)
Headline: Utility Analysis Sub Headline: Background Headline: Sub Headline: Historical Electricity & Gas Usage • Text: • The City provided Chevron ES all available historic electricity and natural gas usage and cost data. This data was reviewed for completeness, reorganized into a format that is easy to use and easy to understand, and analyzed for historical trends. The data was used to develop unit costs for each utility, utility usage profiles per account, and total energy usage for the entire campus. The following unit costs were developed based on evaluating the usage per year for each type of energy. The City specific unit costs can be found in Table 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3. • Electrical usage unit cost – the total monthly charges ($) divided by the total monthly energy used (kWh), expressed as “$/kWh”. • Electrical demand unit cost – the total monthly charges ($) divided by the total monthly energy demand (kW), expressed as “$/kW”. • Natural gas unit cost – the total monthly charges ($) divided by the total monthly energy used (therms), expressed as “$/Therm”. • For each type of utility, lower unit costs are better. A sustained high unit cost over many months suggests an alternate rate may save money. A complete summary of the annual electric, demand, and natural gas consumption for each building and the costs for each can be found on the tables on the next page • Text: • The City provided Chevron ES all available historic electricity and natural gas usage and cost data. This data was reviewed for completeness, reorganized into a format that is easy to use and easy to understand, and analyzed for historical trends. The data was used to develop unit costs for each utility, utility usage profiles per account, and total energy usage for the entire campus. The following unit costs were developed based on evaluating the usage per year for each type of energy. The City specific unit costs can be found in Table 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3. • Electrical usage unit cost – the total monthly charges ($) divided by the total monthly energy used (kWh), expressed as “$/kWh”. • Electrical demand unit cost – the total monthly charges ($) divided by the total monthly energy demand (kW), expressed as “$/kW”. • Natural gas unit cost – the total monthly charges ($) divided by the total monthly energy used (therms), expressed as “$/Therm”. • For each type of utility, lower unit costs are better. A sustained high unit cost over many months suggests an alternate rate may save money. A complete summary of the annual electric, demand, and natural gas consumption for each building and the costs for each can be found on the tables on the next page
Headline: Baseline Usage Charts Sub Headline: Headline: Sub Headline: PICK UP DATA FROM CHARTS DOCUMENT TITLED “CopyDeck_BaselineCharts_data.docx”
Page: 20Section: Innovation at Each Site - Section Divider Page Left • Page: 21Section: - Section Divider Page right Headline: Assessing Innovation Impact at Each Site Sub Headline: Headline: Sub Headline: Image: DSC_0648 DSC_0658 DSC_0673 DSC_0703 DSC_0707
Shannon Community Center Fire Station 16
Fire Station 18 Fire Station 17
Senior Center Aquatic Center
Page: 32Section: Subject: • Page: 33Section: Subject: Headline: Savings and Rebates Sub Headline: Headline: Sub Headline:
Headline: Savings and Rebates Sub Headline: Headline: Sub Headline: INFO TO COME
Page: 36Section: Subject: • Page: 37Section: Subject: Headline: Financial Options Sub Headline: Headline: Sub Headline:
Headline: Sub Headline: Headline: Sub Headline:
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Page: Section: Subject: • Page: Section: Subject: Headline: Implementation Scenario Sub Headline: Headline: Sub Headline:
Page: 44Section: Back CoverSubject: Please pick up back cover from the initial brochure I had printed here.. Remove the pic of the children. Please swap in this pic for one of the others: DSC_0713 Table of Contents / Tabs Program Overview Baseline Research Innovation By Site Savings and Rebates Financial Options Implementation Scenario