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Dr. Anne Mahalia C. Angeles is a Gynecologist in Ayala Alabang, Muntinlupa Dr. Anne Mahalia C. Angeles Gynecologist practices at Asian Hospital and Medical Center in Ayala Alabang, Muntinlupa. She completed PhD - Medicine from University of the Philippines (UP). <br>
Dr. Anne Mahalia C. Angeles and Asian Hospital and MedicalCenter Dr. Anne Mahalia C. Angelesis a Gynecologist in Ayala Alabang, Muntinlupa Dr. Anne Mahalia C. Angeles Gynecologistpractices at Asian Hospital and Medical Center in Ayala Alabang, Muntinlupa. She completed PhD - Medicine from University of the Philippines(UP). Aportionofthe Cordocentesis,Quad servicesgaveby Screen,Cervical thedoctorare: Cerclage,Mirena (Hormonal Iud) and Adiana Systemetc. At the new Center of Excellence doctors will be prepared and certified in the utilization of Dynamic Electro Chemotherapy with IQWave™, which for the present, is offered to whitewash patients with bosom, head and neck cancer. Through a Memorandum of Understanding ,AHMCand ChemoTech have conceded to the direction the collaboration will take. The initial step includes preparing andcertification
of doctors and medical caretakers at AHMC by the India Electro-Chemotherapy Center of Excellence specialists, trailed by a non-benefit compassionate program at AHMC. Successful technology exchange and technology capability working with the IQWaveTM treatment methodology will be trailed by an AHMC-ACI Electro-Chemotherapy Patient Service, Training and Developmentprogram. "Asian Hospital lives to its guarantee as a seat of Global Expertise with a Filipino Heart , as once more AHMC leaves as aCenter of Excellence for Electro-Chemotherapy, conveying an inventive oncology service to the Filipino and the Asian patients," say AHMC President and CEO, Mr. Andres Licaros,Jr. AHMC as the Electro-Chemotherapy Center of Excellence offers to help different hospitals in the Philippines and Southeast Asia to prepare their doctors and medical attendants, to convey this inventive service to their cancer patients inrequire.
The Asian Hospital and Medical Center(AHMC) and the Scandinavian ChemoTech AB have embraced a cooperation consent to build up a "Center of Excellence" for doctors inthe Philippines for the utilization of IQWave™ Dynamic Electrochemotherapy™. It is the first of its kind in Southeast Asia and intends to prepare and license physicians in the treatment of cancer utilizing IQWave™. The new Center of Excellence, located at the second Floor Tower 2 of Asian Hospital, was launched on February 13,2017. AHMC President and CEO , Mr. Andres Licaros Jr, and the AHMC Asian Cancer Institute Director, Dr. Corazon Ngelangel, who is driving this project, share ChemoTech's vision to influence imaginative cancer to care moreaccessible to the public and to help a large number of agony cancer patients in thePhilippines.
"The AHMC commitment likewise opens the chance to collaborate in research and improvement of future applications and technologies in ChemoTechs business",says Mohan Frick, CEO ofChemoTech. Dr. Corazon Ngelangel commented, "Electro-chemotherapy is another technique for the local treatment of cutaneous and subcutaneous metastases. On the off chance that surgery or potentially radiotherapy are not any more conceivable, this imaginative technology can be utilized effectively for local tumor control; and we do have such patients in the Philippines who might profit accordingly. Electro-chemotherapy is a combination of electroporation and low-measurements chemotherapy. Electroporation causes increased penetrability enabling cytostatic specialists to cross the cell layer and afterward go into the cytosol by dissemination and at much higher concentrations,prompting increased cytotoxicity. This imaginative treatment enhances the personal satisfaction of patients, with resultant local tumorcontrol." 425-slept with super specialty tertiary care hospital is really futuristic in its services and technology and unites the absolute most skilled medical experts in India. The hospital has been accredited with NABH and NABLaccreditations
and is furnished with cutting edge technology. The hospital gives preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitative, palliative and steady services all under one rooftop and is intended to meet patient care and research prerequisites of the new thousandyears. The hospital is atSector 21A, Faridabad, effectively accessible from New Delhi International Airport, New Delhi Railway Station and New Delhi Interstate BusTerminal. ASIAN INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES has been appraised seventh Best Hospital in Delhi NCR in year 2013 and again evaluated as eighth Best Specialty Hospital inyear 2016 by "The Week" magazine according to the "AC Nielsen Survey". Additionally hospital is positioned among the Best Healthcare Brand by The Economic TimesSurvey 2016. Asian Institute of Medical Sciences gives comprehensive multi-specialty tertiary care facilities through its 14 centers ofexcellence. The ASIAN CANCER Center offers end to end services –from counteractive action, early detection to comprehensive treatment and palliative care. The primary hospital in North India to send the Varian's Rapid Arc on a Trilogy framework alongside a few top of the line gear such as PET/CT,DUAL
head Gamma Camera and HDR brachy-treatment among others. The ASIAN Center FOR BONE MARROW TRANSPLANTis an advanced bone marrow transplant unit in India giving a beam of would like to recover life. This office includes a dedicated and cutting edge undifferentiated organism transplantation center which caters to blood cancers and immature microorganism transplantation for non harmful conditions. The ASIAN HEART Center gives comprehensive cardiac care including non-intrusive, interventional and surgicalfacilities. Thehospitalrunsthemostadvancedcardiothoracicvascular surgery program including sidestep, open heart and valvular heart surgery. This center is furnished with the most advanced cath-lab for angiography andangioplasties. At the new Center of Excellence doctors will be prepared and certified in the utilization of Dynamic Electro Chemotherapy with IQWave™, which until further notice, is offered to vindicate patients with bosom, head and neck cancer. Through a Memorandum of Understanding ,AHMCand ChemoTech have conceded to the direction the collaboration will take. The initial step includes preparing and certification of doctors and medical attendants at AHMC by theIndia
Electro-Chemotherapy Center of Excellence specialists, trailed by a non-benefit compassionate program at AHMC. Successful technology exchange and technology capability working with the IQWaveTM treatment methodology will be trailed by an AHMC-ACI Electro-Chemotherapy Patient Service, Training and Developmentprogram. "Asian Hospital lives to its guarantee as a seat of Global Expertise with a Filipino Heart , as once more AHMC leaves as aCenter of Excellence for Electro-Chemotherapy, conveying a creative oncology service to the Filipino and the Asian patients," say AHMC President and CEO, Mr. Andres Licaros,Jr. AHMC as the Electro-Chemotherapy Center of Excellence offers to help different hospitals in the Philippines and Southeast Asia to prepare their doctors and medical attendants, to convey this creative service to their cancer patients inrequire. The ASIAN Center FOR ADVANCED SURGERY is manned by very gifted specialists, fitted with ultra-present day surgical and diagnostic apparatuses to tackle the most complicated surgical procedures.11 measured task theaters are furnished with LED lights, media spans, laminar wind current,working
microscopes,pictureintensifiers,laparoscopic harmonic , RFA , hepachannels, Laser, Cusa etc. TheASIANCenterFORNEUROLOGYAND gear, NEUROSURGERYis completely prepared to treat a wide range of scatters of the cerebrum and spine. The division is furnished with most recent and top of the line machines like Digital EEG , EMGetc. The ASIAN Center FOR UROLOGY ANDKIDNEY TRANSPLANT is a best in class unit giving excellent care to all urological conditions such as kidney stones, prostrate, laparoscopic urology anduro-oncology. The ASIAN Center FOR RENAL DISEASES ANDDIALYSIS offers all types of dialysis-haemodialysis, SLED, CRRT, Peritoneal dialysis and arrangement to dialyse hepatitis and HIV+ patients. The center is likewise successfully running Renal Transplantprograms. The ASIAN Center FORBONEAND JOINTS offers a standout amongst the most comprehensive medications of bone and joint illnesses. The hospital offers broad ability in jointreplacementsurgerieslikeknee,hipanddifferentjoints.
Dr. Anne Mahalia C. Angeles Dr. Anne Mahalia C. Angeles Gynecologist Asian Hospital and MedicalCenter Elawoman Website Elawoman Twitter Elawoman Facebook ElawomanPinterest