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Bridging the Digital Divide

Explore the importance of public subsidies for IT access in underserved areas to bridge the digital divide. Learn how this can help overcome socio-economic challenges and drive economic growth by expanding internet connections and IT education in schools.

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Bridging the Digital Divide

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bridging the Digital Divide The public SHOULD subsidize computer and/or Internet access for underserved areas and communities.

  2. What is the Digital Divide? • Definition • Implications Why should we care? • IT access can help overcome socio-economic problems including low-income, the root of most disadvantages.

  3. What can we do? • Public subsidies • Increased internet connections • IT education in schools

  4. Importance of Bridging the Digital Divide

  5. Importance of Bridging the Digital Divide • Growth of National Economy - Strong and skilled workforce - Economic Gain - Global competition

  6. Why the public should subsidize IT access for underserved communities. • The divide is growing • Economically affordable and feasible solutions • Elimination of poverty and its socio-economic effects • Investment in our society and economy

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