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Engaging Communities for Economic Development

Engaging Communities for Economic Development. Staying competitive in community development while the world is changing around us!. And the winner is…. And the winner is…. What will the election of _______ mean for economic developers?. Continued significant reduction in federal budgets

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Engaging Communities for Economic Development

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  1. Engaging Communities for Economic Development Staying competitive in community development while the world is changing around us!

  2. And the winner is…..

  3. And the winner is…..

  4. What will the election of _______ mean for economic developers? • Continued significant reduction in federal budgets • Focus on private sector oriented approaches vs. direct government subsidy • Shorter term Congressional approvals for critical programs • Potential reorganization of key government agencies involved in economic and community development

  5. Engaging Communities for Economic Development

  6. Major (and long term) Economic and Demographic Shifts Impacting Community and Economic Development

  7. We are not replacing jobs lost through the recession

  8. The recovery from this recession is taking longer than prior recessions

  9. Distress on city / county budgets as the recession ripples through the economy Property Taxes based upon Valuation Globalization Income Taxes based upon Wages layoffs Property Taxes based upon Property Values foreclosures Sales Taxes based upon Sales Revenue Fees and Transfer Payments from other sources closings

  10. State & Local budgets are lagging the recovery

  11. Public sector employment has declined through the recession after years of growth

  12. Major programs at the federal and state levels have experienced major cuts.

  13. We are not replacing our retiring workers with our new workers Over the next twenty years there will be 76 million Baby Boomers old enough to retire… ….but only 48 million new workers will be available in the talent pipeline to fill their positions.

  14. What percent of people have ever had a tattoo or body piercing? Over 40: 10% Under 40: 40%

  15. Employers have significantly increased their use of part time workers.

  16. Education continues to define unemployment rates.

  17. Out of necessity, workers are more mobile --- they will travel further for a job

  18. 5. The Internet = Speed, democratization of information

  19. 6. Technology: Impact on Manufacturing, Service, Distribution

  20. The 1099 Economy is becoming a more important part of your community 52 percent of all small businesses are home based and 78.5 percent employ only the sole proprietor.  Of the 21.5 percent that do employ anyone, only 10.7 percent of that group will employ more than 20 people. There are 331,000 self-employed workers in Ohio, making up 6.00% of the total workforce, up by 5.00% from 2001. The Average Wage of a self-employed worker in Ohio is $25,331.

  21. Entrepreneurship: More small businesses…working for big business In 2010, there were about 28 million small businesses in this country, responsible for 49.2 percent of private sector employment. But there were also 18,500 firms with 500 employees or more, defined as big business, and they employed the other 50 percent or so.

  22. Bank restructuring will continue to limit financing options “Politicians and senior regulators consistently and publically profess the value and importance of community banks to our economy, yet their recent actions suggest otherwise…The flood of new regulation, demands for more capital, harsh enforcement plus an unexplained three-year-old de facto moratorium on de novo bank charters lead one to believe that Washington really wants fewer community banks.” The American Banker, October, 2012

  23. There is a significant consolidation of banking institutions

  24. The number of community banks has declined significantly

  25. Death of the Big Deal in Economic Development And the Data Shows…. • Total Projects: 93 (47 Expansion, 46 New) • Average Jobs: 181 • High Jobs Number: 900 • Average Square Feet: 157,000 • Average New Jobs: 256 • Average New Square Feet: 203,000 • Big Deals: 1 Project; 1,500 jobs, Mfg. 1M SF Source: Site Selection Magazine, May 2012

  26. Even in Attraction….workforce & infrastructure rank higher than incentives And the Data Shows…. What Matters Most: Site Selectors Most Important Criteria • State and Local Tax Structure • Transportation & Utility Infrastructure • Land/Building Prices & Supply • Ease of Permitting and Regulatory Process • Workforce Skills • Local economic development strategy • Legal Climate • Availability of Incentives • State Economic Development Strategy

  27. Ten Strategies to Stay Competitive

  28. What’s NOT Changing? • The need to develop a strategy is NOT changing • The need to develop strong partnerships is NOT changing • The need to provide quality services is NOT changing • The need to tailor your ED tools to the needs of your community is NOT changing

  29. 1. Think “Strategic Doing” vs. “Strategic Planning” • Network of Networks • Plan; Then Do, Then Plan Again • Go from planning to implementation • Know your goals and focus your efforts • Engage the Community and the Networks • Ed Morrison, Purdue University • What’s happening at EDA with their CEDS

  30. 2. Understand the ROI of your Economic Development Program • Cost / Benefit analysis for community investment of time and resources • Economic Development E > P • Fiscal Impact Analysis • EDA Triple Bottom Line: Equity, Environment, Economy • Political justification • Understand…and take…informed risk

  31. 3. Collaboration is the New Competition • Companies are looking for your ability to bring a wide variety of resources to the table • Regional collaboration: What is your community’s role in the region? • Expand your partnership to include workforce, land use, transportation, philanthropic, hospitals, permitting

  32. 4. Make your collaborations effective • Look for the key development Levers that help move projects forward: • Transportation, Land Use, Regulation • Understand who does what best • Share back office resources to focus on the delivery of services

  33. 5. Place Matters: Enhance what makes your community livable • Identify and leverage your strongest assets • Richard Florida: The Creative Class ? • What makes your community special? • Asset mapping on a local AND regional basis • Tactical urbanism

  34. 6. Double Down on Retention and Expansion • Sometimes the best R & E does not involve incentives but simply helps solve problems • Understand your business community and what helps it grow • Organized R & E program to track activity and performance • Don’t promise what you can’t deliver • R & E is still the Best Attraction Strategy • Cluster Strategy, Supply Chain, Key Partners

  35. 7. Expand workforce collaborations to include K-12 and Community Colleges • Realign workforce programs to focus on two key priorities: • Job Readiness training as a public priority • Specific skill training in direct partnership with employers • Engage employers more directly: Train for their job openings and for their future needs

  36. 8. Emphasize the Entrepreneurial Strategy that fits your community • Small Business • Economic Gardening • 1099 Economy • Incubation and Acceleration

  37. 9. Fine tune your financing and incentive toolkit • Use state incentives strategically • Create local incentives that make sense for your community • Provide for transparency and accountability • The fewer the programs, the easier the deal • Stronger reliance on local financing and federal programs

  38. 10. Fine Tune your web presence and social networking • 90% of the research by a site selection company is done BEFORE you are contacted • Keep your inventory of sites up to date • Have a user friendly website • Link your site with your regional economic development partner • Easily accessible public services

  39. Key Questions and Next Steps Key Questions • Where are you, where do you want to be, how do you get there • How well do you know your community? • Have you established priorities, goals, tasks, with assigned leads? • Do you have a toolbox that is appropriate to your community and priorities? • Do you have a way of measuring performance and reacting?

  40. Thank you.

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