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Auxiliary Verbs

Auxiliary Verbs. Lesson Five. Which word is the auxiliary verb ?. Without his generous contribution, the club could not have finished that playground for the neighborhood kids. Answer: could have. Auxiliary verb(s)?.

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Auxiliary Verbs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Auxiliary Verbs Lesson Five

  2. Which word is the auxiliary verb? • Without his generous contribution, the club could not have finished that playground for the neighborhood kids. Answer: could have

  3. Auxiliary verb(s)? 2. We would have been about $1,000 short of our goal without his contribution. Answer: would have

  4. Auxiliary verb(s)? 3. By tomorrow, the company will have been working on that proposal for two weeks. Answer: will have been

  5. Auxiliary verb(s)? 4. We have, of course, been working night and day to get the proposal completed. Answer: have been

  6. Auxiliary verb(s)? 5. Will the men have finished that wall by late afternoon today? Answer: will have

  7. Auxiliary verb(s)? 6. Can we bring in more people as additional staff on that project? Answer: can

  8. Auxiliary verb(s)? 7. The family down the street could not find its cat last night. Answer: could

  9. Auxiliary verb(s)? 8. After forty-five minutes, I could not have run any farther. Answer: could have

  10. Auxiliary verb(s)? 9. Those men should have finished the race by this time. Answer: should have

  11. Auxiliary verb(s)? 10. Yes, Joan did pay me the money for that textbook. Answer: did

  12. Identify the Italicized Word 11. The two accountants should find that error without much difficulty. Answer: Direct Object

  13. Identify the Italicized Word 12. Often, rising water is the most dangerous effect of a hurricane. Answer: Subject Complement

  14. Identify the Italicized Word 13. Can you solve a simple quadratic equation? Answer: Direct Object

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