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Universal Design for Learning: Creating Accessible Documents

Universal Design for Learning: Creating Accessible Documents. March 5, 2013. Introductions. Allison Kidd IT Coordinator UDL / Accessibility Trainer Shannon Lavey , MS, OTR Service Coordinator Assistive Technology Trainer Assistive Technology Resource Center

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Universal Design for Learning: Creating Accessible Documents

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  1. Universal Design for Learning: Creating Accessible Documents March 5, 2013

  2. Introductions • Allison Kidd • IT Coordinator • UDL / Accessibility Trainer • Shannon Lavey, MS, OTR • Service Coordinator • Assistive Technology Trainer • Assistive Technology Resource Center • Provide Assistive Technology for students with disabilities • Provide support for faculty and staff at CSU on accessibility • http://atrc.colostate.edu

  3. Outline • CSU’s Accessibility Guidelines • Principles of Universal Design for Learning • 2 Main Concepts for All Documents • Structure • Alternative Text • Hands-On: Word Documents • Hands-On: PDF Documents

  4. CSU’s Guidelines for Accessibility of Electronic and Information Technology Adopted by Faculty Council, Fall 2012 • CSU is committed to providing equal access to electronic information for all students • Universal Design for Learning provides a strategy for preparing materials that overcome barriers to learning • UDL includes accessibility for students with disabilities, but goes beyond to benefit all learners

  5. Universal Design for Learning “ Universal Design for Learning (UDL)is a set of principles for designing materials that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn. ” Source: http://www.cast.org/udl/index.html

  6. Today’s Students Are Diverse • Ethnicity & Culture • Native language • Non-Traditional • Gender • Learning Styles • Disabilities – Apparent • Disabilities – Non-Apparent • Variety of Technologies Available

  7. UDL: A Framework for Inclusive Pedagogy • Information and concepts are represented in multiple ways and in a variety of formats. • Students are given multiple ways to expresstheir comprehension and mastery of a topic. • Students engage with new ideas and information in multiple ways.

  8. Learning Styles: Involve the Senses • Visual • Auditory • Kinesthetic • Combine for highest impact on learning!

  9. Universally Designed Documents • Search-ability • Select-ability for Copy and Paste • Consistent Structure / Organization • Bookmarks or an Interactive TOC • Text to Speech capability • Accessibility for Screen Reading Software

  10. Beyond Accessibility Universal Design Features Search-ability Select-ability for Copy and Paste Consistent Structure / Organization Bookmarks or an Interactive TOC Text to Speech capability Accessibility for Screen Readers How Can Students Benefit? English Language Learners Non-Traditional Students Learning Styles Disabilities – Apparent Disabilities – Non-Apparent

  11. Read & Write Gold Assistive Technology Demo

  12. Diverse Technology, Diverse Formats • Students are using a wide variety of technology • Operating Systems • Devices – tablets, phones, eReaders • Versions of word processing software • Assistive Technology – hardware and software • Let students pick the format that works best for them – offer multiple formats. • Start with Word • Convert to Accessible PDF • Make both files available to students

  13. Creating UDL Documents:Two Main Concepts • Document Structure • Alternative Text

  14. Document Structure • Content should be organized! • Use built-in styles • Headings • Lists • Emphasis • Be consistent with styles • Top level headings – use the same style for each

  15. Why is Structure Important? • Visually - It looks easier to read • Easier to pick out important points • Students can take notes based on an obvious outline. • Provides a Table of Contents • Screen-reading software uses structure to navigate the document more easily.

  16. JAWS Screen-reading Software Document Structure Demo

  17. What is Alternate Text? • Screen readers can only read text • Any images must have a short text description added • Alt Text describes both the content or meaning of the image in its context

  18. How to Write Alt Text “What is the function of this image?”

  19. Context is Key • Alternative text for images should describe the meaning of the image in its context • Ice Cream Manufacturer • Girl Scouts of America • My Niece's Blog • Diversity Website Source: Jesse Hausler, The ACCESS Project

  20. Hands-On: Word Documents

  21. Office 2010: Compatibility Mode Off • Documents with .doc will open in compatibility mode • More accessibility features are available in .docx format • To turn compatibility mode off: save as .docx

  22. Add Structure: Use Styles

  23. Add Alt Text to Images • Right-click on the image and select ‘Format Picture’ • Select the ‘Alt Text’ option at the bottom • Type the alt text in the ‘Description’ box on the right *not in the ‘Title’ field!

  24. Add Header Row to Tables, Step 1 • Right-click on the top row of the table. • Click on ‘Table Properties’

  25. Add Header Row to Tables, Step 2 • Select the ‘Row’ tab. • Check the box ‘Repeat as header row at the top of each page’

  26. Microsoft’s Accessibility Checker • Use the Built-in Accessibility Checker • File > Info > Check for Issues > Check Accessibility

  27. Hands-On: PDF Documents Scanned to PDF Word to PDF

  28. Let’s Look at Scanned PDFs There are three types of PDFs resulting from a scanner: • Scanned PDF saved as image only • Scanned PDF with Optical Character Recognition • Scanned PDF with OCR and Tags added

  29. PDF Scanned as Image

  30. Scanned PDF Results Accessibility Search-Ability Copy/Paste Bookmarks Text to Speech Scanned PDF Scanned PDF with OCR OCR and Tags

  31. Read & Write Gold Good vs. bad PDF Demo

  32. Morgan Library Course Reserves • Login with eid to request PDF creation • Library staff will do entire process • Find the article • Scan with OCR • Convert existing scanned PDF • Post online for your course • Turn-around time – typically one day

  33. https://reserve.colostate.edu

  34. Word to PDF Conversion • Start out with a Word Document • Make the Word Doc accessible, then convert it • Use Save As PDF • Or use the Acrobat Toolbar Accessibility Search-Ability Copy/Paste Bookmarks Text to Speech Print to PDF Save As PDF Adobe PDF Plugin

  35. Hands-On PDF • Before Conversion! • Make sure Tagged PDF is enabled in Preferences under the Word PDF Toolbar • This makes the PDF accessible to screen readers!

  36. In Adobe Acrobat X Open the Accessibility Toolbar Click on ‘TouchUp Reading Order’

  37. Touching Up the Reading Order • Click on ‘Show Order Panel’ • The pane will show up at the left • Drag and drop items in the correct order • Empty items or decorative images – set as ‘Background’.

  38. Further Resources: • CSU’s Accessibility Website • http://www.accessibility.colostate.edu • CSU’s Access Project Tutorials • http://accessproject.colostate.edu/udl • Allison.Kidd@Colostate.Edu

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