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Explore the marketing strategies and success factors of Banglalink, a leading cellular company in Bangladesh. Learn about its market positioning, products, competitors, and future opportunities.
Welcome ToA Session On Marketing Plan of Banglalink
Group Name: Quarry Group Members: Rezaul Karim Chowdhury ID: 08410012 Sharmin Zaman ID: 08410023 Utpal Sharker ID: 07510042 Towhiduzzaman ID: 07410058 Md. Sirajul Islam ID: 08510128 S.M. Imran Hossain ID: 08410018
Introduction • Banglalink is one of the leading cellular companies in Bangladesh. It starts its operation since 2000. Within one year of launching it has become one of the leading cellular companies by its effective marketing mix. Effective segmentation and target market strategy it easily goes to the knock of the people by introducing various package for the customers. The company sets the price effectively. As a result people from various societies can get the facilities of cellular company. For the promotional sector banglalink presents itself as an icon to the other companies. Within a very short time it spreads its network coverage and maintains an indirect distribution channel to reach the consumers.
Objectives of the Study: • The objectives of this paper are as follows: • ♦Provide an overview of the banglalink♦To evaluate the marketing plan of the banglalink.♦To identify the factors influencing on the marketing plan of the company.♦To find out the strategies need to implement for achieving its long term goal.
Sources and Data • The study was conducted based on both primary and secondary data. The sources of those data are stated below: • Primary Source • Secondary Source
Background • Banglalink is new brand name of Shebaworld (019), which has been providing Global Service of Mobile (GSM) in the country since 1998. Orascom Telecom bought 100% share of Sheba Telecom and gave its new name as Banglalink aiming to provide quality service in Bangladesh.
Functional Department • Banglalink has the following functional departments a. Sales and Marketing b. Customer Care c. Engineering d. Finance e. Human Resources f. Billing and IT
Marketing Plan • Situation Analysis Banglalink have started its first operation in Bangladesh in 2005. The products have been well received and the marketing is the key to the development of its brand image as well as the growth of the customer base. Banglalink now offering different packages for the customers but at the begging year they offered packages as well as different mobile sets for the customer.
a. Market Summary Banglalink posse’s good information about the market knows a great deal about the common attributes of the most valued customer. Before launching its experienced and prompt sell and marketing force observed the market carefully and better understood who is served, what is their specific needs and the way to communicate with the customers need and demand.
b. SWOT analysis: • Strength: - Company image - Existing Channel - Well management capability - Expert marketing people - Skilled worker - Capability to finance
Weakness: - Lack of experience - Short of sales people
Opportunity: - New products idea - Large market - Availability of raw materials - Bankable project - Low price of raw materials
Threats: - Political unrest - Extortion and rising crimes - New competitors
c. Competitors banglalink made a revelation in the telecommunication sector. Citycell was the first to start telecommunication business in Bangladesh in 1989. GP and Robi started their business from 1997 & 1998. The service charge was great but the facilities were few. Banglalink made the history by inviting variety of services at a very cheaper rate. • GrameenPhone • Robi • Banglalink • Teletalk • Warid Telecom
GrmeenPhone is the leader of the mobile market but banglalink is the second biggest company in Bangladesh. Banglalink is the main competitor in the mobile market. The market research also concludes that although banglalink is not the market leader in telecommunication market, they are the Market Challenger, as the following figure shows the market share of banglalink in the telecommunication market
Package • Banglalink has got different type of customer oriented packages for the customers. Banglalink mainly two types of packages. They are • Pre-paid Packages • Post-paid Packages
Pre-paid packages • Prepaid is a system where you pay for your phone calls in advance. prepaid gives you the freedom to use your mobile within your budget. it is an excellent way to control your expenditure. The products, banglalink prepaid has network mobility feature which helps a subscriber to move around where banglalink has its coverage.
banglalink offers you the following prepaid products to suit your usage pattern: · banglalink desh · banglalink desh ek rate · banglalink desh ekrate darun · banglalink desh rangdhanu · banglalink desh 7fnf
Post-paid packages • At banglalink, we understand that your needs and usage patterns are unique. this is why we believe in giving you choices so you can pick what you need rather than offering you the same solution as everyone else, our banglalink postpaid packages are tailored to serve your exact purposes and give you the best value for money.
Banglalink offers three post-paid packages - banglalink post-paid - banglalink business - banglalink sme
Marketing Strategy • a. Mission To deliver innovative, customer focused products and to be the benchmark for customer service excellence. Banglalink mission is to provide clear and smooth telecommunication to the customers and make the banglalink services available to all part of Bangladesh.
b. Marketing Objective =>Maintain strong and positive growth. => Achieve a steady increase in market penetration. => Hold a strong market position within few years.
c. Target Market Organization that sells to consumer and business markets cannot appeal to all buyers in those markets or at least not to all buyers in the same way. Buyers are too numerous, too widely scattered, and too varied in their needs and buying practices.
Incase of BANGLALINK, from teenager to any age group; from lower-middle class to upper-upper; from Teknuff to Tetulia regardless to race, religion, gender literacy level, life style or personality any and every single person who is in need of a telephone line backed with affordability spend the expense of possessing a mobile phone is their target market.
d. Market positioning: After the company has decided which market segment to enter with which product, it must decide what positions it want to occupy a clear distinctive and desirable place relative to competing products in the mind of target customers. The company’s entire marketing program should support the chosen positioning strategy.
Distribution • banglalink doesn’t sell its packages directly to its customer. Rather it maintains an indirect distribution channel for the customer. It appoints dealer for sell. Through the dealers the packages are distributed to the customers. Consumers can get the package through them. Banglalink always wants to sell its products as many as they can. As a result they try to make the packages available as many outlets and retailers as possible. The distribution network of banglalink is as follows
Banglalink Dealers (through out the country) Retailers Unlimited Consumers
Conclusion: • Banglalink as a novice cellular company has improved its condition within a very short time. It was done because of the right decision and proper marketing policy of the company. The marketing plan of the company has proven right for the organization because it’s spreading its business gradually.
But still it’s not the biggest cellular company in the country. GP is the leader in the market and banglalink has got lot of aspect to improve the situation. TO be the market leader banglalink must be very careful in the field of marketing plan and the success of the company is a matter of subject that how they are implementing the plan.