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Why we are investing in VIG

Discover why Cornwall Children & Family Services invest in Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) and how it transforms relationships. Learn how VIG supports reflective practice, enhances communication skills, and promotes social justice.

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Why we are investing in VIG

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Why we are investing in VIG • Jack Cordery • Service Director • Children & Family Services

  2. Welcome Welcome to the 8thAVIGuk conference A range of keynote speakers, including 2 people who helped to shape VIG in its very early days of development; Emeritus Professor Colwyn Trevarthan from Edinburgh University and ClaskeHouwing from the Netherlands.

  3. Our local story • Cornwall’s Children’s Services were rated Inadequate in 2009 and then again in 2011 • Improved year on year and now one of top performing services in the UK And this has been achieved despite: • Being one of the lowest funded children’s services in the country • Rising demand for services • Significantly reduced resources • Increased duties • Raised inspection standards

  4. What supported the change • Statement of mission and values • A unified model for children’s social care • Social justice and pro-social learning • Raising the status and expertise of practitioners • Using evidence-informed approaches and practice with children, young people and their families • Measuring and evaluating the quality and impact of practice • Listening to our clients • Investing in what works – for them

  5. So why VIG? • Clinically led • Inspired • Innovation • Evidence base • Business case • Fit

  6. Fit? • Video Interaction Guidance is a way of providing parents and carers with an authentic opportunity to reflect on their relationship with their children and how their own behaviours and responses shape a child’s sense of self-worth and wellbeing • It is rooted in a belief that we can change – with thoughtful and compassionate support • Complements some of our other practice models like Motivational Interviewing, the Maudsley Family Partnership Model, Triple P parenting programme and Functional Family Therapy

  7. So, why we are investing in VIG • Evidence of effectiveness on several levels • It works for some parents/carers and children in a way that other interventions have not worked • It contributes to the development of enhanced observation and communication skills • It supports our commitment to reflective practice • It provides an opportunity to deliver a therapeutic intervention • It supports our commitment to relational practice • Job satisfaction: “My VIG work is a little oasis” • It is an intervention that can be used in a number of contexts • It helps to embed a culture of social justice and pro-social learning

  8. Cornwall CouncilCounty HallTruro TR1 3AYTel: 0300 1234 100www.cornwall.gov.uk

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