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Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves

Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves. Order: Gaviformes. Groups: Loons. Range : Circumpolar in Northern Hemisphere. Characteristics : Webbed feet, tarsi compressed, legs posterior on body, laterally compressed bill. Common Loon Gavia immer .

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Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves

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  1. Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves Order: Gaviformes Groups: Loons Range: Circumpolar in Northern Hemisphere Characteristics: Webbed feet, tarsi compressed, legs posterior on body, laterally compressed bill Common Loon Gavia immer

  2. Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves Order: Gaviformes Groups: Loons Range: Circumpolar in Northern Hemisphere Characteristics: Webbed feet, tarsi compressed, legs posterior on body, laterally compressed bill Pacific Loon Gavia pacifica

  3. Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves Order: Podicipediformes Groups: Grebes Range: World-wide Characteristics: Sleek plumage; legs posterior on body, lobed feet; toenails flattened Western Grebe Clark’s Grebe Aechmophorus clarkii

  4. Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves Order: Procellariiformes Groups: Albatrosses, shearwaters, fulmars, petrels Range: Oceanic; world-wide Characteristics: Slightly hooked beak; tubular nostrils; long, narrow wings Sooty Shearwater Puffinus griseus

  5. Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves Order: Pelecaniformes Groups: Pelicans, cormorants Range: World-wide (temperate / tropical regions) Characteristics: Bill with gular sack; totipalmate feet (4 toes w/ 3 webs) Brown Pelican Pelecanus occidentalis Double-crested Cormorant Phalacrocorax auritus

  6. Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves Order: Ciconiiformes Groups: Long-legged waders Range: World-wide Characteristics: Long legs; long bills; long, broad wings; neck folded in “S” shape in flight Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias

  7. Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves Order: Anseriformes Groups: Waterfowl Range: World-wide Characteristics: Broad, flat, lamellated / serrated bill; 4 toes with 2 webs Canada Goose Wood Duck Surf Scoter American Wigeon Mallard Canvasback

  8. Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves Order: Anseriformes Groups: Waterfowl Range: World-wide Characteristics: Broad, flat, lamellated / serrated bill; 4 toes with 2 webs Trumpeter Swan Cygnus buccinator Tundra (Whistling) Swan Cygnus columbianus

  9. Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves Order: Falconiformes Groups: Birds of Prey Range: World-wide Characteristics: Hooked bill; nostrils located in basal cere; feet raptorial; ♀ larger than ♂ Kestrel Turkey Vulture Golden Eagle Canada Goose Surf Scoter Osprey American Wigeon Red-tailed Hawk

  10. Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves Order: Falconiformes Groups: Birds of Prey Range: World-wide Characteristics: Hooked bill; nostrils located in basal cere; feet raptorial; ♀ larger than ♂ Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus

  11. Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves Order: Falconiformes Groups: Birds of Prey Range: World-wide Characteristics: Hooked bill; nostrils located in basal cere; feet raptorial; ♀ larger than ♂ Cooper’s Hawk Accipiter cooperii Golden Eagle Sharp-shinned Hawk Accipiter striatus

  12. Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves Order: Galliformes Groups: Fowl-like birds Range: World-wide (except Polynesia) Characteristics: Short, curved bill; short, rounded wings; Strong legs; “scratching” feet California Quail Callipepla californica Mountain Quail Oreortyx pictus Ring-neck Pheasant Phasianus colchicus

  13. Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves Order: Galliformes Groups: Fowl-like birds Range: World-wide (except Polynesia) Characteristics: Short, curved bill; short, rounded wings; Strong legs; “scratching” feet Merriam’s Wild Turkey Meleagris gallopavo Chukar Alectoris chukar

  14. Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves Order: Galliformes Groups: Fowl-like birds Range: World-wide (except Polynesia) Characteristics: Short, curved bill; short, rounded wings; Strong legs; “scratching” feet Blue Grouse Dendragapus obscurus Ruffed Grouse Bonasa umbellus

  15. Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves Order: Galliformes Groups: Fowl-like birds Range: World-wide (except Polynesia) Characteristics: Short, curved bill; short, rounded wings; Strong legs; “scratching” feet Greater Sage Grouse Centrocercus urophasianus Sharp-tailed Grouse Tympanuchus phasianellus

  16. Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves Order: Gruiformes Groups: Cranes, rails, coots Range: World-wide Characteristics: Bill, neck, and legs long (but variable); fly with neck extended Coot Sandhill Crane

  17. Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves Order: Charadriiformes Groups: Shorebirds, gulls, auks Range: World-wide Characteristics: Bill often long & heavy (variable); legs / feet small (feet often webbed) Black Oystercatcher Killdeer Common Snipe American Avocet Western Gull Marbled Murrelet

  18. Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves Order: Columbiformes Groups: Pigeons, doves Range: World-wide Characteristics: Small, slender bill with prominent cere; Wings / tails long & broad; plumage dense Band-tailed Pigeon Mourning Dove

  19. Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves Order: Cuculiformes Groups: Cuckoos, roadrunners Range: World-wide Characteristics: Zygodactyl feet, underside of tail black / white, bills slightly hooked / decurved Yellow-billed Cuckoo

  20. Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves Order: Strigiformes Groups: Owls Range: World-wide Characteristics: Strong, hooked beak (cere); raptorial feet; large, forward-facing eyes; broad wings Spotted Owl Burrowing Owl Great-horned Owl Barn Owl Screech Owl

  21. Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves Order: Caprimulgiformes Groups: Goatsuckers Range: World-wide Characteristics: Short, weak bill; Large eyes; Weak feet; Long, pointed wings Common Nighthawk Common Nighthawk

  22. Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves Order: Apodiformes Groups: Swifts, hummingbirds Range: World-wide Characteristics: Long, decurved bill or long, delicate bill; small, weak feet; long, narrow wings Common Nighthawk Rufous Hummingbird

  23. Belted Kingfisher Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves Order: Coraciiformes Groups: Kingfishers, bee-eaters, hornbills, motmots, rollers Range: World-wide (tropical / sub-tropical) Characteristics: Large-headed; large-billed; metallic bright plumage; syndactylous toes Common Nighthawk

  24. Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves Order: Piciformes Groups: Woodpeckers, barbets, honey-guides, toucans Range: World-wide Characteristics: Long, straight, chisel-like bill; tail stiff with graduated feather lengths; long wings; feet strong & zygodactylous Common Nighthawk Northern Flicker Red-breasted Sapsucker Pileated Woodpecker Downy Woodpecker

  25. Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves Order: Passeriformes Groups: Perching Birds (70 families) Range: World-wide Characteristics: Simple perching feet (3 toes forward / 1 toe back); medium to small size Sturnidae Hirundinidae Paridae Troglodytidae Common Nighthawk European Starling Barn Swallow House Wren Black-capped Chickadee Corvidae Common Nighthawk Stellar’s Jay Common Raven Black-billed Magpie

  26. Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves Order: Passeriformes Groups: Perching Birds (70 families) Range: World-wide Characteristics: Simple perching feet (3 toes forward / 1 toe back); medium to small size Turdidae Bombycillidae Parulidae Common Nighthawk Robin Western Bluebird Cedar Waxwing Yellow Warbler Thraupidae Emberizidae Common Nighthawk Spotted Towhee Western tanager Oregon Junco White-crowned Sparrow

  27. Kingdom = Animalia  Phylum = Chordata  Class = Aves Order: Passeriformes Groups: Perching Birds (70 families) Range: World-wide Characteristics: Simple perching feet (3 toes forward / 1 toe back); medium to small size Icteridae Common Nighthawk Red-wing Blackbird Brewer’s Blackbird Western Meadowlark Brown-headed Cowbird Fringillidae Passeridae Common Nighthawk American Goldfinch Purple Finch House Sparrow Evening Grosbeak

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