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Wishes and Dreams: Poems about another life. I wish my friends, my friends wouldn’t go never But I’m happy with them I wish I could read people’s mind, But I’m happy to know what I do I wish, I wish, I wish I like, I like, I like - Sitara Pearce. I wish I was A blue star
Wishes and Dreams: Poems about another life I wish my friends, my friends wouldn’t go never But I’m happy with them I wish I could read people’s mind, But I’m happy to know what I do I wish, I wish, I wish I like, I like, I like - Sitara Pearce I wish I was A blue star I wish I was a blue Star with friends I wish I was a blue Star with friends that Made a picture in the sky I wish I was a blue Star with friends that made A picture in the sky that was Called Wani the Brave - WaniMwangu My name is Chocolate I live in the country of Chocolate I’m a friend to everybody I’m smooth and delicious I’m fluffy and sugary I’m crazy and fabulous Oh, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate is My life. C.H.O.C.O.L.A.T.E - AichaYacoub
Kaleidoscope, Music Box, Seashell: Poems about special objects in our lives Its dark and dank When I’m near the sea bank It’s hot and dry When I’m in the car with some guy It’s cold and moist When I’m on his counter It’s white and cold inside the shell. -Sam Womack My smooth Colored friend Soft as cotton Gives me luck He does not Shatter like glass Inside it is white But dusty I feel No pain when its Under my pillow Giving it to you Would make me Happy -Dan Tala-Ngai Without my seashell I would be incomplete I would feel like a mother without her baby A man with no money A bee with no honey And a tree with no rain I would be incomplete -Farah Nanji
Inside my lucky shell it is small and cramped a dusty, salty wall. Only one color inside white. It was plain and white. -Dan Tala-Ngai When I sleep with my seashell Under my pillow my nightmares Will become sweet dreams with Big and colorful butterflies If I give you my seashell I will feel like I did a sin Without my object I will be lonely And I can fill a bucket with my tears. What will I do without it? -AntilliaMatenda My eagle claw is white and beige Sharp and solid Nice and lucky My claw, my lovely claw When I sleep with it under my pillow I feel free, I dream of peace Without it I would be sad and lonely Stuck -Stephanie Leprohon
Definition and Catalogue Poems- How we see the world: what it used to be, what it is and what it isn’t I used to be young But now I am old I seem to be shy But I’m really a chatter I wish I was a soccer player I’m happy with the fact that I’m getting better at soccer I wish you knew I am Awesome -ImaniPaluku I used to be nine But now I am ten I seem to be quiet But really I am talkative I wish I was famous I’m happy with being ordinary I wish you knew how much I like my friends -DanyellaMulunda I used to be bored but now I have a PS.3 I used to be Dull, but now I’ve got brand new games. I used to be Tired, but now I’ve got the game Smackdown vs. Raw I used to sleep at 8 pm but now I sleep at 3 am -Group poem by the VGE’s (Video Game Experts) WaniMwangu, Sam Womack, ImaniPaluku, Giovanni Fontain
Just…me I’m not Chandni I’m not Karen Don’t compare me or Stare at me I’m not like Anyone else Don’t judge me Before you know me I’m not Maya And I’m not Esther Don’t you get it yet? I’m just me Plain old me -Sitara Pearce Friends Forgiving and Grateful Playful and Precious Trusting and Forever Helpful and Friendly Best Friends -Shezlin Hemnani Who are they to me? I call them sisters They’re forever They’re pieces to my puzzle They’re grateful, playful, forgiving and Funny Who are they to me? My best friends forever -Sitara Pearce What are friends? Friends are fun loving Truthful, funny Enjoyable, trusting And friendly Those are friends -Karen Sereshgi
My mom thinks she knows what Fun is but she doesn’t Fun is not reading Fun is not sleeping It’s not cruel Fun is not boring Fun is not waiting Fun is not calming down Fun is fun! Please say you know what fun is! -WaniMwangu Soccer is all about winning But it needs a lot of cheering It is an exciting sport But sweaty -ImaniPaluku A rival is A person you compete against You fight against for the same Thing, not a nice person A horrible being, an enemy -Hari Woodman
Homework is Boring A waste of time Homework is Something you must Get rid of immediately Homework is something That shouldn’t exist Homework is not A video game A chicken to eat Homework is not Fun A thing to spend time doing Homework is not What you can win easily -Hari Woodman
Haiku and Lune: Poems about nature, space and other silly stuff On my planet They have stars as big as my head…please don’t leave -Maya Golan Too much gravity A large supernova A lot of space dust -Hari Woodman Wonderland Tiny blue people Red sky, big falling cars Talking tiny trees -Chandni Shukla Clowns are funny When clowns perform people laugh They’re so funny -Esther Kasala Roach in a can Hand in warm water, helium Knock-knock jokes -Soren Ford
Tree, what a lovely tree Happy A soft and happy tree Colorful Green and peaceful like a growing flower -Stephanie Leprohon When you walk up a mountain’s steep slope It’s usually hard -Sam Womack Cheetahs Determined leaders Spotted cat cubs hunting prey Fast dangerous packs -Ngangneh Tsewole
The Diamante: Poems exploring opposites or shades within a theme Mean coach Extreme, petty, appearance, shabby Running, Tiring, Struggling Agreeable, Satisfactory, Kind, Pleasing Encouraging, Saying Good things Who? Who? Nice coach -ImaniPaluku Mom Strict, Stern Demanding, Yelling, Bawling Acting mean, very helpful Calming, loving, trusting Important, important Friend -WaniMwangu Swimming Fun, Short Laughing, Playing, Relaxing Fun- loving, fun Long, Stressful Boring, Tiring, Annoying Hard working, hard thinking Boring, Boring School -AmaraMunbana
Sleep Nice, Peaceful Resting, Sleeping, Good Feeling Cool Dreams, Running Around Fishing, Jumping, walking Loud, Noisy Awake -Sam Womack Swimming Cold,, Big Jumping, Playing, Practicing No running, Planting Flowers Watering, Seeding, Flowering Plot Allotment Gardening -Giovanni Fontain Sad Gray, Blue Crying, Sleeping, Hiding I can’t believe it Bawling, Sobbing, Pounding Black, Awful Devastated -SaaraRajwani, Soren Ford, Durjaya Sharma
5th grade Fun, New Working, Cooking, Learning I love 5th grade Playing, Reading, Solving Smart, Noisy 6th Grade -DanyellaMulunda A poem for two voices Piano Guitar Wide, Smooth Electric, Colorful Sitting, Playing, Moving Positioning, Standing, Moving Makes you feel cheerful Makes you feel cheerful Positioning, Standing, Moving Sitting, Playing, Moving Electric, Colorful Wide, Smooth Guitar Piano -DanyellaMulunda, AntilliaMatenda
Lolly and Varnack: Poems about the influence of line and shape Varnack is evil Red as the devil Sneaky and picky Really, really tricky Varnack is evil Red as the devil -SaaraRajwani Lolly is the source of life She is responsible for the sky Lolly is round She is the secret of the stars -AichaYacoub Pointy as thunder A big fat blunder Sharp as a pencil I call it the Varnack -Farah Nanji Varnack is like a tiger that roars for food. Varnack is like a beast that everybody knows One hundred people in one city, in one day People start disappearing Varnack is the king of evil - Durjaya Sharma Varnack is a big cheater Lolly is peaceful and always trying to win and participate in every competition even if they lose or get embarrassed by the audience -ImaniPaluku Lolly loves lavender lotion Lolly likes the lime green ocean -SaaraRajwani
Lolly,Varnack. Varnack,Lolly Varnack is tough and sneaky like a spy. He is the king of meanness, distraction and nightmares. Lolly is smooth like paper and gentle like china. She is the queen of niceness, balance and wonderful dreams. At day they both rest on the opposite sides of the world. Varnack west and Lolly east, but at night they are active When you have a bad dream, Varnack is staring at you with his sharp, evil and stormy eyes. Lolly is there next to you when you have a good dream, blowing you a sweet, friendly and relaxing kiss. When they fight at midnight sometimes Varnack wins or Lolly wins. They are equal. - WaniMwangu
Poems about Culture: Exploring, Explaining and Expressing Eating food When you are in a good mood Going to mosque everyday Chatting with my friends Wearing fancy Feeling pretty It’s all me My culture - Farah Nanji I’m Congolese I love to dance I love African songs I’m African -AntilliaMatenda In my culture we are not allowed To eat certain types of meat And my culture is also that when We get new clothes or watches We serve flowers to our gods Before we wear them That is my culture -Durjaya Sharma
They say I have my father’s culture Israel, Moroccan, Egyptian They say I have my mother’s culture Congolese And they say before I eat to pray the Shema like my grandfather And work like my grandmother Would it be my head that will only be mine? -Maya Golan Culture Affaire Mondial Economie Respect One Cameroon One star No guerre -AichaYacoub One day I am like Lolly Happy, cheerful and always lovely Next time you see me I am like Varnack Sharp, mean, angry, just because of you You twisted the words that meant a lot You made me ashamed of my culture -SaaraRajwani
I am crushed I heard a really bad thing about my religion I feel like killing that person But my dad told me not to worry But I still feel like killing I found that It was the wrong Thing I heard -AntilliaMatenda Some people think my culture is dumb Some people think my culture is poor People think the people in my culture are weird But They are smart Can build Interesting lifestyles And nothing is weird about that culture All they need is Some Help -WaniMawngu
Stuck Between Two Cultures When I was born in Congo there was a crucial war So I had to go to the U.S.A when I was 1. When I was in the U.S. I learned their language, food, manners. I learned their way. As time passed slowly the war was ending so 7 years later I went back to Congo Congo was a new life for me. As time passed, I also learned their food, language, manners. I learned their way, but I still had U.S.A. in me Few years later I still Tried to keep U.S.A in me and I was Learning Congolese culture. It was tough. It was like Congo and USA were having a tug of war fight with Me The tug of war game is still on - WaniMwangu
Acrostics: Poems of sadness and troubled times Hari’s house was demolished yesterday Offensive children laughed at him Most of them were friends of my Enemy who doesn’t Like looking at me Emotional third graders appeared and Smashed one of my enemies teeth out Successfully -Hari Woodman He lives to c Ome to My home Sh E came and said I Like your house Sh E See and See -AlexandreMorado Home is totally Out of order My watery Eyes cry like the river Lonely without Everyone I love Sadness to Survive -Chandni Shukla
Left out N Ot wanted Feeli Ng like the most hat Ed person in London Why is this onl Y happening to me???? -Farah Nanji Too many Happy and Sad Running around in circles On the ground Never patient Grudgy people -Sam Womack Lifeless at times Owned by a bully at times Never asked to be part of a group Ego falls down drastically Left out You’re on your own -Ngangneh Tsewole Rapid way to Appreciate your Personality -WaniMwangu
Occasional Poetry: Poems to celebrate special occasions and ordinary events Graduation, Graduation Why do you only happen once? I want you to be there every time I pass a class Graduation, graduation Why do you only happen once? -Karen Sereshgi graduation a new grade hurray hurray! • clean lockers hurray hurray! • more homework boo boo! • stricter teachers boo boo! • F-R-E-E-D-O-M hurray hurray! • G-R-A-D-U-A-T-I-O-N hurray hurray! • -AntilliaMatenda It’s Valentine’s day! It’s Valentines Day! YippiYay Yee! Send lots of cards from me Love is not a mystery I look in my locker and in my desk no valentine cards for me Love is history -WaniMwangu
Wedding The day my brother got married For him walking down the aisle was scary I was proud of my brother And so was my father My brother got married Soon it will be his anniversary -DanyellaMulunda Pully I wonder where you are Pully My dog My first dog My first lovely dog You made me laugh You made me cry Always trying to protect me I’ll never know why Why? We gave you to the SPCA And now I regret Giving you away -Sitara Pearce Funeral One day my uncle passed away Many people knew him They put him in his coffin And straight to the cemetery I started crying And what I knew in my heart he Was with me -Esther Kasala
Group Poems: Defining ourselves as part of a whole Chandni chocolate loving Aicha apple loving Saara super stylish Shezlin super sassy Antillia adorable artist -The Fabtastic Girls: Chandni, Aicha, Saara, Shezlin, Antillia Tigerlicious and Helpful Enthusiastic Green L Oving chi Ldren Diverse peopl E who love cheese Never stop Climbing Ladders to re Ach the top We are the golden claw S forever -Golden Claws- Farah, Stephanie, Sitara, Ngangneh We are zillionaires We used to be billionaires We go schooling That’s why we have money We love pizza Because it has delicious cheese We have money With money we buy chocolate The zillionaires rule We love money so much -The Zillionaires: Dan, Soren, Esther, Danyella, Amara
Exciting, Gazing Adreneline Experts, Brawl Playstation 3. Wii, X Box 360 Moving Pumping Video game experts Cool Awesome Staring Advancing Addicting Fun funfunfunfun Fun funfunfunfun -Video Game Experts (V.G.E’s) Imani, Wani, Giovanni, Sam Money, money, money, Where is all my money? I thought I was a billionaire. I can’t buy anything Without my money Money, money, money Where is all my Money? -The Billionaires: Karen, Maya, Durjaya, Alexandre
Portrait Poetry: Poems about who we are today On June 1st in a small town in Germany A little baby named Samuel Franklin Womack Was born, I was born a little smarty At Fort Meade I snuck out of my crib and did all Sorts of things Now I’m 10 turning 11 and I think, I really did that? Wow! I think how much I’ve changed and how the years have gone by so fast And people don’t know me when I go to another school. They say, “Oh he’s so quiet, I think he’s mute.” But they don’t know me. They don’t know who I am. But I say, “ Hello, my name is Sam, what’s yours?” -Sam Womack I’m not tall I’m not small I’m plain and normal I’m not perfect I am me and only me Nobody can replace me. -Dan Tala-Ngai My mom was expecting a girl but she got a short- legged boy that likes to eat -Soren Ford
I am Esther I am a big eater I love to stand on logs And play with my dogs I have friends Who will stay with me till the end I have friends who care And who are fair I am ten and friendly We are ten in my family -Esther Kasala I am Amara I don’t have a sister I like to play soccer I like school I don’t like homework I like PE I like recess -AmaraMunbana I like roller coasters Not toasters I have brown hair And fair skin I like candy Not broccoli I’m Farah -Farah Nanji My name is Durjaya. I was born on April 23. I was chubby and cute My brown eyes are so shiny And I am sensitive My name is Durjaya -Durjaya Sharma
Cuteness Has kindly Arrived to Neema and Deepak, their Number 1 Intelligent Sunshine and Has made them Understand I’m Kool and trendy Laugh A lot -Chandni Shukla Me! I’m a gray –eyed fair -skinned large- hipped curly -haired girl Well, I was I grew to be a pink -loving green- eyed caramel- skinned girl Now I’m an olive- eyed brown- skinned large hipped large footed long legged girl who likes to take photos to go ice skating be with family and friends Guess who: Me! -Sitara Pearce
I don’t jump like an Olympic jumper house I with huge do a big not lot a get of have D’s toys not I do have I a boy dog human and a share I’m my dog candy a I or get cat A’s a and not B’s I’m -Sam Womack