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Explore the brain's regions, functions, and protective mechanisms, including cerebrum, cerebellum, diencephalon, and more. Discover the complexities of neural structures and cerebral fluid dynamics.
1. Chapter 14: The Brain and Cranial Nerves
2. 6 Regions of the Brain Cerebrum
Medulla oblongata
3. Cerebrum Largest part of brain
Controls higher mental functions
Divided into left and right cerebral hemispheres
Surface layer of gray matter (neural cortex)
Also called cerebral cortex
Folded surface increases surface area
Elevated ridges (gyri)
Shallow depressions (sulci)
Deep grooves (fissures)
4. Cerebellum Second largest part of brain
Coordinates repetitive body movements
2 hemispheres
Covered with cerebellar cortex
5. Diencephalon Located under cerebrum and cerebellum
Links cerebrum with brain stem
3 divisions:
Thalamus - relays and processes sensory information
Hypothalamus - hormone production, emotion, & autonomic function
Epithalamus (Pineal gland)
6. Pituitary Gland Major endocrine gland
Connected to hypothalamus
Via infundibulum (stalk)
Interfaces nervous and endocrine systems
7. The Brain Stem Processes information between:
spinal cord and cerebrum or cerebellum
Mesencephalon (midbrain)
Processes sight, sound, and associated reflexes, & maintains consciousness
Connects cerebellum to brain stem & is involved in somatic and visceral motor control
Medulla oblongata
Regulates autonomic functions: HR, BP, and digestion
8. Primary Brain Vesicles The anterior end of the neural tube expands and constricts to form the three primary brain vesicles
Prosencephalon – the forebrain
Mesencephalon – the midbrain
Rhombencephalon – hindbrain
9. Secondary Brain Vesicles In week 6 of embryonic development, secondary brain vesicles form
Telencephalon and diencephalon arise from the forebrain
Mesencephalon remains undivided
Metencephalon and myelencephalon arise from the hindbrain
10. Adult Brain Structures Fates of the secondary brain vesicles:
Telencephalon – cerebrum: cortex, white matter, and basal nuclei
Diencephalon – thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus
Mesencephalon – brain stem: midbrain
Metencephalon – brain stem: pons
Myelencephalon – brain stem: medulla oblongata
11. Ventricles Lateral ventricles
Deep w/in cerebrum
Third ventricle
Connected by interventricular foramen (Monro)
Fourth ventricle
Connected by cerebral aqueduct (Sylvius)
Connects to subarachnoid space to return to bloodstream
12. Brain Protection and Support Physical protection:
bones of the cranium
cranial meninges
cerebrospinal fluid
Biochemical isolation:
blood–brain barrier
13. The Cranial Meninges Has 3 layers:
dura mater
arachnoid mater
pia mater
Is continuous with spinal meninges
Protects the brain from cranial trauma
14. Characteristics of Cranial Meninges Dura mater:
inner fibrous layer (meningeal layer)
outer fibrous layer (endosteal layer) fused to periosteum
venous sinuses between 2 layers
Arachnoid mater:
contacts epithelial layer of dura mater
Subarachnoid space b/t arachnoid and pia mater
Pia mater:
attached to brain surface by astrocytes
15. Dural Folds Folded inner layer of dura mater
Extend into cranial cavity to stabilize and support brain
Contain collecting veins (dural sinuses)
Falx cerebri, tentorium cerebelli, and falx cerebelli
16. Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Surrounds all exposed surfaces of CNS
Interchanges with interstitial fluid of brain
Functions of CSF
Cushions delicate neural structures
Supports brain
Transports nutrients, chemical messengers, and waste products
17. Forming CSF Choroid plexus:
Specialized ependymal cells and capillaries:
secrete CSF into ventricles
remove waste products from CSF
adjust composition of CSF
Produces about 500 ml of CSF/day
Room for ~ 150 ml
18. Circulating CSF CSF produced from choroid plexus (in all ventricles)
Lateral Ventricle (thru interventricular foramen of Monro)
Third Ventricle (thru cerebral aquaduct of Sylvius)
Fourth Ventricle (thru median & lateral apertures)
To central canal of spinal cord & subarachnoid space around the brain, spinal cord, and cauda equina
Thru arachnoid villi/granulations (into dural venous sinuses)
DVS’s merge into Internal Jugular Vein
19. Blood Supply to the Brain Supplies nutrients and oxygen to brain
Delivered by internal carotid arteries and vertebral arteries
Removed from dural sinuses by internal jugular veins
20. Cerebrovascular Disease Disorders interfere with blood circulation to brain
Stroke or cerebrovascular accident (CVA):
shuts off blood to portion of brain
neurons die
Transient ischemic attack (TIA):
temporary reduction in blood flow
21. Blood–Brain Barrier (BBB) Isolates CNS neural tissue from general circulation
Formed by network of tight junctions between endothelial cells of CNS capillaries
Lipid–soluble compounds (O2, CO2), steroids, and prostaglandins diffuse into interstitial fluid of brain and spinal cord
Astrocytes control blood–brain barrier by releasing chemicals that control permeability of endothelium
22. 4 Breaks in the BBB Portions of hypothalamus:
secrete hypothalamic hormones
Posterior lobe of pituitary gland:
secrete hormones ADH and oxytocin
Pineal glands:
pineal secretions
Choroid plexus:
where special ependymal cells maintain blood–CSF barrier
23. The Medulla Oblongata Allows brain and spinal cord to communicate
Coordinates complex autonomic reflexes
Controls visceral functions
24. Medulla Oblongata Vital reflex centers (life sustaining decisions)
Cardiac center – rate/force of contractions
Vasomotor center – smooth mm in b.v.’s (BP control)
Respiratory center – rate/depth of breathing (up into pons)
Non-vital reflex centers
Vomiting, hiccough, swallowing, coughing, sneezing
CN VIII through XII nuclei
Vestibular nuclei complex – subconsciously maintain balance (equilibrium)
Solitary nucleus - receives visceral sensory information
Olivary nuclei (olives)…lateral to pyramids
Receive sensory info from proprioceptors (position) in skeletal muscles & joints & act as a relay point to the cerebellum
25. The Pons Links cerebellum with mesencephalon, diencephalon, cerebrum, and spinal cord
Nuclei of cranial nerves V, VI, VII, VIII
Nuclei involved with respiration:
apneustic center and pneumotaxic center
modify respiratory rhythmicity center activity
Cerebellar peduncles – connect cerebellum to brainstem (6 in all)
Superior cerebellar peduncles – to midbrain
Middle cerebellar peduncles – to pons (largest)
Inferior cerebellar peduncles – to medulla
26. Functions of the Cerebellum Adjusts postural muscles
Fine-tunes conscious and subconscious movements
damage from trauma or stroke
intoxication (temporary disturbance)
disturbs muscle coordination
27. Structures of the Cerebellum Folia:
surface of cerebellum
highly folded neural cortex
Anterior and posterior lobes:
separated by primary fissure
Cerebellar hemispheres:
separated at midline by vermis
Flocculonodular lobe:
below fourth ventricle
Arbor vitae: Highly branched, internal white matter of cerebellum
28. Structures of the Mesencephalon Tectum: (corpora quadrigemina):
superior colliculus (visual)
inferior colliculus (auditory)
red nucleus (many blood vessels)
substantia nigra (pigmented gray matter)
Cerebral peduncles:
Contain descending fibers to cerebellum
motor command fibers
29. The Diencephalon Integrates sensory information and motor commands
Secretes hormone melatonin
30. The Thalamus Filters ascending sensory information for primary sensory cortex
Relays center to funnel information between basal nuclei and cerebral cortex
31. 5 Groups of Thalamic Nuclei Anterior group: part of limbic system (emotions)
Medial group: provides awareness of emotional states
Ventral group: relays sensory information
Posterior group:
pulvinar nucleus (sensory)
lateral geniculate nucleus (visual)
medial geniculate nucleus (auditory)
Lateral group: affects emotional states
integrates sensory info
32. Structures of the Hypothalamus Mamillary bodies:
process olfactory and other sensory information
control reflex eating movements
a narrow stalk
connects hypothalamus to pituitary gland
33. 8 Functions of the Hypothalamus Provides subconscious control of skeletal muscle
Controls autonomic function
Coordinates activities of nervous and endocrine systems
Secretes hormones:
antidiuretic hormone (ADH) & oxytocin (OT)
Produces emotions and behavioral drives:
the feeding center (hunger) & the thirst center
Coordinates voluntary and autonomic functions
Regulates body temperature:
Controls circadian rhythms (day–night cycles)
34. The Limbic System Is a functional grouping that:
establishes emotional states
links conscious functions of cerebral cortex with autonomic functions of brain stem
facilitates memory storage and retrieval
35. Components of the Limbic System Amygdala: deals with anger, danger, and fear responses
interfaces limbic system, cerebrum, and sensory systems
Limbic lobe of cerebral hemisphere:
cingulate gyrus - plays a role in expressing emotions via gestures, and resolves mental conflict
hippocampus - converts short-term memory to long-term memory…memories charged w/ emotion are often retained
Fornix: tract of white matter
connects hippocampus with hypothalamus
Anterior nucleus of the thalamus:
relays information from mamillary body to cingulate gyrus
Reticular formation:
stimulation or inhibition affects emotions (rage, fear, pain, sexual arousal, pleasure)
36. The Cerebrum Is the largest part of the brain
Controls all conscious thoughts and intellectual functions
Processes somatic sensory and motor information
Gray matter:
in cerebral cortex and basal nuclei
White matter:
deep to cortex
around basal nuclei
37. Structures of the Cerebrum Gyri of neural cortex: increase surface area (number of cortical neurons)
Longitudinal fissure: separates cerebral hemispheres
Lobes: divisions of hemispheres
Central sulcus divides: anterior frontal lobe from posterior parietal lobe
Lateral sulcus divides: frontal lobe from temporal lobe
Parieto-occipital sulcus divides: parietal lobe from occipital lobe
38. 3 Functional Principles of the Cerebrum Each cerebral hemisphere receives sensory information from, and sends motor commands to, the opposite side of body
The 2 hemispheres have different functions although their structures are alike
Correspondence between a specific function and a specific region of cerebral cortex is not precise
39. 3 Types of Axons in the Cerebrum Association fibers
Connections within 1 hemisphere
Commissural fibers
Bands of fibers connecting 2 hemispheres
Projection fibers
Link cerebral cortex with diencephalon, brain stem, cerebellum, and spinal cord
40. Basal Nuclei Are masses of gray matter embedded in white matter of cerebrum
Direct subconscious activities
Are involved with:
the subconscious control of skeletal muscle tone
the coordination of learned movement patterns (walking, lifting)
41. Motor and Sensory Areas of the Cortex Central sulcus separates motor and sensory areas
Precentral gyrus (Primary motor cortex) of frontal lobe:
directs voluntary movements
Postcentral gyrus (Primary sensory cortex) of parietal lobe:
receives somatic sensory information (touch, pressure, pain, vibration, taste, and temperature)
42. Special Sensory Cortexes Visual cortex: occipital lobe
information from sight receptors
Auditory cortex: temporal lobe
information from sound receptors
Olfactory cortex: frontal & medial temporal lobe
information from odor receptors
Gustatory cortex: insula (deep to temporal lobe)
information from taste receptors
43. Association Areas Premotor cortex:
coordinates somatic motor responses (learned movements)
Somatic sensory association area:
interprets input to primary sensory cortex (e.g., recognizes and responds to touch)
Visual association area:
interprets activity in visual cortex
Auditory association area:
monitors auditory cortex
44. Integrative Areas Wernicke’s area (General Interpretive Area )
Present in only 1 hemisphere
Receives information from all sensory association areas
Coordinates access to complex visual and auditory memories
Speech center: coordinates all vocalization functions
is associated with general interpretive area
Prefrontal cortex of frontal lobe:
integrates information from sensory association areas
performs abstract intellectual activities (e.g., predicting consequences of actions)
45. Brodmann’s Areas Patterns of cellular organization in cerebral cortex
46. Hemispheric Lateralization Functional differences between left and right hemispheres
In most people (90%), left brain (dominant hemisphere) controls:
reading, writing, and math
speech and language
Right cerebral hemisphere relates to:
senses (touch, smell, sight, taste, feel)
recognition (faces, voice inflections)
Unclear dominance may lead to dyslexia
47. Monitoring Brain Activity Brain activity is assessed by an electroencephalogram (EEG):
electrodes are placed on the skull
patterns of electrical activity are printed out (brain waves)
48. 4 Categories of Brain Waves Alpha waves:
found in healthy, awake adults at rest with eyes closed
Beta waves:
higher frequency
found in adults concentrating or mentally stressed
Theta waves:
found in children
found in intensely frustrated adults
may indicate brain disorder in adults
Delta waves:
during sleep
found in awake adults with brain damage
49. Cranial Nerves 12 pairs connected to brain
50. Olfactory – CN I Sensory
Terminates in olfactory bulbs
Discrimination of smell
51. Optic – CN II Sensory
Terminates at optic chiasm
52. Occulomotor – CN III Motor
Inferior oblique, sup/inf/medial rectus
Test planes of gaze
PSNS Function:
Test constrictor mm of iris (ciliary mm)
Pupillary reflex
53. Trochlear – CN IV Motor
Superior oblique (down & out)
Test planes of gaze
54. Trigeminal – CN V Mixed
3 divisions: ophthalmic, maxillary, mandibular
Motor- mandibular division to mm of mastication
Corneal reflex to elicit blinking
55. Abducens – CN VI Motor
Lateral rectus
Test planes of gaze
56. Facial – CN VII Mixed
Taste on anterior 2/3 of tongue
Motor to mm of facial expression (not chewing)
5 motor branches
Temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular, cervical
PSNS to lacrimal gland
Test making faces
57. Vestibulocochlear – CN VIII Sensory
Equilibrium & hearing
Test hearing
58. Glossopharyngeal – CN IX Mixed
Motor fibers to pharynx
PSNS to parotid salivary gland
Sensory conduct taste from posterior 1/3 of tongue; carotid sinus pressure & chemoreceptors (Oxygen), general sensation of pharynx
Test swallowing (gag reflex w/ CN X)
59. Vagus – CN X Mixed
Only nerve to descend beyond neck (into thorax & abdomen)
PSNS serving heart, lung, abd viscera to regulate heart rate, breathing, & digestive activity
Test gag reflex (w/ CN IX)
60. Spinal accessory – CN XI Motor
Trapezius & SCM
Test shrugging shoulders
61. Hypoglossal CN XII Motor
Extrinsic & intrinsic muscles of the tongue
Test by sticking out tongue