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PRESS F1 FOR GUIDEANCE. Bacteriology 5th Practical. MFSH 2003. Contents. Haemophilus, Mycobactria , Corynbacteriaua & Bordetella Haemophilus 3 Station 1: Gram stain of Haemophilus 4 Station 2: Gram stain of Haemophilus (pus) 5 Station 3: X,V factors & growth 6
PRESS F1 FOR GUIDEANCE Bacteriology 5th Practical MFSH 2003
Contents Haemophilus, Mycobactria , Corynbacteriaua & Bordetella Haemophilus 3 Station 1:Gram stain of Haemophilus 4 Station 2: Gram stain of Haemophilus (pus) 5 Station 3: X,V factors & growth 6 Station 4: Growth of H.Influenzae on agar 7 Station 5: Satellitism 8 Station 6: Treatment & diseases 9 Station 7: Summary 10 Mycobacteria 11 Station 8: Ziehl-Neelsen stain 12 Station 9: Lowenstien Jensen media 13 Station 10: Treatment & diseases 14 Station 11: Summary 15 Cornybacteria 16 Station 12: Gram stain of Cornybacteria 17 Station 13: Albert stain of Cornybacteria 18 Station 14: Media used 19 Station 15: ELEK’s plate 20 Station 16: Treatment & diseases 21 Station 17: Summary 22 Bordetella 23 Station 18: Laboratory diagnosis 24 Station 19: Tratment & diseases 25
Station 1 It can look like Bacillus or may look like coccus Coccobacilli
Station 3 Different species of “Haemophilus” have different requirements to grow and make colonies. Some of them require X & V factors ( Haemophilus influenzae) Some of them need X factor only (Haemophilus ducreyi) Some of them need V factor only (Haemophilus parainfluenzae) X factor = heamatin V factor = Nicotinamide, Adenine & Dineiceotide This Bacteria grow when there are V & X factors. E.g. (H. Influenzae) This Bacteria grow when there is V factor. E.g. (H. Parainfluenzae)
Station 4 Only X factor X+V factors No growth Growth No growth
Station 5 X Factor present This is called Satellitism Staphylococcus strip Producing V Factor H.Influenzae growing here because of presence of both X & V factors
Station 6 Haemophilus influenzae Infection:- meningitis acute epiglotitis in children (sore throught) osteomylitis & arthritis Cause bacteremia Treatment:- “Ampicilin” if beta lactamase producers “Chloramphenicol” Vaccination:- Present by Polysaccharide capsule “serotype b” Haemophilus influenzae Infection:- respiratory tract infections No bacteremia
Station 7 Summary Test yourself H. influenzae H. Parainfluenzae Gram stain Type Needs (X,V factors) Grows on Chocolate agar Grows on Blood agar -ve -ve Coccobacilli Coccobacilli X + V V only Yes Yes No No Best wishes
Station 10 Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection:- 1-TB “lung infection with bloody cough” 2- Meningitis Treatment:- “Pyrazinamide + Isoniazid + Rifampicin” 2 months then, “Isoniazid + Rifampicin” 4 months Vaccination:- B.C.G “Bacille-Calmatte Guerin “10 years protection”
Station 11 Summary Type “of Mycobacterium”: Stain used: Medium used: Acid-Fast Bacilli Ziehl-Neelsen Stain Lowenstein-Jensen medium Best wishes
Station 14 Black color Something like this There is growth but this is a wrong plate
Station 16 Corynbacterium diphtheriae Infection:- Diphtheria “Bull neck appearance because of pharyngitis” affect: 1- nervous tissue damage (exotoxin) 2- heart muscle damage (exotoxin) 3- laryngeal obstruction 4- affect skin No bacteremia Treatment:- “Penecilin” Vaccination:- Present by toxoid “DPT vaccine” *D= diptheria toxoid *P= pertussis *T= tetanus
Station 17 Summary Type & “gram” stain: Stains used: Media used: What is used for toxogenity test? Gram +ve bacilli Gram & Albert Potassium tellurite & Loeffler’s ELEK’s plate Best wishes
Station 18 (coocobacili)
Station 19 • Bordetella pertussis • Infection:- • Whooping cough “due to an endotoxin” usually 1 year of age • complications: bronchopneumonia, bronchiatasis & subconjuctival hemorrhage • Treatment:- • “Erythromycin” but only affective at early stages • if beta lactamase producers “Chloramphenicol” • No bacteremia • Vaccination:- • Present by whole killed bacteria “DPT”
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I hope it was useful. A word can change the outcome of many things. So, if you either liked or didn’t like this project, why keep your thoughts to yourself ? Send us your comments and ideas to COORDINATOR1422@YAHOO.COM, It will mean too much to us, “even if it was just one word” THANX M. F. Shaheen 2003