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Reliability-Aware Frame Packing for the Static Segment of FlexRay

Reliability-Aware Frame Packing for the Static Segment of FlexRay. Bogdan Tanasa, Unmesh Bordoloi, Petru Eles, Zebo Peng Linkoping University, Sweden. Introduction. Today’s cars are a complex distributed embedded system with multiple electronic components.

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Reliability-Aware Frame Packing for the Static Segment of FlexRay

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  1. Reliability-Aware Frame Packing for the Static Segment of FlexRay Bogdan Tanasa, Unmesh Bordoloi, Petru Eles, Zebo Peng Linkoping University, Sweden

  2. Introduction Today’s cars are a complex distributed embedded system with multiple electronic components Automotive electronics are also affected by faults

  3. Introduction Some automotive applications are safety-critical • Guaranteeing reliability is mandatory • In-vehicle communication • Fault Tolerance techniques for reliable communication • Hard real-time constraints • End to end deadlines must be satisfied

  4. Our contribution • Signal packing • Elementary pieces of information • Signals will be packed into frames • Reliable frame scheduling over FlexRay based automotive networks • Via temporal fault-tolerance • Retransmissions • At a minimum bandwidth utilization cost

  5. Why FlexRay ? • Supported by a large consortium • Car manufacturers • Automotive suppliers • Hybrid protocol • FlexRay combines features of time-triggered and event-triggered protocols • We focus on the Static Segment

  6. Rest of the talk … • System Model • Signal Packing • Reliability Analysis • CLP-based Formulation • Heuristic Solution • Experimental Results

  7. System Model • Distributed Automotive Architecture • set of ECUs E1, E2, … EN • set of Signals per ECU S = {s1, s2, …, sL} • Offset • Period • Deadline • Length

  8. System Model FlexRay Communication Cycle • FlexRay Protocol Parameters • Length of the Communication Cycle • Length of the Static Segment • Number of slots within the Static Segment FlexRay Static Segment Static Slot

  9. System Model • FlexRay Frame Format: Packing more signals into frames help reducing the overhead Overhead

  10. System Model • Fault Model - The case of transient faults • Time unit - τ • Used to define the reliability goal • Ex: one hour of functionality • Reliability Goal - ρ • Imposed by the designer: Ex. ρ = 0.99999 • Maximum number of tolerated faults over a time unit • Bit Error Rate - BER • Represents the “quality” of the environment • Used to compute the probabilities of failures

  11. Signal Packing Definition: Having a set of signals S = {s1, s2, …, sN} build a set of frames F = {f1, f2, …, fM} such that: - each signal belongs to only one frame - signals will not violate their deadlines - frames do not exceed the slot capacity - the bandwidth used by the set F is minimum

  12. Signal Packing The signal with the minimum period imposes the period of the resulting frame The deadline of the resulting frame must be computed such that the deadlines of the initial signals will not be violated

  13. Signal Packing • Example 2.00 – 1.00 = 1.00 Remaining time Slack S2 S1 F Waiting time S1S2 S2 S1S2

  14. Signal Packing • General Case: gcd – Greatest Common Divisor

  15. How packing signals affects the schedulability? Frame: Period: T = 6 Deadline: D = 2 Frame: Period: T = 6 Deadline: D = 6 Deadline violation!

  16. How packing signals affects the schedulability? Frame: Period: T = 6 Deadline: D = 6 Schedulable using the second slot!

  17. Reliability Analysis For a given packing of signals into frames the required number of retransmissions has to be computed • Based on: • period of frames • probabilities of failure of each frame in part • time unit • reliability goal

  18. Reliability Analysis The particular case of one frame Probability to have the initial transmission faulty: Probability to have kconsecutive retransmissionsfaulty: 2 1 Probability to have at least one successful transmission in the case of k consecutive retransmissions for one instance: Probability to have at least one successful transmission in the case of k consecutive retransmissions for all instances over a time unit: 4 3

  19. Reliability Analysis The general case of more then one frame Assumptions: Different messages can be retransmitted for different number of times Faults in messages are independent events The probability to have at least one successful transmission for all instances of all messages:

  20. Reliability Analysis • Solve: • pi = probability of failure of frame Fi • Based on Bit Error Rate - BER and length - Wi • Ti = period of frame Fi • ki = the required number of retransmissions of frame Fi • Directly impacts the bandwidth • τ = time unit • ρ = reliability goal The reliability goal must be satisfied with a minimum cost in terms of bandwidth utilization:

  21. Why it is important to consider fault tolerance requirments while packing? Method 1: Pack signals first and after that apply fault tolerance technique Output: Only one frame which requires 10 slots

  22. Why it is important to consider fault tolerance requirments while packing? Method 2: Consider fault tolerance requirments while packing Output: Two frames which requires 9 slots in total

  23. Problem Formulation • Each ECU generates a set of signals • For all sets of signals find a set of frames such that: • The reliability goal is satisfied • Slots can be assigned to frames such that the deadlines are satisfied • Signals don’t miss their deadlines • Bandwidth utilization is minimum

  24. CLP-based Formulation Optimization objective Minimize the total number of used slots • Signal params • Packing rules • FlexRayparams • Reliability goal Input • A set of packed frames that are fault tolerant and schedulable Output Solver (CLP based) Reliability constraints Scheduling constraints

  25. CLP-based Formulation • A schedule represents an assignment of final frames to slots • Scheduling constraints • All instances of a given frame have to accommodate k retransmissions before the deadline

  26. Heuristic Solution ECU1 ... ECUi ... ECUN • Initial:Each signal is a frame Reliability Analysis Compute the required number of retransmissions • Solve: • Relax the integrality constraint • Impose ∇F = 0 (first order optimality condition) • Obtain in general non-integer values of ki

  27. Heuristic Solution ECU1 ... ECUi ... ECUN • Initial:Each signal is a frame Reliability Analysis Compute the required number of retransmissions For each ECU Input:Set of frames • Goal: Findthe best pair of frames based on the packing metric • Output: A new set of frames

  28. Heuristic Solution • Step 2: Packing Metric • Input: F = {f1, f2, …, fL} – set of frames • Find: fu● fv, u ≠ v – the best pair of frames which minimize the bandwidth Tuv = min{Ti} Duv = min{Di – Tuv + gcd(Tuv, Ti)} Wuv = Wi+Wj Kuv≥ max{Ki, Kj} Try to fill the frames which have large periods Packing of signals into frame The required number of retransmissions Try to keep large deadlines while increasing the value of K by very little Approximate Kuv

  29. Heuristic Solution • Step 3: Build a fault tolerant static schedule • Called with the ceiling values of ki • Find an assignment of slots to the final frames • Step 4: Remove signals from frames to increase the deadlines • Detect the signal which provides two frames with the highest possible deadlines • Recall step 1 and step 3

  30. Experimental Results • Two set of experiments • Small test cases • Compare the heuristic with results provided by the optimal CLP implementation • Large test cases • Compare the heuristic against the traditional method when fault tolerant requirements are applied after packing the signal into frames

  31. Experimental Results • Small test cases Our heuristic was in average only 15 % far from the optimal solution

  32. Experimental Results • Large test cases • Our method vs. traditional method • First pack the signal into frames • Second apply fault-tolerance techniques • In average the improvement is around 30% in terms of bandwidth utilization

  33. Experimental Results

  34. Conclusions • A method for packing signals into frames with fault tolerance requirements was presented • The required number of retransmissions is computed • An fault tolerant schedule for the Static Segment is constructed Message: The fault tolerance requirments need to be considered while packing to achive good bandwidth utilization

  35. Thank you!

  36. Heuristic Solution ECU1 ... ECUi ... ECUN • Initial:Each signal is a frame Reliability Analysis 1 Compute the required number of retransmissions 2 Pack frames for ECUi Input:F = {f1, f2, …, fL} – set of frames • Find: fu● fv, u ≠ v – the best pair of frames based on packing metric Explore L x (L – 1) / 2 pairs • Output: F’ = F – {fu, fv} U {fuv} Evaluate the bandwidth consumption Go to Step 1 3 Build a fault tolerant schedule for the resulted frames Extract signals from frames to increase the deadlines Relax deadlines if needed 4

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