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Letting Down t he Nets. A Stewardship Initiative and Financial Development Plan approved by General Synod, 2004. Implementing the Framework. The new ministry initiatives will evolve over the period 2005-2008
Letting Downthe Nets A Stewardship Initiative and Financial Development Plan approved by General Synod, 2004 May, 2005 Financial Management and Development Committee
Implementing the Framework • The new ministry initiatives will evolve over the period 2005-2008 • By 2008 the funds required for implementation of the new ministry initiatives will be raised through Letting Down the Nets – a plan developed by the Financial Management and Development Committee and approved by General Synod Financial Management and Development Committee
Thestewardship initiative and planisLetting Down the Nets An initiative and plan to: • Enhance the mission and ministry of parishes, dioceses and General Synod. • Raise significant new funds and resources for mission and ministry for parishes, dioceses and General Synod. • An inclusive plan, NOT a campaign and NOT a new fix for the current budget. • A PLAN that will involve every diocese, parish and reach every church member in the pew. Financial Management and Development Committee
Some Key Factors led to the plan for Letting Down the Nets • Rapid and faithful diocesan response and leadership to honouring our Residential School Settlement Fund commitment. • $1.8 million in planned and major gifts channelled through National Office in 2004 alone for parishes, dioceses and General Synod. • $11.4 million raised in the past 10 years through annuity agreements alone. • Minimal yearly funding support (approx $300,000) provided by General Synod has produced amazing dividends through the work of a very small network of Anglican Planned Giving consultants. Financial Management and Development Committee
Major Focus ofLetting Down the Nets • All three levels of our church (parish, diocese and General Synod) are considered but major focus must be at the diocesan and parish levels. • Plan will only work where there is a compelling and vibrant Vision for our parishes, dioceses and General Synod. Financial Management and Development Committee
A stewardship initiative and plan that focuses onFour Major Areas Stewardship education and development Proportional Gifts to General Synod Annual Appeals Planned Giving and Major Gifts May, 2005 Financial Management and Development Committee
Stewardship Education and Development • Accept stewardship education as a transformational process. • Pilot a holistic stewardship initiative to increase giving by at least 10-15% annually, for several years. • Pilot projects to commence in 2005 in at least 4 dioceses covering a 3 year period. • Assistance required includes staff support, resources and funding for diocesan training and equipping events, workshop leaders. Financial Management and Development Committee
Stewardship Education and Development • The anticipated cost of each pilot is $125,000 over the three year period. • Several dioceses have now responded to the invitation to become “pilot projects”. • Criteria has been established for discerning dioceses and working model. • Dioceses will be visited to determine what model will work best for them. Financial Management and Development Committee
Proportional Gifts to General Synod • Since 2000, dioceses have been asked to give 26% of annual revenue to General Synod. • Some dioceses do and some give less in this partnership. • Full implementation of voluntary, annual Proportional Gifts from dioceses to General Synod would result in an additional $600,000+ per year for Framework ministry initiatives. • Most dioceses do not have a current plan for increasing their overall level of giving. Financial Management and Development Committee
Proportional Gifts to General Synod • ‘How can we help discussions’ have begun between diocesan leaders and General Synod Senior staff. • Proportional Gifts initiative will strengthen the potential for greater funding support with increased coordination and implementation of diocesan-based financial stewardship and fundraising essentials. Financial Management and Development Committee
Proportional Gifts to General Synod • Developing intentional partnerships with a minimum of 2 dioceses in 2005 and additional dioceses in 2006 at an anticipated cost of $15K per diocese. • Total anticipated cost of this initiative over 4 years is $355,000. Financial Management and Development Committee
Annual Appeals • A plan to research and coordinate future fundraising efforts at national and local levels to ensure that the trust and integrity of future fundraising initiatives are not seen to compete with parish, diocesan and national interests. • A Fundraising Audit and Study of Anglican Journal, The Anglican Foundation, PWRDF and Anglican Appeal is now taking place in order to develop a strategic fundraising plan to enhance the fund raising efforts of all four groups. • A full-time donor relations assistant will be appointed. • Total cost in 2005 is estimated at $110,000. • Total cost over 4 years will be approx $260,000. Financial Management and Development Committee
Planned Giving and Major Gifts • A plan to enlarge our capacity in seeking planned and major gifts in support of ministry and mission. • Gift planning vehicles make substantial gifts possible. • Partnership agreements between General Synod and some dioceses have funded planned giving consultants with outstanding results. • The plan is to raise at least $ 25 million this way over the next four years. Financial Management and Development Committee
Planned Giving and Major Gifts • Expand and increase our network of Planned Giving consultants over the next 4 years. • Provide training and support for planned giving consultants and key diocesan staff in the design and implementation of an intentional gathering of planned and major gifts. • This will cost a total of $1.8 million over four years. Financial Management and Development Committee
The Implementation Plan • Anticipated cost for implementing this plan over 4 years is $3.1 million from 2005to 2008. • Funding is coming from external sources (ie. Dioceses, foundations, endowments andindividual donors - not current General Synod budget.) • A variety of ways are being explored and special materials produced. • Approximately $500K has now been received/committed to Letting Down the Nets. • FMDC has asked the General Secretary to review potential staff resources to support the implementation plan which will be funded through Letting Down the Nets. Financial Management and Development Committee
Key Messages • Now is the time to initiate this plan • We need to invest in the present in order to provide for future mission and ministry • You are invited into this plan and process. • This process is about living the values of our partnerships and a shared Vision of our mission and ministry. • This plan is to enhance the mission and ministry of parishes, dioceses and General Synod. • We will consult with you on a regular basis. • Your passion for the Vision and support of the plan … is essential. Financial Management and Development Committee
Letting Downthe Nets A Stewardship Initiative and Financial Development Plan approved by General Synod, 2004 May, 2005 Financial Management and Development Committee