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  2. --Bornin December 1928 in Philadelphia. --Received his PhD in linguistics in 1955 from University of Pennsylvania.-- in 1961 was appointed full professor in the Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics.-- Professor Chomsky has received honorary degreesfrom University of London, University of Chicago, Loyola University of Chicago, Swarthmore College, Delhi University, Bard College, University of Massachusetts, University of Pennsylvania, Georgetown University, Amherst College, Cambridge University, University of Buenos Aires, McGill University, UniversitatRovira I Virgili, Tarragona, Columbia University, University of Connecticut, ScuolaNormaleSuperiore, Pisa, University of Western Ontario, University of Toronto, Harvard University, University of Calcutta, and Universidad Nacional De Colombia. -- Chomsky has written and lectured widely on linguistics, philosophy, intellectual history, contemporary issues, international affairs and U.S. foreign policy.-- Some of his notable ideas : Universal Grammar, Generative grammar, Transformational Grammar, government and binding, X-bar theory, Chomsky hierarchy, context-free grammar, Digital infinity, principles and parameters, Minimalist program, language acquisition device, poverty of the stimulus, Chomsky–Schützenberger theorem, Chomsky Normal Form, propaganda mode. BIOGRAPHY

  3. “ A linguistic theory that attempts to describe a native speaker's tacit grammatical knowledge by a system of rules. “

  4. Recursion • Deep and Surface Structure • Structural Ambiguity • Transformational Rules

  5. The capacity to be applied more than once in generating a sentence. • Examples : -- This is the dog that chased the cat that killed the rat … -- “ He can take a letter from you to her and then one from her to you and then one from you to her and then one from her to you and then one from you to her and then one . . . " (P.G. Wodehouse, Thank You, Jeeves, 1934)

  6. Consider two superficially distinct structures like Charlie broke the window and the window was broken by Charlie. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first is an active sentence and the second is passive. The distinction between them is a difference in their surface structure. It is tempting to regard deep structures as representing meanings and surface structuresas representing sentences that express those meanings. Deep structure is the abstract level of structural organization. Chomsky believed there are considerable similarities between languages’ deep structures, and that these structures reveal properties, common to all languages that surface structures conceal.

  7. 1. There were many more creatures on the farm now, though the increase was not so great as had been expected in earlier years. (Animal Farms, p.76) امیرشاهی (ص 100): هرچند جمعیت به آن میزانی که روزهای اولیه انتظارش میرفت افزایش نیافته بود ولی بر تعداد مخلوقات مزرعه اضافه شده بود. صالح حسینی (ص 128): حالا تعداد موجودات مزرعه خیلی زیاد بود هر چند که اوایل فکر میکردند تعدادشان خیلی بیشتر از این میشود. =============================================== در مثال 1 امیرشاهی جملات را مانند متن اصلی مجهول ترجمه کرده و Surface structure را در ترجمه به کار برده است. اما صالح حسینی جملات را معلوم ترجمه کرده و فقط Deep structure را حفظ کرده است.

  8. 2. It had been agreed that they should all meet in the big barn as soon as Mr. Jones was safely out of the way. (Animal Farm, p.1) امیرشاهی (ص 5): مقرر شده بود به محض اینکه خطر وجود آقای جونز درمیان نباشد همگی در انبار بزرگ تجمع کنند. صالح حسینی (ص 6): بنا را بر این گذاشتند که بمحض خلاص شدن از شر آقای جونز، همگی در طویله بزرگ جمع شوند. ====================================== در مثال 2 امیرشاهی مانند متن مبدا جمله اول را مجهول و Surface structure را رعایت کرده است.صالح حسینی آن جمله را به معلوم تبدیل کرده و فقط Deep structure را منتقل کرده است.

  9. Sometimes a sentence may have two different deep structures with one surface structure. This is called structural ambiguity. e.g. Old men and women. The underlying interpretation can be either “old men and old women” or “old men” plus women (no age specified).

  10. Transformational rules can change the structure of a sentence in three ways: • Movement • Deletion • Insertion

  11. This kind of transformational rule changes the surface structure of a sentence . e.g. I gave the book to Mary To I gave Mary the book.

  12. It occurs when an item is ‘deleted’ from the structure of a sentence.

  13. 1. Nevertheless, without openly admitting it, he was devoted to Boxer; … (Animal Farm, p. 2) امیرشاهی (ص 7): درعین حال بی آنکه نشان دهد، به باکسر ارادتی داشت. صالح حسینی (ص 7): ارادت خاصی به باکسر داشت ولی هیچوقت علنا چیزی ابراز نمیکرد. =========================================== در مثال 1 در ترجمه صالح حسینی Nevertheless حذف شده است. در ترجمه امیرشاهی عین عبارت ترجمه شده است.

  14. 2. There were only four dissentients, the three dogs and the cat, … (Animal Farm, p. 5) امیرشاهی (ص 11): فقط چهار رای مخالف بود، سه سگ و گربه ... صالح حسینی (ص 13): سه سگ و یک گربه رای مخالف داده بودند ... ============================================ در مثال 2 ترجمه صالح حسینی عدد چهار را حذف کرده است. ترجمه امیرشاهی همانگونه مطابق متن اصلی ترجمه شده است.

  15. It occurs when an item is added to the structure of a sentence.

  16. … except that “friend” was written “freind” and one of the S was the wrong way round … (Animal Farm, p. 15) امیرشاهی (ص 22):جز اینکه (دوست) را (دوصت) نوشته شده بود و یکی از (و)ها وارونه بود ... صالح حسینی (ص 28): جز اینکه (دوست) را به صورت (دوتس) و یکی از (سین)ها اشتباها (صاد) شده بود ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- در این مثال صالح حسینی کلمه صاد را اضافه کرده است. امیرشاهی به گونه ای دیگر مفهوم را منتقل کرده و بجای حرف S حرف و را جایگزین و وارونه قرار داده است. بنابراین امیرشاهی چیزی را به متن اضافه نکرده است.

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