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Chapter 16 Bulk Forming Processes (Part 2) Extrusion & Drawing EIN 3390 Manufacturing Processes Summer A, 2011. 16.6 Extrusion. Metal is compressed and forced to flow through a shaped die to form a product with a constant cross section
Chapter 16Bulk Forming Processes(Part 2) Extrusion & DrawingEIN 3390 Manufacturing ProcessesSummer A, 2011
16.6 Extrusion • Metal is compressed and forced to flow through a shaped die to form a product with a constant cross section • A ram advances from one end of the die and causes the metal to flow plastically through the die Pressing ram Figure 16-25 Direct extrusion schematic showing the various equipment components. (Courtesy of Danieli Wean United, Cranberry Township, PA.)
Definition: • Process of forcing a billet through a die above its elastic limit, taking shape of the opening. • Purpose: • To reduce its cross-section or to produce a solid or hollow cross section. • Analogy: “Like squeezing toothpaste out of a tube”. Extrusion
Extruded products always have a constant cross-section. • It can be a semi-continuous or a batch process. • Extrusions can be cut into lengths to become discrete parts like gears, brackets, etc. • A billet can also extruded individually in a chamber, and produces discrete parts. • Typical products: railings, tubing, structural shapes, etc. Extrusion
Figure 16-26 Typical shapes produced by extrusion. (Left) Aluminum products. (Courtesy of Aluminum Company of America, Pittsburgh, PA.) (Right) Steel products. (Courtesy of Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA.) Typical Extruded Products
Can be performed at elevated temperatures or room temperatures, depending on material ductility. • Commonly extruded materials include aluminum, magnesium (low yield strength materials), copper, and lead. • Steels and nickel based alloys are far more difficult to extrude (high yield strength materials). • Lubricants are essential to extrude high strength alloys to avoid tendency of material to weld to die walls. Extrusion
Many shapes can be produced that are not possible with rolling • No draft is required • Amount of reduction in a single step is only limited by the equipment, not the material or the design • Dies are relatively inexpensive • Small quantities of a desired shape can be produced economically Advantages of Extrusion
Methods of extrusion: • Hot extrusion is usually done by either the direct or indirect methods. • Direct extrusion • Solid ram drives the entire billet to and through a stationary die • Must provide additional power to overcome friction between billet surface and die walls Extrusion Methods
Extrusion Methods • Indirect extrusion • A hollow ram pushes the die back through a stationary, confined billet • No relative motion and no friction between billet and die walls. • Lower forces required, can extrude longer billets. • More complex process, more expensive equipment required.
Extrusion Methods Figure 16-27 Direct and indirect extrusion. In direct extrusion, the ram and billet both move and friction between the billet and the chamber opposes forward motion. For indirect extrusion, the billet is stationary. There is no billet-chamber friction, since there is no relative motion.
Die Angle • Extrusion Ratio R (A0 / Af): where A0 and Af are billet and extruded product areas. • Billet Temperature • Ram Velocity • Type of Lubricant used. Variables in Extrusion
Parameters defining the extruded shape: • CCD (Circumscribing Diameter): • Diameter of the smallest circle into which the extruded cross section can fit. • Shape Factor = Perimeter / Cross-Area: • the larger the shape factor, the more complex the part. Extrusion
Variables in Direct Extrusion Fig : Process variables in direct extrusion. The die angle, reduction in cross-section, extrusion speed, billet temperature, and lubrication all affect the extrusion pressure. Fig : Method of determining the circumscribing-circle diameter (CCD) of an extruded cross-section.
Parameters defining the extruded shape Example of Shape Factors between circle and square shapes: Shape factor of a circle = (p .D)/ (0.25p .D2) = 4/D, and shape factor of square = 4 a/a2 =4/a . If areas of the circle and the square are the same: Ac = As , then a2 = (p .D2)/4 , so a = 0.8862D, or D = 1.1284a shape factor of square = 4/a = 4/(0.8862D) = = 1.1884 of shape factor of circle Extrusion
Parameters defining the extruded shape: • Reduction Ratio R = Ab/Ap • Where, Ab – cross section area of starting billet stock Ap – across section area of extruded product For a cylinder-to-cylinder extrusion, the area of starting cylinder: Ab = (p .Db2)/4 , and the area of extruded cylinder: Ap = (p .Dp2)/4 . R = Ab/Ap = (0.25p .Db2)/ (0.25p .Dp2) = (Db/Dp)2 if (Db/Dp) = 4, then R = 16. Considering the volume of billet and the volume of extruted product is the same: Vb = Vp, we have AbLb = ApLp , and Lp/Lp= Ab/Ap = R Extrusion
Usually billets less than 25’ in length. • CCD ranges from ¼” to 40”. • Typical values for R range between 10 and 100. • Ram speeds up to 100 ft/min, with lower speeds for the most common extruded alloys. • Dimensional tolerances (+/- 0.01” to +/- 0.1”) increase with cross section. Extrusion Practices
Factors for determining extrusion force: billet strength, extrusion ratio, friction between billet and die surfaces, temperature, and extrusion speed. • Estimation of Force required: • F = A0 k ln (A0/Af) • k = extrusion constant • Ao, Af billet and extruded product cross section areas Extrusion Force
Extrusion Constant K: Fig : Extrusion constant k for various metals at different temperatures
Given: a 70-30 brass round billet is extruded at 1,250 deg. F. Billet diam. = 5”. Extrusion Diam. = 2”. • Find: Required force. • Assumptions: friction is negligible. • Solution: Find k from Fig. 15.6 for 70-30 brass : 30,000 psi at 1,250 deg. F. F = p (2.5) 2 (30,000) ln [(p (2.5) 2) / (p (1.0) 2)] = 1.08 x 106 lb = 490 tons. Example for calculation Extrusion Force
Forces in Extrusion • Lubrication is important to reduce friction and act as a heat barrier • Metal flow in extrusion • Flow can be complex • Surface cracks, interior cracks and flow-related cracks need to be monitored • Process control is important Figure 16-28 Diagram of the ram force versus ram position for both direct and indirect extrusion of the same product. The area under the curve corresponds to the amount of work (force x distance) performed. The difference between the two curves is attributed to billet-chamber friction.
An acceptable lubricant is expected to 1) reduce friction, and 2) act as a barrier to heat transfer at all stages of the process. Lubrication
Quite complex. • Impact quality and mechanical properties of product: must not overlook to prevent defects. • Extruded products have elongated grain structure. • Metal at center passes through die w/little distortion • Metal near surface undergoes considerable shearing. • Friction between moving billet and stationary chamber walls impedes surface flow. • Result is deformation pattern Metal Flow
Extrusion of Hollow Shapes • Mandrels may be used to produce hollow shapes or shapes with multiple longitudinal cavities Figure 16-30 Two methods of extruding hollow shapes using internal mandrels. In part (a) the mandrel and ram have independent motions; in part (b) they move as a single unit.
In Hydrostatic Extrusion: • The chamber, which is larger than the billet, is filled with a fluid. • The fluid is compressed with the ram and pushes the billet forward. • Benefit: no friction to overcome along sides of chamber. Extrusion Methods
Hydrostatic Extrusion • High-pressure fluid surrounds the workpiece and applies the force to execute extrusion • Billet-chamber friction is eliminated • High efficiency process • Temperatures are limited because the fluid acts as a heat sink • Seals must be designed to keep the fluid from leaking Figure 16-32 Comparison of conventional (left) and hydrostatic (right) extrusion. Note the addition of the pressurizing fluid and the O-ring and miter-ring seals on both the die and ram.
Hot Extrusion • Takes place at elevated temperatures. • Used in metals that have low ductility at room temperature. • Need to pre-heat dies to prolong die life and reduce billet cooling. • Hot working tends to develop an oxide film on the outside of the work unless done in an inert environment. • Solution: • place smaller-diameter dummy block ahead of ram before the billet. A layer of oxidized material is then left in the chamber, and is later removed and final part is free of oxides. Extrusion can be Hot or Cold
Cold Extrusion(also know as Impact Extrusion) • Designated as cold when combined with other forging operations. • Slugs having less than 1.5” diam. are sheared / ends ground; larger slugs are machined. • Punch descends on a blank, which is extruded backward. • Slug dimensions and material, as well as lubrication are key variables. • Diameters up to 6” and thin walls can be made. • Collapsible tubes can be made this way (toothpaste tubes). Extrusion can be Hot or Cold
Cold: • Better mechanical properties due to work-hardening. • Good dimensional tolerances & surface finish. • No need to heat billet. • Competitive production rates & costs. • Hot: • Larger variety of materials. • Less forces required. • Better material flow. Advantages Cold vs. Hot Extrusion
Avoid sharp corners • Have similarly sized voids if possible. • Have even thickness in walls if possible. • Have even flow. Guidelines for Die Design
Surface Cracking / Tearing • Occurs with high friction or speed. • Can also occur with sticking of billet material on die land. • Material sticks, pressure increases, product stops and starts to move again. • This produces circumferential cracks on surface, similar to a bamboo stem. Defects in Extrusions
Internal Cracking • Center of extrusion tends to develop cracks of various shapes. • Center, center-burst, and arrowhead • Center cracking: • Increases with increasing die angle. • Increases with impurities. • Decreases with increasing R and friction. Defects in Extrusions
Reduce the cross section of a material by pulling it through a die • Similar to extrusion, but the force is tensile 16.7 Wire, Rod, and Tube Drawing Figure 16-36 Cold-drawing smaller tubing from larger tubing. The die sets the outer dimension while the stationary mandrel sizes the inner diameter. Figure 16-34 Schematic drawing of the rod-or bar-drawing process.
Definition • Cross section of a round rod / wire is reduced by pulling it through a die. • Variables: • Die Angle, Extrusion Ratio R (A0 / Af) , Friction between die and workpiece, drawing speed. • “There is an optimum angle at which the drawing force is minimum” for a given diameter reduction and friction parameter. Drawing
Estimation of Drawing Force required: F = Yavg Af ln (A0/Af) • Yavg = average true stress of material in the die gap. • Assumptions: no friction. Drawing
Work has to be done to overcome friction. • Force increases with increasing friction. • Cannot increase force too much, or material will reach yield stress. • Maximum reduction in cross-sectional area per pass = 63%. In general, the reduction in area is between - 50%. • To produce a desired size or shape, multiple draws may be required through a series of progressively smaller dies. Intermediate annealing may also be required to restore ductility and enable further deformation. Drawing
Die angles range from 6 to 15 degrees. • Two angles are typically present in a die: • Entering angle • Approach angle • Bearing Surface (land): sets final diameter. • Back relief angle Drawing Die Design
Figure 16-39 Cross section through a typical carbide wire-drawing die showing the characteristic regions of the contour. Figure 16-40 Schematic of a multistation synchronized wire-drawing machine. To prevent accumulation or breakage, it is necessary to ensure that the same volume of material passes through each station in a given time. The loops around the sheaves between the stations use wire tensions and feedback electronics to provide the necessary speed control.
Figure 16-39 Cross section through a typical carbide wire-drawing die showing the characteristic regions of the contour. Figure 16-40 Schematic of a multistation synchronized wire-drawing machine. To prevent accumulation or breakage, it is necessary to ensure that the same volume of material passes through each station in a given time. The loops around the sheaves between the stations use wire tensions and feedback electronics to provide the necessary speed control.
Center cracking. • Seams (folds in the material) • Residual stresses in cold-drawn products. • If % reduction is small: • (Compressive at surface / Tensile at Center) • If % reduction is larger, opposite occurs: • (not desirable- can cause stress corrosion cracking.) Defects in Drawing
Tube and Wire Drawing • Tube sinking does not use a mandrel • Internal diameter precision is sacrificed for cost and a floating plug is used Figure 16-37 (Above) Tube drawing with a floating plug. Figure 16-38 Schematic of wire drawing with a rotating draw block. The rotating motor on the draw block provides a continuous pull on the incoming wire.
16.8 Cold Forming and Impact Extrusion • Slugs of material are squeezed into or extruded from shaped die cavities to produce finished parts of precise shape and size Figure 16-46 Cold-forming sequence involving cutoff, squaring, two extrusions, an upset, and a trimming operation. Also shown are the finished part and the trimmed scrap. (Courtesy of National Machinery Co., Tiffin, OH.)
16.8 Cold Forming and Impact Extrusion • Slugs of material are squeezed into or extruded from shaped die cavities to produce finished parts of precise shape and size Figure 16-46 Cold-forming sequence involving cutoff, squaring, two extrusions, an upset, and a trimming operation. Also shown are the finished part and the trimmed scrap. (Courtesy of National Machinery Co., Tiffin, OH.)
ImpactExtrusion • A metal slug is positioned in a die cavity where it is struck by a single blow • Metal may flow forward, backward or some combination • The punch controls the inside shape while the die controls the exterior shape Figure 16-43 Backward and forward extrusion with open and closed dies.
Figure 16-44 (a) Reverse (b) forward (c) combined forms of cold extrusion. (Courtesy the Aluminum Association, Arlington, VA.) Figure 16-45 (Right) Steps in the forming of a bolt by cold extrusion, cold heading, and thread rolling. (Courtesy of National Machinery Co. Tiffin, OH.) Cold Extrusion
There are a variety of bulk deformation processes • The main processes are rolling, forging, extrusion, and drawing • Each has limits and advantages as to its capabilities • The correct process depends on the desired shape, surface finish, quantity, etc. Summary
Review questions (page 418): 40, 42, 45, 51 Problems (page 418 – 419): 2: a, b, c, d HW (Not required to turn in)