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FY2014 Head Start Supplemental Renewal Grant (Fund Code 390) . Renewal Conference May 9, 2013 10:00-12:30 Worcester, MA. Today’s Agenda . Welcome Overview of the FY14 Head Start Supplemental Renewal Grant Questions and Answers Grant Posting/Grant Timeline/Submission Deadline
FY2014 Head Start Supplemental Renewal Grant(Fund Code 390) Renewal Conference May 9, 2013 10:00-12:30 Worcester, MA
Today’s Agenda • Welcome • Overview of the FY14 Head Start Supplemental Renewal Grant • Questions and Answers • Grant Posting/Grant Timeline/Submission Deadline • Grant Application Components • Purpose • Eligibility/Funding • Grant Priorities and Requirements • Nuts and Bolts of the Application Submission Process • Section A: Online Application • Section B : Application Forms and Documents • Budgetary Guidance & Allowable Use of Funds • Grant Specific Documents • Re-cap of Submission Process
Questions and Answers (FAQ) To ensure consistency in responses • At the end of the Renewal Conference presentation, an EEC staff member will record questions. • Those questions will be reviewed and answered in the FAQs. • All other questions must be emailed by May 10, 2013 by 4:00 PM to EECSubmission@massmail.state.ma.us • Subject line: FY14 HS – Code 390 • The FAQ document will be posted online on or around May 14,2013 • The FAQ document then becomes an official part of the RFR.
Posting of Grant Related Information • Grant Posting Available: • On Comm-PASS at www.comm-pass.com • On EEC’s website at http://www.mass.gov/eec under Funding Opportunities- -Open Competitive Grants • Grantees are responsible for checking EEC’s website and Comm-PASS for any updates to the Grant Application Information.
Grant Submission Deadlines The EEC Central Office must have by May 30, 2013 Mail submission: • One (1) original hard copy • Two (2) hard copies Electronic submission: • ALL grant application documents (except Administrative documents and Section A documents)
Grant Application: Follow the Checklist • Checklist for Grant Application • Signed cover page (authorized signatory) • Online Application • Program Contacts* • Communities served* • Languages spoken* • Budget Workbook
Grant Appendices (For reference only) • Appendix A: Budget Workbook Instructions • Appendix B: Online Application Instructions • Appendix C: Grant Payment Terms, Grant Expenditures, Termination, Recoupment of Funds and Relevant Law • Appendix D: Eligibility Amounts • Appendix E: Head Start State Funded Children • Appendix F: QRIS Standards and Core Competency Areas
FY2014 HS Supplemental Grant: Purpose • The Massachusetts Head Start State Supplemental Renewal Grant aims to support the development and creation of a system of early quality education and care. In this system, Head Start (HS) and Early Head Start (EHS) programs are key partners in supporting and enhancing the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) broader commitment to ensure that all children and families have access to the full array of Head Start services. Through this Request for Proposals, EEC aims to continue to support Head Start and Early Head Start in providing quality education and comprehensive services statewide.
Are YOU eligible to apply? • This is an application for renewal. Only agencies that received a Head Start Supplemental grant in FY2013 are eligible to apply. All current HS and EHS programs seeking to renew their grants for fiscal year 2014 must apply for funding using this application. All renewal funding awards will be based on the quality and completeness of the renewal application and will be reviewed in accordance with the required grant services. • The lead agency and any subcontracted providers must comply with all applicable statutes, regulations, policies, and procedures inclusive of any changes made to the HS and EHS Programs as a result of enacted legislation, duly promulgated regulations, or policies enacted by the federal and/or state government, EEC, and/or its Board.
Funding and Distribution of Grants • The Head Start Program is funded from a State appropriation account (3000-5000). The appropriation for this grant is $8 Million, which is the same as last year’s funding allocation. • Ultimately, FY2014 funding is subject to the FY2014 final state budget appropriation for Account 3000-5000. In the event that either a reduction or increase in funding occurs in this account, EEC reserves the right to reduce or increase grant awards and to require that grantees complete a new budget reflecting the altered amount. EEC reserves the right to modify required services or priorities associated with this grant. Funding is subject to State and Federal budget allotment and appropriation
Mandatory Requirements Through this renewal grant, EEC seeks to continue to: • Enhance program capacity to serve state-funded children and offer them Head Start services; • Increase the professional development opportunities available to staff; • Enhance program quality by continuing to require Head Start (HS) and Early Head Start (EHS) center-based and family child care programs to participate in QRIS; and • Provide non-federal matching funds for programs. Note: these are the only EEC funds which can be used for matching federal funds.
Priorities and Required Services Grantees must implement the Grant Renewal Priorities and continue to provide the following required services: • 1) Enhance program capacity to serve state-funded children Activities: • Continue to implement program practices that provide the full array of HS and EHS services to state-funded children by leveraging additional support and resources for children of working families and increase the number of children enrolled; • Continue to enroll the number of state-funded children in HS and EHS programs as identified in the Office of Head Start’s Grant Award, if applicable to your program; (See Appendix D); • Continue to ensure that quality services are provided on a full-time basis during the entire year for state-funded children and working families.
Priorities and Required Services 2) Provide professional development opportunities for staff Activities: • Provide staff with the ability to attend professional development opportunities by paying them competitive salaries, offering fringe benefits, stipends, and tuition reimbursement; • Maintain support for staff to move along the professional development continuum and increase competency in relationship to EEC’s 8 Core Competency Areas; • Support staff’s ability to earn credentials, certificates, and/or degrees in early education and care and related fields; • Provide professional development opportunities for staff that work with children and families that speak more than one language. (i.e., English Language Learners (ELL), Dual Language Learners, etc.); meet the needs and address the diversity of the early education and care and out of school time workforce
Priorities and Required Services Provide professional development opportunities for staff Activities: (continued) • Ensure that professional development meets (i.e., race, language, and hours of operation, learning styles, and age of the learner) across EEC’s mixed delivery system. • Support staff accessing on-line professional development opportunities (e.g. availability of equipment, space, internet connections, etc.); • Encourage programs to partner with local institutions of higher education to support staff to matriculate into credit bearing programs; • Provide staff with coaching and mentoring opportunities in the field of early education and care that meet the individual needs of staff; • Collaborate and partner with local agencies to enhance information on roles and resources with other providers regarding professional development opportunities.
Priorities and Required Services 3) Participation of HS and EHS programs in QRIS Activities: • Continue to support program quality by ensuring that all HS and EHS center-based and family child care programs participate in the Massachusetts Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) by the end of FY2014. Programs must achieve no less than 100% QRISparticipation of their total center-based and family child care sites in FY2014. • Continue to support program activities that promote and enhance upward mobility in the QRIS system.
Priorities and Required Services 4) Use of state funds to match federal funding requirements • Continue to use funds to supplement federal funding and support a program’s ability to meet the federal Head Start requirement of matching no less than 20% of the federal funds with non-federal funding. 5)Program Staff Required to Register in the Professional Qualifications Registry • All program staff, along with their respective titles, must be registered in EEC’s Professional Qualifications (PQ) Registry. Programs must ensure that no staff members are in an “expired” status. All staff must have “Active” Professional Qualification Registry (PQR) IDs.
FY2014 Reporting Requirements • All funded programs are required to complete and submit: BOTH a semi-annual and an annual progress report. • These reports will provide EEC with information regarding expenditures, as well as the successes and challenges in meeting grant priorities and required activities. (EEC may withhold funding, terminate, and/or reduce funding to any grantee, if required reports are not submitted on a timely basis. A template for future reporting information to EEC will be forthcoming. ) • All grantees are required to participate in the EEC data collection initiatives during the grant period, including program performance. • All grantees will be expected to report performance data in a format determined by the EEC • All grantees must complete the Head Start Projected Deliverables Form and Site Survey included in this application RFR pg. 20
Nuts & Bolts of Submission: Section A: • This is the ONLINE portion of the application. • To access and submit this portion: • Link: http://www.eec.state.ma.us/GrantHeadStart • After filling out all parts, print out this section for mail submission • Information to have ready to complete Section A: • Program Contacts • Communities Served • Languages Spoken • Section A information must be submitted in 2 ways: • 1. Online (through the link above) and • 2. Mail
Section A: Online Application: Please click the blue link to Complete Online Application.
Section A: Online Application: User Name and Password Set Up & Login • Create an agency username and password first, by clicking the link. “Please register by clicking here.” • Fill in your username and password and click the ‘submit’.
Section A: User Name and Password Set Up & Agency Information DO NOT FORGET your username and password • This is the first page of the Section A application. • Fill in ALL ‘Application Information’. • At the bottom of this page, click ‘Next Page’ when ready.
Section A: Languages Spoken: • You will be prompted to: ‘Select Languages Spoken’ • Click ‘Save and Go to Next Page’ when you have completed this section.
Section A: Select a Region • Click on the drop-down menu to select a region. • Click ‘Next Page’
Appendix D: Eligibility Amounts • Bidders should refer to Appendix C to determine the funding available for the region (s) they propose as their service delivery area(s). • Proposed funding requests must not exceed the combined total amount of the funds for each region as listed in Appendix D: Eligible Amounts
Section A: Online Application When you are finished, it is very important to ‘Print All Data’
Section A: Online Application • The first page of the Section A report should look like this when printing. • You will need to include this information in the Section B packet that you mail to the EEC to formally apply for this grant funding.
Section B: Application Forms and Documents Section B documents to submit by mail and email: • Checklist for Grant Application • Signed Cover Page • FY2014 Budget Workbook • FY14 Proposal Narrative Questions • Copy of Indirect Cost Approval Letter (if you are claiming Indirect Cost) • FY2014 Projected Deliverables Form and • Head Start Site Survey (includes Center Based, Family Child Care, and Home-Based Programs) • Access this survey, per lead agency: http://www.eec.state.ma.us/FY14HeadStartSiteSurvey.aspx • Please, make sure to review and update and save it on your computer
Section B: (continued) Commonwealth of Massachusetts Standard Administrative Forms: • A signed Commonwealth Terms & Conditions form • W-9 with DUNS # • Contractor Authorized Signatory Listing • Authorization for Electronic Funds Payment (EFT) Form • Supplier Diversity Program Plan Form (If the Grant is competitive and involves distributing more than $150,000 in funds.) • Federal Funding and Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) Reporting Requirements If not already on file with the EEC, you will need to fill out and mail to the EEC: You do not need to email these materials the Administrative Forms, please only sign and mail these in with your grant application.
Budget Workbook Components There are 12 tabs that make up the entire Budget Workbook • Instructions (read only)* • Fund Use Parameters (read only)* • #1 Budget Summary (read only)* • #2 Personnel • #3 Consultant • #4 Office and Programmatic Supplies • #5 Travel • #6 Equipment (n/a for HS) • #7 Other Costs • #8 Budget Narrative • #9 Subcontractors • #10 Subcontractor Narrative
Accessing the Budget Workbook: Step 2: You must click, on the Options box located to the right of the Security Warning. Step 1: OPENING THE FILE: Click on the link: FY2014_HeadStart_ Budget.xls.
Accessing the Budget Workbook Step 3: After clicking the ‘Options’ button, a Security Alert box will appear. In order to use the workbook; you must click: ‘Enable this content’ and click ‘OK’.
Saving the Budget Workbook • SAVING AND NAMING THE WORKBOOK FILE: • Once the file is open, select ‘File’ and then select ‘Save As’ (Indicate where you want to save the file). • The file is named: FY2014_HS_Budget_Agency_Name.xls. • Edit the current file name by replacing the words ‘Agency Name’with your Agency Name. • (Example): FY2014_HS_Budget_KLM_Partners.xls Be sure to keep the exact filename as designated by the Department of Early Education and Care.
Budget Instructions: For more detailed instructions, see Appendix A.
Fund Use Parameters: Allowable (Direct & Admin) and Unallowable
Using the Budget Workbook These are the different tabs for the grant application. Tabs #2-10 must be filled in by you. The first 4 tabs are for your reference only. Use these arrows to navigate and access all of the tabs.
Allowable Fund Use • Personnel & Fringe Benefits • Consultants • Office & Programmatic supplies • Travel expenses • Rental of space • Transportation of students • Other Costs • Advertising • Maintenance/Repairs • Membership/Subscriptions* • Printing/Reproduction • Training* • Subcontractors*
Allowable Fund Use Con’t Allowed Grants Administration costs are: • Salary of supervisor/director • Secretary/bookkeeper salary/wages • Stipends for secretary/bookkeeper • Fringe benefits for secretary/bookkeeper • Rental of space • Telephone/utilities • Equipment rental • Indirect costs ALL Administration costs for the lead agency and subcontractors (if applicable) CANNOT EXCEED 8% of the grant requested amount.
Additional Fund Use Guidelines: • Training Costs: for on-site training provided to programs and educators that deliver: • Specific areas related to the priority areas of grant services • Professional development sessions CANNOT be the only consultation services received • Other programs and providers can be included in training opportunities • Training costs must not exceed 5% of the total amount requested for the grant • Grantees MUST consider including other professionals (non-funded) for grant-funded training • Detailed description in budget narrative is necessary • EEC reserves the right to approve/deny any costs associated with training requests if justification is deemed insufficient or unacceptable • Memberships and Subscriptions: Costs of memberships in civic, business, technical, and professional organizations • Benefit from membership is related to the project • The expenditure is for agency, not individual membership • Cost of membership is reasonably related to services received • Subcontractors: All subcontractors and partners performing services on behalf of the applicant to meet required services of this grant proposal must be approved by EEC • If applicant proposes subcontracting some of its required services, the applicant must submit the proposed subcontracted services from each subcontractor and other partners as part of its grant applicant response.
Unallowable Fund Use • Out-of-State Travel • Purchase of Food • Lobbying expenses: Grant funds shall not be used to cover costs incurred by employees, lobbyists, or consultants, to influence any local, state, or federal legislation or policy in either the Legislative or Executive branch
TAB #2: Personnel Direct Cost vs. Administrative Cost? DIRECT Costs for Personnel ADMIN Costs for Personnel Other (Admin) Secretary/Bookkeeper Stipends (Admin) Supervisor/Director Fringe Costs are also ADMIN): • Academic Advisor • Career Advisor • Career Counselor • Coach/Mentor • College Faculty • Instructor • Other (Direct) • Project Coordinator • Stipends (Direct)
TAB #2: Personnel Continued… In this tab, fill in: • Number of Staff, • their job title, • the Full Time Equivalence (FTE), • the total annual salary • the percentage of fringe being paid. • Full Time Equivalence (FTE): Staff time must be reported in Full Time Equivalences (FTE) under this grant. Example • Total Annual Salaries: For the purposes of the budget the Total Annual Salary is defined as the entire salary that an employee will receive for one fiscal year. - note – whether funded by position or not
TAB #2: Fringe Benefits (Located on the Personnel Tab and the Subcontractor Tab) • The Fringe Contribution is calculated based on the FTE, the Total Annual Salary, and Fringe Percentage. • The Fringe Contribution amount is added to the Total Request amount. • Provide a breakdown and explanation in the Budget Narrative for Fringe. • If fringe exceeds 35%, provide a breakdown of categories and percentages. • If fringe is less or equal to 35%, provide breakdown of categories and percentages, if possible. • EEC will review the breakdown and contact you. • If the amount is coming from another source, please provide the name of the source(s) in Budget Narrative. • If you exceed the 35% allocation for Fringe, you will see an Alert on the Personnel Tab and you will need to provide a breakdown of fringe in the Budget Narrative. • Example of Alert: • FRINGE OVER 35% - PLEASE PROVIDE A ‘FRINGE BREAKDOWN’ IN THE BUDGET NARRATIVE FOR ALL PERSONNEL.
TAB #3: Consultant Narrative Questions: Please list which Narrative Question # from questions in the FY14 Narrative Questions document match the Consultant position that is being funded by this grant. Fill in Name of the consultant and choose the title from the list of choices in the drop-down menu. Fill in the # per Hours/Days/Weeks/Flat per year and Rate of Pay.
TAB #4: Office and Programmatic Supplies For each expense item listed, fill in the cost under Direct and/or Admin cost. Please list Expense Items *A grantee can charge Office and Programmatic Supplies to Admin if those supplies are related to the administrative function of the grant.
TAB #5: Travel List: Name and Position of staff who is traveling AND Estimated Miles per Month and the Number of months Fill in the ‘Mileage Rate*’ (*must be your agency’s reimbursement rate, if applicable). Write the Total Travel Cost in the Direct cost and/or Admin cost column.
TAB # 7: Other Costs Once the Expense item is selected, either the Direct or Admin column will appear in yellow according to which expenses are direct or admin costs. From a drop-down menu: select each Expense Item.
TAB # 7: Indirect Cost • Please enter in the Total Request for the Indirect Cost, if applicable. • Please enter your agency’s approved rate, if applicable and include an Indirect Cost Approval letter with your application. • The indirect cost rate allocation is part of the expenses allocated to administrative funds. You can use an indirect cost rate ONLY IF your agency submits documentation stating the approved rate. Under no circumstances can the use of the indirect cost rate exceed the amount of funds (8% of the total grant) allocated to administrative purposes.