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Self-Regenerative Systems PM Welcome Dec. 14, 2005

Self-Regenerative Systems PM Welcome Dec. 14, 2005. Lee Badger Information Processing Technology Office Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. SRS PI III - PM Welcome. Cigital (Jeff Payne): Uva, GITI, Telcordia, MIT (Williams/Robertson). Red Teams.

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Self-Regenerative Systems PM Welcome Dec. 14, 2005

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  1. Self-Regenerative SystemsPM Welcome Dec. 14, 2005 Lee Badger Information Processing Technology Office Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

  2. SRS PI III - PM Welcome Cigital (Jeff Payne): Uva, GITI, Telcordia, MIT (Williams/Robertson) Red Teams Raba (Michael Wertheimer): MIT (Riinard-Ernst), MIT (AWDRAT), JHU, Cornell) Sandia (John Clem): Honeywell, CMU, MIT (PMOP) White Team MITRE (Lora Voas): ALL Exercises Must be scheduled in Oct. or Nov. • SRS Workshop • B • b • Critical System List • S • Meeting Program Metrics • D • d • Adversarial Evaluation • x External architecture study: BBN (Partha Pal) External architecture study: Ga. Tech (Calton Pu) Internal architecture study: MIT (Bob Balzer) Status: ongoing • Progress against metrics (slide) • Barriers to leap-ahead progress • Demos • Video

  3. 18 Months - Activity Red Teams Biologically-Inspired Diversity Sandia RABA Cigital Granular, Scalable Redundancy Cognitive Immunity and Healing White Team Reasoning About Insider Threats 2004 2005 2006 MITRE July January July January MIT Cornell Honeywell MIT MIT MIT MIT Telcordia CMU JHU RABA Cigital GITI UVa 4 PI Meetings: August 2004 January 2005 July 2005 December 2005 11 Site Visits Sandia Program Start: July 2004 Program End: December 2005 Demonstrations Daikon Implementation (publicly available) 10 Experiments: 11 Red Team Engagements: 9 Publications: 36 (incomplete) Patents/Patent Applications: 2/1

  4. PM View of Meaningful Progress Cognitive Immunity and Regeneration identify 10% of root causes correct 5% of root causes Service Regeneration Reasoning About Insider Threats 10% attacks thwarted/delayed Pre-empt Insider Attack Detect System Overrun F F E E Biologically-Inspired Diversity generate 100 diverse versions, <= 33 having same vulnerability Genetically-Diverse Computing Fabric Metric literally achieved, but: F Thousands of diverse versions, < 2 having same vulnerability Some scope limits. E • Responses not always triggered • Responses not always accurate Progress Against Metric Metric Achieved! Granular, Scalable Redundancy 15-fold epidemic performance increase 3-fold Byzantine performance increase Massive Defense Reserve Metric literally achieved, but: >20-fold latency reduction (many groups) >>3-fold Byzantine increase (> 5 clients) F E • Generality of techniques in • question • False positives a problem Progress Against Metric Metric Achieved!

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