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Electronics for first beam tests of diamond sensors

Electronics for first beam tests of diamond sensors. Presented by: Igor Emeliantchik. Current Status of Diamond Sensors Research. Laboratory tests with 90 Sr: Charge collection efficiency of 20%. Next step: first prototype for beam tests. Beam tests planned: PITZ ate first, then

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Electronics for first beam tests of diamond sensors

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Electronics for first beam tests of diamond sensors Presented by: Igor Emeliantchik

  2. Current Status of Diamond Sensors Research Laboratory tests with 90Sr: Charge collection efficiency of 20% Next step: first prototype for beam tests Beam tests planned: PITZ ate first, then CERN, HERA, TTF2 Instrumentation of the Forward Region for a Linear Collider Detector Prague, April 15 - 17, 2004

  3. What should we expect at PITZ? 5MeV Typical spectrum of x-ray tube. Something similar can be expected at sensor location Instrumentation of the Forward Region for a Linear Collider Detector Prague, April 15 - 17, 2004

  4. Diamond Sensor and g-quanta Probability of photon interaction within 300 mm of diamond sensor Calculations are based on data compiled by W. H.McMaster et. al. Compilation of X-ray Cross-Sections, National Bureau of Standards, for calculation of x-ray cross sections, http://www.csrri.iit.edu/periodic-table.html Photons with energies of several keV are expected to give main contribution. 13 eV are needed for 1 e-hole production. Thus 1 photon will give about 100e. So, if PITZ halo contains a dozen or more photons with energy of several keV per bunch, we have a chance to register it with our diamond sensor Instrumentation of the Forward Region for a Linear Collider Detector Prague, April 15 - 17, 2004

  5. Time Structure of the Beam at PITZ So, we need fast electronics, able to operate at 100ns bunch rate with minimum noise Instrumentation of the Forward Region for a Linear Collider Detector Prague, April 15 - 17, 2004

  6. Metallized plastic box Rfb Cfb Diamond CSP “Tetrod” OpAmp AD829 Output Ccal 50 Test Readout Electronics for Beam Tests of Diamond Sensors Charge-sensitive preamplifier “Tetrod” is a low-noise one-channel monolythic IC, developed at NC PHEP (Minsk), and produced by microelectronics plant “Integral” (Minsk) Instrumentation of the Forward Region for a Linear Collider Detector Prague, April 15 - 17, 2004

  7. Two Types of “Tetrod” Preamplifier IC Tetrod-JFET preamplifier Tetrod-BJT preamplifier Tetrod preamplifiers were designed for calorimetric applications, so they have big dynamic range, at least 13 bits Instrumentation of the Forward Region for a Linear Collider Detector Prague, April 15 - 17, 2004

  8. Tetrod-BJT amplifier Instrumentation of the Forward Region for a Linear Collider Detector Prague, April 15 - 17, 2004

  9. Oscillograms of Tetrod-BJT Amplifier Preamp output 20ns/div Shaper output 20ns/div Instrumentation of the Forward Region for a Linear Collider Detector Prague, April 15 - 17, 2004

  10. Performance of Tetrod-BJT Amplifier Noise Linearity Instrumentation of the Forward Region for a Linear Collider Detector Prague, April 15 - 17, 2004

  11. Performance of Tetrod-jFET amplifier Noise Linearity Instrumentation of the Forward Region for a Linear Collider Detector Prague, April 15 - 17, 2004

  12. Conclusions Two amplifiers, Tetrod-BJT and Tetrod-jFET are designed, produced, and tested. Tetrod-jFET has slightly better noise performance. Tetrod-BJT is faster Both amplifiers seem to be suitable for beam tests Instrumentation of the Forward Region for a Linear Collider Detector Prague, April 15 - 17, 2004

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