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Only connect

Only connect. Nicholas Gruen. E ngruen@gmail.com T @nicholasgruen. Design.

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Only connect

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  1. Only connect Nicholas Gruen Engruen@gmail.comT@nicholasgruen

  2. Design

  3. It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities but of their advantages.

  4. Design matters when . . . • Products are complex • Product qualities are subtle • The interface matters • eg between buyer and seller • provider and client

  5. What is participation Sales? Attendance Consultation? Involvement?

  6. Design as a counter-narrative • A discipline of being cross-disciplinary • As if focusing on ‘the other’ is the hard part • Customers • Citizens • Clients • Patients • Rescuing the wisdom of the ‘life-world’ from its eclipse by systematic knowledge • Opening things up where other disciplines converge

  7. Car manufacturing

  8. Tanta

  9. Tanta Steve Randy Waldman

  10. Tanta Steve Randy Waldman

  11. Global Competitions Predicting HIV viral load US$500 Competition closes 77% 1½ weeks 70.8% State of the art 70% Accuracy of Prediction (1 – 100%)

  12. Engagement on web 2.0 • The goal is the three ‘Cs’ • Connections between people • Connections between ideas • Connections between possibilities • These connections are usually serendipitous

  13. Engagement on web 2.0 • The means include the three ‘Ps’ • Platforms (twitter, facebook, blogs, wikipedia) • People (or Gregariousness) – beyond being open – being outgoing and inviting others in • Play (or improvisation) – doing new things that make sense, like the twitter hashtag • And organisations are often bad at all these things

  14. Car manufacturing

  15. 21st October 1976 Dear Sir, I am returning, without comment or endorsement, the copy of selected pages from a confidential draft of a study entitled "The Australian Motor Industry in the Years to 1984" which the Chairman received this morning. Yours Faithfully, (A. E. S. Davey) Secretary

  16. Private Goods • Platform for recording data Sales of data Public Goods • PLM aggregates data and shares it back as public and private goods

  17. 21st October 1976 Dear Sir, I am returning, without comment or endorsement, the copy of selected pages from a confidential draft of a study entitled "The Australian Motor Industry in the Years to 1984" which the Chairman received this morning. Yours Faithfully, (A. E. S. Davey) Secretary

  18. Private Goods • Platform for recording data Sales of data Public Goods • PLM aggregates data and shares it back as public and private goods

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