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Capacity building workshop “Managing ESCs as a Driving Force of the National Dialogue on Economic and Social Policies”

Capacity building workshop “Managing ESCs as a Driving Force of the National Dialogue on Economic and Social Policies”. TOPIC: NESC Operations, Activities and Knowledge Management. Julius M. Muia, Secretary, National Economic and Social Council, Kenya. 1.

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Capacity building workshop “Managing ESCs as a Driving Force of the National Dialogue on Economic and Social Policies”

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  1. Capacity building workshop “Managing ESCs as a Driving Force of the National Dialogue on Economic and Social Policies” TOPIC: NESC Operations, Activities and Knowledge Management Julius M. Muia, Secretary,National Economic and Social Council, Kenya 1 7th March, 2011, Intercontinental Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya

  2. PART A : Background about NESC PART B: Role of NESC in facilitating dialogue between Public and Private sector PART C: Past Outputs of NESC. PART D: Overview of Knowledge Management PART E: Challenges faced by NESC PART F: Observations and Conclusions AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION Topic Timing: 20 Mins

  3. What is NESC ? • NESC is a high level advisory body to the Government of Kenya. • Coordinated advise to Government on strategic policies aimed at promoting economic growth, social equity and employment creation, thereby reducing poverty and inequality. • Has 49 members: serve for 3 years • Half are cabinet Ministers + others with diverse experiences, knowledge and skills from Govt, Industry, Academia and Civil Society • Chaired by H.E the President and alternate chairman is Rt. Hon Prime Minister • Semi autonomous, under Office of the President-(Location Authority) 3

  4. Evolution of NESC • Previous attempts were unsuccessful due to lack of political support. • Presidential Commission of 1996 and • Joint Industrial and Commercial Committee (JICC) • Formed by Kenya Gazette Notice in 2004; The 2nd Council was appointed November 2008. • Not Constitutional and not set up by act of parliament • Bill has been drafted to strengthen NESC, autonomy • ESC model is good for dialogue and policy formulation–UCESA, AICESIS, UNDESA, UNESCO. 4

  5. Stakeholders • Government: Ministries, Departments and • State corporations/agencies. • Development Partners. • Private Sector-Businesses, Associations. • The Media. • Research Institutions. • Academia • Professional Groups and Associations. • The General Public. 5

  6. Funding and Sponsoring Agencies • Government of Kenya - 80% • BSPS I (2006-2010): - 20% • DANIDA--------------------- 2/3 • UNDP------------------------ 1/3 • UNDP-managed: Business Sector Programme Support -3 Outputs Core funding of NESC: Human Resources Allowances for Council members; Offices; Vehicles; Research; Council meetings; 6

  7. BSPS I – Main Outputs • Output 1: Work plan implementation: • Benchmarking and study tours for best practice: - Malaysia and Denmark (NESC model and Vision 2030) -Israel Food Security and Water and other technology -Singapore-cooperation on Special Economic Zones, e-Government, Public housing, Integrated transport; -Paris; Ougadougou; Cairo-ESCs and Think tanks • Development of the Nairobi Metro 2030 plan and strategy. • Facilitation and sponsorship of dissemination of Vision 2030 stakeholder forums and specialized groups • Capacity building: Resource Center manager, Administrator, Research Fellows, interns, sponsorship in courses etc. 7

  8. BSPS I –Main outputs • OUTPUT 2: Support facilities for NESC strengthened: • The Resource Centre with Intranet • Capacity building of NESC senior staff. OUTPUT 3: A process of Interaction and Monitoring with the Public and Private Sector established. • Communication Policy and Strategy Framework developed • Monitoring and Evaluation Framework –on going • Public–Private forums with KAM, KEPSA, Media owners etc 8

  9. PART A : Background about NESC PART B: Role of NESC in facilitating dialogue between Public and Private sector PART C: Past Outputs of NESC. PART D: Overview of Knowledge Management PART E: Challenges faced by NESC PART F: Observations and Conclusions AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION Topic Timing: 20 Mins

  10. Main Functions of NESC • Creates forums for Government, Businesses, academia, labour unions to discuss policy issues • Gathers, analyze and compile information on key economic development trends and proposes policy alternatives. • Develop and recommend to the Cabinet strategic policy interventions to promote social equity, economic growth, create employment and reduce poverty and inequality. • Appraises Government policies for their effectiveness in achieving economic and social transformation. • Mobilizes knowledge and technical resources from relevant knowledge networks, including research and education institutions. 10

  11. Mode of Operation of NESC • The council meets 4 times/year: has met 23 times since 1stJanuary 2005. • Council is facilitated by a Secretariat based on 4th Floor, KICC building of • 18 staff, 4 Research Fellows and 4 Interns. • Secretariat originates Council agenda and follows up on issues • raised/recommendations made during Council meetings. • The policy assignments are usually in the form of: • -Research papers prepared either by Gov. ministries or Strategic Research Institutions such as KIPPRA or • Innovative ideas on economic and social issues from individual researchers or corporate institutions. • NESC facilitates these assignments through: • Sub-committees; • Taskforces; • Working groups; • Consultative forums; 11

  12. The 7 Committees of NESC:- - - • Social Issues Committee • Food Security and Water • Housing DEvelopment Economic Issues Committee: 1. Energy 2. Competitiveness 3. Leveraging on US-Kenya links 4. National Industrialization 5. Global Financial Crisis 12

  13. Strategic Thrusts for NESC Medium Term Strategy 2008-2012 Category 1: Deepening the Drivers identified in Vision 2030 • Integrated Infrastructure Development • Developing human capital and intellectual capacity for Science and Technology • Value Addition in industry • Urban Planning and Development Strateg • Financing of Affordable Health Care Category 2: Additional Drivers Not Identified in Vision 2030 1. National Values to Support Vision 2030 2. Dealing with the Challenges of Climate Change 3. Leveraging on ICT for Development. Category 3: Drivers that will influence national development beyond 2030 1. Knowledge Economy 2. Population and Resource Maximization Dynamics in Kenya 3. Mining and Mineral Deposits 13

  14. Monitoring and Evaluation of NESC Work What gets measured (internally and externally) gets done. • Evidence-based results as a measure of the effectiveness of policy implementation. • NESC score cards • Annual Progress Reports compiled by Monitoring and Evaluation Department of Ministry of Planning, National Development & Vision 2030 • NESC developing electronic M&E 2. M&E of Activities and Work Plans: Government Performance Contacting system and BSPS I process 14

  15. PART A : Background about NESC PART B: Role of NESC in facilitating dialogue between Public and Private sector PART C: Past Outputs of NESC. PART D: Overview of Knowledge Management PART E: Challenges faced by NESC PART F: Observations and Conclusions AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION Topic Timing: 20 Mins

  16. NESC Outputs: Summary • Policy Recommendations to government-letter and public press releases • Economic • Social • Political • Research and Studies-Published and disseminated Related to policy agenda of NESC. • Opinions- Mainly through policy briefs on ongoing agenda of NESC. • Initiate action on some policy agenda-Cluster strategy for productivity and competitiveness. • Influence implementation of policy as members of task forces etc. 16

  17. FROM DEC 2006-DEC 2007 NESC FACILITATED THE DEVELOPMENT OF A VISION 2030 FOR KENYA’S DEVELOPMENT Overarching vision A globally competitive and prosperous nation with a high quality of life by 2030 Vi-sion Social A just and cohesive society enjoying equitable social development in a clean and secure environment Political An issue-based, people-centered, result-oriented, and accountable democratic political system Economic To maintain a sustained economic growth of 10% p.a. over the next 25 years Strategy Plans and implementation Transversal Reforms and Foundations 17

  18. 20061215_Inception report_Vision 2030_13h00 NATIONAL ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL www.nesc.go.ke H. E. The President. Hon . Mwai Kibaki, Rt. Hon. Prime Minister, Hon Raila A. Ondinga, Vice President, Hon. Steepeen Kalonzo Musyoka and the Minister for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030, Hon Wicliffe Opraranya during the Launch of the Kenya Vision 2030 Ceremony at KICC, Nairobi on 10th June 2008. 18

  19. Past Policy Agenda of NESC- General • Vision 2030: Long term Development plan: • Infrastructure/foundations of the Vision, • Economic pillar, • Social pillar, • Political pillar • Renaming of a Ministry to Ministry of Planning, National Development & Vision 2030 • Building a positive image for Kenya, locally and internationally, • Making Nairobi a Regional Services-Hub that led to establishment of the Ministry of Nairobi Metropolitan Development in 2008. • Science, Technology and Innovation Policy that led to the re-establishment of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology in 2008. 19

  20. Past Policy Agenda of NESC –Economic • Monetary Policy Advisory Committee of Central Bank of Kenya. • Introduction of Infrastructure Bonds in Kenya as an alternative means to finance Infrastructure. • Value addition on tea, cotton and textiles, hides, skins & leather and leather products, nuts and edible oils. • Transformation of pension and retirement savings into long-term funds for financing investment. 20

  21. Past Policy Agenda of NESC-Economic cont.. • Harmonization and utilization of all devolved funds. • Comprehensive geological survey to determine the mineral potential in the country. • Strategies to transform Kenya into a 24 Hour Economy • Cluster Strategy for Productivity and Competitiveness in industry. • Advised on policy on Mining and Mineral deposits 21

  22. Past Policy Agenda of NESC-Political Social Policies • National Value policy for Kenya • Proposals for accessible and affordable health care financing strategy • Integrated Population Registration System (IPRS). • Initiation of Integrated Employment Creation led to Youth Ent Fund etc Political Policies • Government to embrace economic diplomacy in its foreign policy. • Leveraging on US-Kenya links 22

  23. Reports from Researches/Studies by NESC • Infrastructure Bond Report • Growth, Poverty and Inequality in Kenya: Suggested Policy Interventions • 24 Hour economy-next frontier in Kenya’s development • Lake Victoria Fish Value Chain Project.-Min of Fisheries • Unemployment in Kenya: A situational analysis. • Communication Policy and Strategy Framework for NESC • Guidelines for Publication & Dissemination of NESC Papers Economic Social Knowledge Management 23

  24. Ongoing Studies/Reports by NESC • Social Policy. • Integrating Vision 2030 into the curriculum of educational institutions • “Unemployment in Kenya: Proposed Policy Interventions” • National Values for Kenya: Policy and Publications • Economic Policy • Marketing Infrastructure • Enhancing Kenya’s Competitiveness in COMESA & East African Community • National Cluster Policy and National Cluster Programme 24

  25. PART A : Background about NESC PART B: Role of NESC in facilitating dialogue between Public and Private sector PART C: Past Outputs of NESC. PART D: Overview of Knowledge Management PART E: Challenges faced by NESC PART F: Observations and Conclusions AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION Topic Timing: 20 Mins

  26. Knowledge Management Macro Aspects • Ministry of Planning, National Development and Vision 2030 spear heading “Knowledge Management Africa Initiative” • Science, Technology and Innovations Bill: Govt Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology. • E-government as a department in Office of the President • Ministry of Information and Communication. • NESC policy agenda on Knowledge Economy. 26

  27. Knowledge Management Aspects Cont… • Creating Knowledge: • Council members are experts • Committees of NESC that co-opt experts • NESC secretariat has experts: Research fellows • Use of Resource Center-Internet/Library Resources etc • Commission research on policy agenda • Consultative meetings/Brainstorming • Workshops to seek consensus and disseminate • Receive comments andsuggestion from public and experts 27

  28. Knowledge Management Aspects Cont… • Improving Knowledge Assets: • Capacity building of NESC secretariat and Council members through training, courses, study tours, participation in workshops, conferences • Seeking best practices by membership to UCESA, AICESIS • Collaboration and support from Development partners-Danida and UNDP • Use of ICT –Every member of Staff has a computer • Resource center facility with many resources available. • Intranet facility for Resource Center to store documents/materials 28

  29. Knowledge Management Aspects Cont… • Enhancing Knowledge Environment: • NESC Communication Policy and Strategy • Publication Guidelines: Policy Briefs, Policy Recommendations, Press Releases, Research Papers etc • ICT infrastructure • Web-based communication • Links with knowledge institutions-Think tanks, Associations of ESCs etc • Dedicated Knowledge Management Resources • Focus on M&E 29

  30. PART A : Background about NESC PART B: Role of NESC in facilitating dialogue between Public and Private sector PART C: Past Outputs of NESC. PART D: Overview of Knowledge Management PART E: Challenges faced by NESC PART F: Observations and Conclusions AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION Topic Timing: 20 Mins

  31. Challenges • Too many requests and proposals from various stakeholders. • Interest of different groups for consideration as members of NESC e.g. disabled, MSMEs. • Achieving coordinating policy development (silos, empire building, information asymmetry). • Financial requirements to carry out tasks > budgetary allocations • Capacity constraints of resources: Time, Space; Human resources; Information (Data), research requirements etc. 31

  32. Challenges Cont … • Developing country: Too many urgent and diversionary problems • Ethics and Values of Kenyans that hinder policy formulation and implementation. • Slow implementation of policies-Challenge to coordinate and choose. • Effective Communication to both internal and external stakeholders. • Indiscipline in timely delivery of results • Interferences in policy formulation and implementation by international org with incongruent interests. 32

  33. PART A : Background about NESC PART B: Role of NESC in facilitating dialogue between Public and Private sector PART C: Past Outputs of NESC. PART D: Overview of Knowledge Management PART E: Challenges faced by NESC PART F: Observations and Conclusions AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION Topic Timing: 20 Mins

  34. Leverage position of NESC • NESC has established close relationships and interaction at all levels with: Government, Private sector, Academia, Development Partners etc • NESC has huge capacity to share knowledge and research on many areas by mounting inter-ministerial and cross-sectoral initiativies. • NESC has an established research network through experienced research fellows and is respected by stakeholders. • A lot of this initiatives by NESC are believable and are linked to the Kenya Vision 2030, which NESC closely monitors and evaluates. • Government ministries, other institutions and members of the public find NESC a viable vehicle to channel policy issues. • Location of NESC within Office of the President, enables it to reach out to many stake holders for wide consultations. • Recommendations of NESC are taken as official government polcy 34

  35. END THANK YOU 35

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